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STRATEGIC PLAN October 8, 2012. OVERARCHING GOAL Increase Student Achievement.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIC PLAN October 8, 2012. OVERARCHING GOAL Increase Student Achievement."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATEGIC PLAN October 8, 2012

2 OVERARCHING GOAL Increase Student Achievement

3 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: Learning guides will be utilized in all grades in Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Math and Science and expanded into other content areas. Result: Learning will be vertically and horizontally aligned and be consistent with Nebraska and/or Federal Standards.


5 Action: Teachers will utilize effective classroom strategies with a focus on Student Engagement Literacy Development School-Family Connections Differentiated Instruction. Result: Quality teaching practices will support the increased achievement of all students including: High Achieving Learners Children w/ disabilities English Language Learners Students of poverty.

6 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: Advanced Placement (AP), vocational and dual credit opportunities will be increased. Result: More students will attain credit through AP and dual credit classes. Vocational program opportunities will be enhanced.

7 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: An alternative high school option and student support center will be planned and implemented (2013-14). Result: High school graduation rates and student success will increase.

8 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: Pending State direction, supervision and evaluation procedures and materials will be reviewed and upgraded for all employees. Result: SBPS staff will provide leadership at State level. The supervision and evaluation system will be more comprehensive, efficient and effective.

9 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: Effective academic interventions will be developed in all content areas. Result: More students will be successful at grade level content or higher.

10 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: SBPS will self-assess using the State’s AdvancED standards: 1) Purpose and Direction; 2) Governance and Leadership; 3) Teaching and Assessing for Learning; 4) Resources and Support Systems and 5) Using Results for Continuous Improvement. Result: Effective goal setting will enhance all schools and improve student achievement and the 2014 State AdvancED Review will be positive and productive.

11 QUALITY TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMMING Action: Common assessments will be developed and implemented in all core classes (Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts) in grades K-12. These assessments will be incorporated into the district learning guides. Result: A consistent assessment program providing data for professional collaboration will better inform instructional decisions resulting in an increased number of students who reach proficiency on state standards.


13 Action: Schools will effectively assume responsibility for budgeting (para hours, supplies/equipment and professional development) Result: Site-based decision making will be well informed and involve school communities in decision making with increased responsiveness to student needs.

14 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: Sound and strategic fiscal management will occur and be responsive to the trends and fluctuations of varied economic factors and depleting resources. The district will continue to utilize sound budgeting practices and operate in a fiscally responsible manner. Result: All budgeting will be accurate and clearly communicated reflecting student needs and district priorities. All accounts and expenditures will be at or below budgeted amounts.

15 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: Internal controls and will be reviewed and modified as needed along with increased process automation. Result: Policies, processes and procedures will be clearly understood and implemented with efficiency and consistency.

16 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: The “Standard Response Protocol” will be implemented in all sites including consistent threat assessment and response. Result: Comprehensive and effective emergency response, crisis management and threat assessment will occur throughout the District.

17 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: The State TEEOSA formula and other revenue sources will be closely monitored (and influenced when possible) to maximize District revenue. Result: Resources will be maximized through diligent monitoring and ongoing involvement in state and local decision-making.

18 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: A facility assessment will be conducted with a focus on the high school, athletic facilities and elementary playgrounds Result: The BoE will establish a well-informed and fiscally sound facility improvement plan.

19 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: New USDA regulations will be implemented by food service in all schools in a manner that is optimally received by students. Result: Student satisfaction with school lunches will increase and regulations followed.

20 SAFETY, EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Action: The district will assess student transportation (First Student) and the adequacy of the current vehicle fleet. Result: Student transportation will be of the highest quality and the district vehicle inventory will be upgraded as needed.


22 Action: All schools and the District will facilitate structures and processes to involve staff and parents in meaningful collaboration. Result: Meaningful and widespread community involvement will occur through identified structures at each school and the District level.

23 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: Parent, student and staff survey processes and data collection timelines and processes will continue. Result: The analysis of survey results will inform district decision- making.

24 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: The District website and other communication modalities will continue to be enhanced (in Spanish as needed). Result: Improved internal and external communications and information management will occur.

25 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: The recruitment and retention of quality minority candidates in teaching and administrative positions will be a strategic priority. Result: The demographics of instructional personnel will more closely align with student demographics.

26 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: Data will be examined to determine the equitability of student participation in academic and extra-curricular opportunities and academic achievement. Result: Ultimately, all students will participate and achieve at high levels without regard to socio-economic status, (dis)ability, race or gender.

27 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: A district elementary program (PAWS) will be successfully initiated at Lincoln Heights. Result: Improved programming will provide increased opportunities for students with emotional-behavioral disabilities.

28 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: Parent education through workshops and formalized training opportunities will be planned. Result: Parents will be better informed and empowered.

29 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: The Pre-School Program will be expanded to increase opportunities and program options within an improved facility. Result: More preschool students will be prepared for kindergarten success and help support kindergarten readiness for all children.

30 STRONG RELATIONSHIPS AND EQUITABLE SCHOOLS Action: The newly adopted bullying policy will be successfully implemented in schools Result: Bullying incidents will be reduced enabling all students to feel safe and be successful.


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