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Logistics Cluster Summary of Activities January 2010 – November 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Logistics Cluster Summary of Activities January 2010 – November 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Logistics Cluster Summary of Activities January 2010 – November 2010

2 Structure of the GLCSC in Rome

3 Key Areas of the 2010 Logistics Cluster Strategic Plan 1.Preparedness 2.Emergency Response 3.Information Management 4.Advocacy / Coordination 5.Tools and Standards

4 Preparedness Logistics Capacity Assessments (LCA) Completed, published, ongoing – total 21 LCAs. Logistics Response Training (LRT) Two LRTs were conducted of total eight since 2007. 39 logisticians of 18 agencies were trained. 156 logisticians from 29 agencies since 2007 Neuhausen Stand-by Partner Training was held in May 2010 in Neuhausen, Germany Pandemic Influenza GLCSC participated and actively contributed to the UN inter-agency Infectious Disease Outbreak planning workshop (by UNOCHA) for Yemen and Syrian government line ministries. 5 day Pandemic Planning Response simulation exercise is planned in Mombasa jointly by WFP and GLCSC for 5 countries in the Great Lakes region. Logistics Emergency Teams (LET) LET training in Miami was held. UNHRD With the establishment of a hub in Subang in Malaysia, UNHRD has completed setting up the global network: Brindisi, Panama, Dubai, Accra and Subang.

5 Emergency Response (Summary) LRTs were deployed in 6 countries: Haiti, Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, Benin, Niger, Myanmar. LET was activated and deployments used to support Logistics Cluster operations in Haiti and Pakistan. Currently there are 10 operational Logistics Clusters globally







12 Information Management & GIS The Logistics Cluster website is the primary archive and publication mechanism for all Logistics Cluster information products and Maps It is managed by the Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell Information Management pillar and has a number of key features.

13 Advocacy and Coordination Advocate and support mainstreaming of cluster approach within organisations Participated in number of bilateral and group meeting with the key actors e.g. donors, UN agencies, NGOs, and the Governments Enhance inter-cluster links and collaboration GLCSC has been actively engaged with the relevant actors on developing and reviewing guidelines and policies e.g. Logistics Operational Guide (LOG), Early Recovery, SPHERE handbook (Operational Guidance – Supply Chain), Needs Assessment Task Force (Operations Guidance - Logistics), etc.

14 Tools and Standards 1.Service Mindset Training (SMT): 31 organisations participating. 2.Logistics Operational Guide (LOG): developed and launched in 2010, through inter-agency consultations. 3.Digital – Logistics Capacity Assessment (D-LCA): LCAs will be converted in new electronic format beginning 2011 4.RITA: commodity tracking system piloted in Pakistan. 5.Green Logistics: concept and approach has been incorporated in the LOG. For further concrete actions GLCSC has consulted with UNEP, INSEAD and Logistics Cluster participating organisations. 6.Global Emergency Stockpile Mapping: project with UNOCHA The LOG The SMT Logistics Capacity Assessments (LCA) RITA

15 Information Management – Logistics Cluster Website The Logistics Cluster website is the primary archive and publication mechanism for all Logistics Cluster information products listed in this document as well as detailed information on logistics facilities and activities reported by Logistics Cluster staff in the field. It is managed by the Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell Information Management pillar and has a number of key features. WEBSTATS As of November 1, there were 94,187 unique visitors and 545,856 pages viewed

16 What is Next TimeTopicFacilitators Monday 8 th November 2010 09:00 – 09:15Welcome and Opening Remarks by Tommy Thompson and George Fenton Tommy Thompson (Global Logistics Cluster Coordinator) 09:15 – 10:00Welcome from World Vision International representative and overview of WVI Kenya areas of intervention /programmes in general and logistics in particular Philippe Guiton (WVI Humanitarian Emergency Affairs Director) 10:00 – 11:00Endorsement of minutes of last meeting Feedback on action points from the previous meeting Overview of Logistics Cluster 2010 activities Tommy Thompson (Global Logistics Cluster Coordinator) 11:00 – 12:00Presentation on Pakistan response and update on HaitiAndrew Stanhope (Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell) 12:00 – 12:45Lessons Learned – from the last three emergenciesAndrew Stanhope (Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell) 12:45 – 13:45 Lunch Break 13:45 – 15:30Diminishing humanitarian space - open sessionChristophe Hambye (International Committee of the Red Cross) 15:30 – 16:15Update from WFP Logistics Development Unit on Cluster projectsBernard Chomelier (WFP) 16:15 – 16:25 Coffee Break 16:25 – 17:00UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC)Pierre Gelas (OCHA) DAY 1

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