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Thermodynamics and Information Alex Thompson Phys 495, UW, Autumn 2015.

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1 Thermodynamics and Information Alex Thompson Phys 495, UW, Autumn 2015

2 Overview -History (Maxwell, Szilard, Shannon, Landauer) -Theory ( built into the above ) Experimental tests – Information ratchets – Landauer’s principle Key sources: – Toyabe, et. al (2010) – Berut, et al. (2012)

3 Maxwell’s Demon Gedanken experiment: – Trapdoor between two sides of a partitioned box filled with a gas – Perfect knowledge of kinematics allows separation of fast from slow particles – Information drives system out of equilibrium – Temperature difference can drive a heat engine. Image:

4 Shannon Entropy Shannon’s information-theoretic entropy (1948): From thermodynamics (Gibbs Entropy): Thermodynamic and informational entropy…same form!

5 Szilard Engine 1929: – 1. Divide box’s volume – 2. Measure location of particle; hook up cable to particle’s side – 3. Allow isothermal expansion of single-particle gas – 4. W = kT ln(2) extracted from a single temperature reservoir! Is the second law broken??? Image:

6 Landauer’s Principle & Erasure 1961: Rolf Landauer: Information states map to physical states. Erasing a group of bits reduces number of logical, thus physical states. Decrease in memory microstates  entropy of memory decreases… Entropy of universe increases… heat must be generated! Minimum heat produced by erasing one bit of classical information: Image:

7 Landauer’s Principle & Erasure 1982, Charles Bennett: Full cycle of Szilard’s engine requires erasure. Erasure releases Q = kT ln(2), offsets info storage’s reduction in entropy Note: measurement is logically and thermodynamically reversible

8 Reformulation of the second law Sagawa and Ueda, 2008: Where I is the mutual information, between measured system feedback controller.

9 Information Engine Experiment of Toyabe,et al. 2010 – Colloidal particle in an optical trap – With CCD camera, observe fluctuations – When particle’s potential increases, change phase of E field = insert optical barrier – “Information Ratchet” – Derive useful work from feedback on constant temperature system! Image:

10 Information Engine a) Experimental setup b) trapping potential(s) c) feedback control Feedback: 1. Measure particle. 2. If near a peak in current potential, wait for seconds. 3. Rotate potential 180 degrees. If is short, particle’s potential increases

11 Testing Landauer’s Principle Bérut, et al. 2012: – Particle trapped in double well – Reduce potential barrier, raise same side each time – Deform potential back to original shape Particle ends in same well with probability near 1 In the limit of long erasure time, results converge toward, but do not drop below Landauer’s limit!

12 Extensions Landauer’s principle applies to any logically irreversible process – (Mapping multiple input states to a single output) – AND, OR, NAND, XOR, etc. – All of these processes are also thermodynamically irreversible! ?

13 Applications Many in biology/biophysics: – Computation of energy costs of computing intercellular chemical concentrations limited by energy consumption of cells – Cellular motors switch directions based on protein concentrations; switching statistics emerge from modeling informational-energetic cost of sensing and switching.

14 Additional Sources to explore: ** Physics Today “Information: From Maxwell’s demon to Landauer’s eraser ”, Sept. 2015 The Physics of Forgetting (2001 Contemporary Physics) Principle of Maximum Fischer Information from Hardy’s Axioms applied to statistical systems M. G. Raizen, Science 324, 1403 (2009) ** Toyabe, et. al (2010): ** Berut, et al. (2012): ** Sagawa and Ueda: Phys. Rev. Let. 104 090602 (2010): Jarzynski 2014 phys. Today article on Maxwell’s demon experiments content/uploads/2012/12/Lu_Mandal_Jarzynski_PhysToday_67_August_p60_2014.pdf content/uploads/2012/12/Lu_Mandal_Jarzynski_PhysToday_67_August_p60_2014.pdf Jarzynski (contains explanation of his work and other noneq. Dynamics content/uploads/2012/12/Jarzynski_AnnuRevCondMattPhys_2_329_20111.pdf content/uploads/2012/12/Jarzynski_AnnuRevCondMattPhys_2_329_20111.pdf Seifert 2014 Stochastic Thermodynamics, fluctuation theorems, and molecular machines …. s s ** Denotes source mentioned in talk

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