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A Set-Partitioning-Based Model and Solution Procedure for the SVRP Rosemary Berger, Jeff Linderoth, Clara Novoa and Bob Storer Department of Industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "A Set-Partitioning-Based Model and Solution Procedure for the SVRP Rosemary Berger, Jeff Linderoth, Clara Novoa and Bob Storer Department of Industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Set-Partitioning-Based Model and Solution Procedure for the SVRP Rosemary Berger, Jeff Linderoth, Clara Novoa and Bob Storer Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Lehigh University October 21, 2004

2 (Classical) Vehicle Routing Problem Depot distance, travel time or travel cost m identical vehicles

3 (Classical) Vehicle Routing Problem Depot Construct a set of vehicle routes of minimum total cost starting and ending at the depot visiting each customer exactly once satisfying any side constraints (capacity, duration, time windows)

4 Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem some elements are random  stochastic demands  stochastic travel times  stochastic customers demand revealed when vehicle arrives at customer planned vehicle route “fails” at a customer whenever demand exceeds current vehicle capacity recourse action must be taken at extra cost

5 Previous Work on SVRP Markov Decision Process with Approximate Dynamic Programming  “wait and see” Chance-Constrained Programming  first stage solution for which probability of failure is constrained to be below a certain threshold Stochastic Programming with Recourse  first stage solution that minimizes expected cost of second stage solution

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