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Косвенная речь.  Say  Tell  Advise  Explain  promise.

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Presentation on theme: "Косвенная речь.  Say  Tell  Advise  Explain  promise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Косвенная речь

2  Say  Tell  Advise  Explain  promise

3  Say – не следует местоимение, существительное, обозначающее лицо, к кому обращена речь.  Tell - следует местоимение, сущ., обозначающее лицо, к кому обращена речь.  He said (that) he was going to Italy.  He told Brian (that) he was going to Italy.

4  Если глагол главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то времена глаголов в придаточном предложении также употребляются в прошедшем времени.  При переходе прямой речи в косвенную не изменяются глаголы: must, would, could, might, should, ought to. “He might visit us”, mum said. Mum said that he might visit us.

5  General questions: Molly asked, “Are you leaving at midnight?” Molly asked if I was leaving at midnight.  Special questions: John asked, “What did he tell you about his trip?” John asked what he had told me about his trip.

6  “Do you know where I’ve put my hat?” he said to her.  “Would you like me to drive you into town?” she asked me.  “Why did you say that to me?” she asked me.  “What have you bought me for Christmas?” the little boy said to his parents.

7  What’s your name?  Did you see the robbers?  What were they wearing?  How do you think they got in?  What did they take?  Has this ever happened before?

8  Reporting verbs: order, ask, advise, offer, warn, beg, suggest. ask + to-Infinitive ask + not to-Infinitive  Example: “Can you help me Tom?” Ann asked Tom to help her.

9  Miss Prim told her students not to talk when she’s talking. She told them to give their homework to her at the end of each lesson.  She asked them not to write on the desks. Then she told them to put their hands up if they had a question. She also asked them not to eat in the classroom.  She told them to write everything in pen and asked them to throw their rubbish into the wastepaper bin.  Finally she told them not to leave the classroom without permission.

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