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Learning Goal 9.4 – 9.8.15  Students will understand that aerobic respiration requires oxygen and gives a large yield of ATP from glucose that is immediately.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Goal 9.4 – 9.8.15  Students will understand that aerobic respiration requires oxygen and gives a large yield of ATP from glucose that is immediately."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Goal 9.4 – 9.8.15  Students will understand that aerobic respiration requires oxygen and gives a large yield of ATP from glucose that is immediately available as a source of energy for the cell.

2 Topic 2.8 Respiration

3 What is Respiration?  Cellular respiration is the controlled release of energy from organic compounds to produce ATP. (Understanding 1)

4 What is Respiration?  ATP from cell respiration is immediately available as a source of energy in the cell. (Understanding 2)

5 Respiration  Respiration can occur in the presence or absence of oxygen.  Respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.

6 Respiration  The release of energy that is stored in the bonds between organic molecules.  The energy is then used for life processes.  ATP transfers the energy from the reactions where it is released to the reactions where it is used.

7 Energy Coupling

8 ATP Hydrolysis


10 Aerobic Respiration Overview A catabolic process – molecule is broken down, energy is released.

11 Glycolysis  Takes place in the cytosol  Requires an energy investment  Common to all life on Earth  Ancient process – virtually unchanged through life history  t/animations/content/cellularrespiration.h tml t/animations/content/cellularrespiration.h tml

12 Glycolysis

13 2 ATP molecules needed to start the process 4 ATP molecules are produced, but there were two to begin with, so the net gain is 2 ATP molecules. 6 carbons 3 carbons

14 Glycolysis InputOutput Glucose (1)Pyruvate (2) ATP (2) ADP (4); P i (4)ATP (4) Substrate – level phosphorylation ( net of 2 when you subtract the investment of 2) 2NAD + 2NADH

15 Substrate Level Phosphorylation

16 Linking Reaction


18 InputOutput Pyruvate (1)CO 2 NAD + NADH Co-enzyme AAcetyl Co-A

19 Linking Reaction Also known as the Kreb cycle. Occurs twice for each glucose molecule. 2 more ATP

20 Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

21 InputOutput Acetyl Co-ACoenzyme A; CO 2 (2) NAD (3)NADH (3) + H + (3) FADFADH 2 ADP + PiATP

22 32 – 34 ATP Oxygen is required!

23 Electron Transport Chain m/watch?v=KGjCm566- MY

24 Electron Transport Chain InputOutput NADHNAD FADH 2 FAD ½ O 2 H2OH2O


26 Chemiosmosis https://www.youtu 3y1dO4nNaKY

27 Chemisomosis InputOutput ADP; P i ATP H+

28 Learning Goal Assessment  Summarize the inputs and outputs of cellular respiration.

29 Works Cited  _7/26/6656/ _7/26/6656/  _7/26/6656/ _7/26/6656/  photos/awesome-athletes/#/ethiopian- runners-rtrvx0m_13891_600x450.jpg photos/awesome-athletes/#/ethiopian- runners-rtrvx0m_13891_600x450.jpg

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