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A PMU Simulator for Power System Education Use NSF PEEC Workship July 19, 2014 Daniel Dotta Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina Joe Chow Rensselaer Polytechnic.

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Presentation on theme: "A PMU Simulator for Power System Education Use NSF PEEC Workship July 19, 2014 Daniel Dotta Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina Joe Chow Rensselaer Polytechnic."— Presentation transcript:

1 A PMU Simulator for Power System Education Use NSF PEEC Workship July 19, 2014 Daniel Dotta Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina Joe Chow Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

2 NSF PEEC Workshop July 2014 JHC 2 Phasor Processing for Uniform Sampling

3 NSF PEEC Workshop July 2014 JHC 3 Phasor Calculation – Off-nominal Frequency DFS of the fundamental 60 Hz component is exact when the nominal frequency is at 60 Hz: constant magnitude and phase increasing linearly with time At off-nominal frequency, the frequency perturbation results the phasor rotating on an ellipse. The magnitude will have a second harmonic (120 Hz) component super-imposed on a constant magnitude, and the phase will also has a second harmonic component on the linear phase component.

4 NSF PEEC Workshop July 2014 JHC 4 MATLAB PMU Simulator Main features: Non-recursive DFT Off-nominal frequency operation Unbalanced input signals Symmetrical component estimation and complex gain effects On-the-fly frequency changes

5 NSF PEEC Workshop July 2014 JHC 5 Simulation Results: Single-Phase Computation Positive 1 Hz frequency step at 2 seconds Single-phase performance after filtering

6 NSF PEEC Workshop July 2014 JHC 6 Real Measurement Results from Load Rejection Test Load rejection test during generator testing with breaker not opening properly – sampling at 2.88 kHz (48 points per cycle)

7 NSF PEEC Workshop July 2014 JHC 7 Classroom Adoption Courses on power system dynamics and measurements Frequency calculation Three-phase systems Symmetric components – positive, negative, and zero sequence computation Processing of real three-phase point-on-wave measurements

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