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District Profile Coastal district comprising three blocks Varied topography ranging from coastal, plain and hilly regions Educational hub Economic activities.

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2 District Profile Coastal district comprising three blocks Varied topography ranging from coastal, plain and hilly regions Educational hub Economic activities : - Agriculture, Small scale industries, fisheries, tourism

3 General Information Total no. of Taluks: 3 Total no. of Gram Panchayaths: 158 Total no. of villages: 248 Total length of coastal belt: 98 kms. Total no. of households: 253078 Percentage of Dist. Population to State Population: 1.93 Literacy Rate of the District : 86.24 Literacy Rate of SCs: 78.56 Literacy Rate of STs: 78.09 Percentage of SC population: 6.41 Percentage of ST Population: 4.49

4 Demography

5 SC/ST Population (2011 census) UdupiKundapurKarkalTotal Urban SC154491621236319433 ST1017745467011301 Total256262075303330734 Rural SC17394211381746455996 ST15910142651142141596 Total33304354032888597592 District Total589303747831918128326 SC %age5.845.719.186.41 ST %age4.643.695.604.49

6 Construction of House Hold Toilets Sl. No. TalukNo. of Toilets constructed in 1 st Phase Target as per base line survey in 2 nd Phase Achieveme nt in 2 nd phase 1Udupi266517409 2Kundapur3615815995 3Karkala153674494 Total7817627898

7 Issues in implementation



10 Scaling the achievement  60 to 70% progress with minimum effort.  High literacy rate facilitated target achievement  Identification of toiletless houses via school students and teachers.  Trimester target fixed for each GP  ASHA workers, ANMs, BNVs and other volunteers and motivators were provided with the target to motivate the beneficiaries in construction of toilet.

11 Sustainability Involved the beneficiary himself to construct the toilet Separate bye-law called Swachatha Neethi has been adopted in village panchayaths. During issue of license and door number to new houses, provision of toilet is made compulsory. Frequent IEC activities like awareness programmes, handbills distribution, door to door visit etc to sustain the sanitation status. Community toilets constructed to sustain the sanitation status. Solid and Liquid Waste management is being implemented at village level with the co-operation of local people, business organisations, school teachers etc. Individual hygiene and sanitation is made part of curriculum for the higher primary school students.

12 Institutional set up Gram panchayath is the implementing agency. Village Water & Sanitation Committee monitors the progress at village level. Taluk level committee headed by Executive Officer of Taluk Panchayath monitors the progress at Block level. District Water & Sanitation Committee headed by the Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Panchayath monitors the progress at district level. Swachh Bharath Cell at district level supports the implementation Partnership with UNICEF for special intervention in difficult areas Coordination with NGOs like SKDRDP, Namma Bhoomi, Samagra Gramina Ashram

13 Community involvement Frequent visit to Village Panchayaths and households without toilets by Chief Executive Officer/NBA Nodal officer/NBA Dist Consultants/District level/block level officers identified from other dept as nodal officers for Village panchayaths. Conducted awareness camps/meetings/sanitation week/swachatha masacharane targeting toilet less beneficiaries. Distribution of handbills/conducting street plays Workshops for public representatives Exhibition of toilet models Conducted Job Card Mela to construct toilets in convergence with MGNREGA Involved NSS students in construction and IEC activities. Rotary club donated basins, Youth clubs and NSS units involved in shramadan for toilet construction, CSR funds from Cos like Navayug construction ltd.

14 Local policy interventions Section 12 of Karnataka Panchayat Raj act disqualifies a GP member if he/she doesn’t possess toilet. Section 58 of Karnataka Panchayat Raj act stipulates GP to provide toilet to the households Convergence with MGNREGA Pooling of SC/ST funds available with GP for additional financial assistance Panchatantra software by Govt. of Karnataka enabled monitoring of targets

15 Innovations in implementation Technology innovation in coastal areas Ecosan toilets in association with UNICEF Three pit construction under CSR funds Financial assistance from banks with GP guarantee Internal lending by SHGs for the needy Involvement of religious heads in overcoming superstitions. Involvement of students in identification and motivation of beneficiaries

16 Systems improvement in monitoring and evaluation Identification of beneficiaries in Grama sabha RTGS payment to beneficiaries In one block incentives paid through eFMS method Beneficiary details available in Panchatantra software & work order to be issued through Panchatantra GPS photo upload in ministry of drinking water & sanitation website. Jamabandhi (Social Audit) of the scheme is conducted every year District/block level officials and GP nodal officers visit to G.Ps. Name of the beneficiaries are painted on the wall of GPs

17 Evaluation Declaration of ODF in Gram sabha Self evaluation by Gram panchayath Evaluation by team of district officers Inter taluk evaluation Evaluation by State level team to declare ODF

18 Three significant ideas that helped the district achieve outcomes Distribution of targets to ASHA workers, Anganwadi workers, ANMs and GP staff Involvement of school students in identification of beneficiaries Involvement of PRI members, SHGs and NGOs in scaling up the achievement

19 Suggestions Cost effective technologies to construct toilets in the coastal belt District specific incentives based on cost of construction


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