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STA 2 Expansion Project Conceptual Plan for Cell 4 STA 2 Expansion Project Conceptual Plan for Cell 4 Long-term Plan Communications Meeting November 18,

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Presentation on theme: "STA 2 Expansion Project Conceptual Plan for Cell 4 STA 2 Expansion Project Conceptual Plan for Cell 4 Long-term Plan Communications Meeting November 18,"— Presentation transcript:

1 STA 2 Expansion Project Conceptual Plan for Cell 4 STA 2 Expansion Project Conceptual Plan for Cell 4 Long-term Plan Communications Meeting November 18, 2004 South Florida Water Management District

2 Existing STA 2 and Compartment B

3 Proposed Cell 4 Configuration North Build-out South Build-out

4 Project Objectives for Cell 4 Design for maximum flexibility to accommodate build-out of Compartment B Operation by December 2006

5 Existing Conditions: North Edge of Cell 4

6 Existing Conditions: Carroll Property

7 Existing Conditions: NNRC

8 Existing Conditions: SSW view of Cell 4 from Cell 3

9 Initial Survey Cross Sections

10 Section A Elev. (ft – NAVD 1988)

11 Section B Elev. (ft – NAVD 1988)

12 Section C Elev. (ft – NAVD 1988)

13 Alternative 1: Cell 4

14 Alternative 1: Build-Out North Build-out South Build-out

15 Alternative 1: Summary Evaluation 1.Involves least amount of new infrastructure 2.Maximizes use of existing infrastructure 3.Probable least construction time and cost 4.Allows for earliest flooding to establish SAV 1.Reduced flexibility if future North Build-out and Cell 4 operate in series 2.Makes it difficult for future South Build-out to receive inflow from S-6 Basin Advantages Disadvantages

16 Alternative 2: Cell 4

17 Alternative 2: Build-Out Option A North Build-out South Build-out

18 Alternative 2: Build-Out Option B North Build-out South Build-out

19 Alternative 2: Summary Evaluation 1.Allows for independent operation of Cell 4, North Build-out and South Build-out 2.Allows for Cell 4, North Build-out, and South Build-out to be fed from both S-6 Basin and NNRC 1.Interior levees in Cell 4 increase construction schedule and cost 2.Extensive outflow works required for build-out scenarios Advantages Disadvantages

20 Alternative 3: Cell 4

21 Alternative 3: Build-Out South Build-out North Build-out

22 Alternative 3: Summary Evaluation 1.Allows for independent operation of Cell 4, North Build-out and South Build- out 2.Allows for Cell 4, North Build-out and South Build- out to be fed from both S-6 Basin and NNRC 3.Discharges toward center of treatment area improve build-out hydraulics 1.Longer lengths of interior levee and inflow/outflow canals increase construction schedule and cost 2.Flow path parallel to existing farm roads increases site grading work 3.Potential for short circuiting across the southern end of Cell 4 Advantages Disadvantages

23 Preferred Concept for Cell 4 Construction

24 Preferred Concept: Infrastructure Improvements Identified to date 1.Upgrade existing seepage canal along the NW section of Cell 3 2.Construct new inflow canal & structures, spreader canal, and seepage canal and associated levees along the north side of Cell 4 3.Construct an interior levee by enlarging the existing seepage canal on the west side of Cell 3 to reserve corridor for future use

25 Preferred Concept: Infrastructure Improvements Identified cont. 4.Adjust elevation of existing NNRC East Levee to meet Cell 4 design requirements and to provide a uniform grade 5.Construct a new collection canal, interior levee, discharge canal, and perimeter levee on the south side of Cell 4 6.Upgrade the existing seepage canal south of Cells 2 and 3 to serve as an extension of the Cell 4 discharge canal and connect to the existing STA 2 discharge canal

26 Conclusions Validates the SFWMD’s conceptual plan for Cell 4 Refinement of the Conceptual Plan: 1) Reserve the canal corridor on the east side of Cell 4 for build- out scenarios 2) Different outlet structure configuration to decrease construction time

27 Questions?

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