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Althigh Altitude: alt (high) tude (state of) Altar: alt (high) ar (related to) Exalt: ex (out) alt (high)

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Presentation on theme: "Althigh Altitude: alt (high) tude (state of) Altar: alt (high) ar (related to) Exalt: ex (out) alt (high)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Althigh Altitude: alt (high) tude (state of) Altar: alt (high) ar (related to) Exalt: ex (out) alt (high)

2 Credbelieve, trust Incredible: in (not) cred (believe) ible (able) Incredulous: in (not) cred ( believe) ous (full of) Credulity: cred (believe) ity (state of) Discredit: dis (away) cred (believe) it (pertaining to)

3 Cumulheap, pile Accumulate: ac (to) cumul (pile) ate (make, cause) Cumulative: cumul (pile) tive (pertaining to) Cumulus: cumulus (pile, heap)

4 Dactylfinger, toe, digit Pterodactyl: pter (wing) dactyl (finger) Dactylography: dactyl (finger) graphy (write) Pentadactyl: penta (five) dactyl (finger, toe)

5 Dyn (dynam)force, power, strength Dynamic: dynam (force) ic (related to) Aerodynamics: aero (air) dynam (force) ics (science of) Dynameter: dyn (power) meter (measures)

6 Enterintestine Enteric: enter (intestine)ic (related to)

7 -Et (-ette)small, diminutive Floret: flor (flower) et (small) Statuette: stat (stand) ette (small) Lunette: lun (moon) ette (small)

8 Fa (fab)speak, say tell Infant: in (not) fa (speak) ant (one who) Fable: fable (told) - a told story Affable: af (to) fab (talk) able (able)

9 Florflower Floral: flor (flower) al (related to) Floriferous: flori (flower) fer (bear, produce) ous (full of) Florida: flor (flower) - Spanish for “land of Flowers”

10 Her (hes)stick Adhesive: ad (to) hes (stick) ive (pertainng to) Inhrent: in (in,into) her (stick) ent (that which) Incoherent: in (not) co (together,with) her (stick) ent (that which)

11 Ichthyfish Ichthyology: ichthy (fish) logy (study of) Ichthyophagous: ichthy (fish) phag (eat) ous (full of) Ichthosis: ichthy (fish) osis (disease, abnormal, condition)

12 Lingutongue, language Lingo: ling (language) Bilingual: bi (two) lingu (language) al (related to) Linguistics: lingu (language) ics (science of)

13 Merg (mers)dip, plunge Submerge: sub (under) merg (dip) Immersion: im (in, into) mers (dip, plunge) ion (act of) Emerge: e (out) merg (plunge)

14 Mon (monit)warn Monitor: monit (warn) or (one who) Monitory: monit (warn) ory (pertaining to) Premonition: pre (before) monit (warn) tion (act of)

15 Or (orat)mouth, speak, pray Oral: or (mouth) al (pertaining to) Oracle: ora (pray) - ancient divinity, infallible authority Inexorable: in (not) ex (out) or (pray) able (able) - unmoved by prayer, unyielding

16 Phytoplant Phytogeography: phyto (plant) geo (earth) graphy (writing, record) Phytopathogen: phyto (plant) path (disease) gen (origin) Phytophagous: phyto (plant) phag (eat) ous (full of)

17 Prehend (prehens) seize, grasp Prehensile: prehens (grasp) ile (like) Comprehend: com (together) prehend (grasp) Reprehensible: re (back) prehens (seize) ible (able)

18 Rhizoroot Rhizoid: rhiz (root) oid (resembling) Rhizophagous: rhizo (root) phag (eat) ous (full of) Rhizomorphous: rhizo (root) morph (shape) ous (full of)

19 Sanguiblood Consanguinity: con (together, with) sangui (blood) ity (state of) Sangfroid: sang (blood) frod (cold) Exsanguinate: ex (out) sangui (blood) ate (cause)

20 Saurlizard Dinosaur: deinos (terrible) saur (lizard) Pterosaur: pter (wing) saur (lizard) Tyrannosaurus rex: turannos (tyrant) saur (lizard) rex (lung)

21 Topoplace Topical: top (place) al (related to) Topography: topo (place) graphy (write) Ectopic: ec (out) top (place) ic (related to)

22 Trud (trus)thrust Intruder: in (in, into) trud (thrust) er (one who) Abstruse: ab (away) trus (thrust) - difficult to understand Protrusion: pro (forth) trus (thrust) ion (act of)

23 Vac (vacu)empty Vacant: vac (empty) ant (that which) Vacuity: vacu (empty) ity (state, condition) Evacuate: e (out) vacu (empty) ate (make)

24 - Wardin the direction of Backward: back (back) ward (in the direction of) Toward: to (to) ward (in the direstion of) Homeward: home (home) ward (in the direction of)

25 Xerodry Xeroderma: xero (dry) derm (skin) Xerophilous: xero (dry) phil (love, fondess) ous (full of) Xerophyte: xero (dry) phyt (plant)

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