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Status of Sirene Maarten de Jong. What?  Sirene is a program that simulates the detector response to muons and showers  It is based on the formalism.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of Sirene Maarten de Jong. What?  Sirene is a program that simulates the detector response to muons and showers  It is based on the formalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of Sirene Maarten de Jong

2 What?  Sirene is a program that simulates the detector response to muons and showers  It is based on the formalism of the probability density function (PDF) of the arrival time of light (ANTARES-SOFT-2010-002)  It uses the muon energy loss cross sections by P. Kooijman

3 Why?  Sirene makes it possible to quantify the effects of various approximations, limitations, etc. – compare input to input before running Monte Carlo pre-study of water properties, PMT characteristics, etc. – compare input to output e.g. pseudo experiments – compare output to output test of various codes (km3, HOURS, clsim,...)  Implements flexibility by design – it uses the collections framework that is part of the Jpp/JTools package (see ANTARES-SOFT-2011-003) any number of bins and dimensions (limited only by RAM) different interpolation methods (spline, polynome,...)

4 Status Formalism for light production, propagation and detection ‒PDFs based on single scattering approximation from Jpp/JPhysics package (see ANTARES-SOFT-2011-004) Muon propagation – Bremmstrahlung(threshold 10 MeV) – pair production(threshold100 MeV) – photo-nuclear interactions missing ( ~ 20% effect) – [multiple] scattering of muon missing One particle approximation for all other particles from primary vertex ‒simulation of direct and scattered light

5 Procedure 1.Make PDF tables≤2.5hours – accuracy determined by number of points, not by statistics – verification of interpolated arrival times (point/point) 2.Convert PDFs to CDFs<1min. ‒verification of generated arrival times (distributions) 3.Run event processor – detector geometry from.det file – setup radiation tables (to speed up determination of cross section and shower energy for pair production) – I/O ROOT formatted.evt file

6 Pseudo experiments ‒ ANTARES-SOFT-2011-005 ‒ KM3NeT internal note

7 R [m]E m [TeV]PMT A1A1 250.1East A2A2 250.1West A3A3 500.1East A4A4 500.1West B1B1 251East B2B2 251West B3B3 501East B4B4 501West C1C1 2510East C2C2 2510West C3C3 5010East C4C4 5010West muon R West East photon z = -100 m “Experimental setups”

8 E  = 0.1 TeV  t [ns] R = 50 m WestEast R = 25 m A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 A4A4 PDF Sirene

9 E  = 1 TeV WestEast R = 50 m R = 25 m  t [ns] B1B1 B3B3 B2B2 B4B4 PDF Sirene

10 E  = 10 TeV  t [ns] R = 50 m R = 25 m WestEast C1C1 C3C3 C2C2 C4C4 PDF Sirene

11 Standard Monte Carlo production “km3 + geasim”

12 Processing steps ¶ 1.Read Event from MonteCarloEventWriter output file 2.Remove existing hits 3.Propagate muon(s) ‒simulate energy loss and EM-showers ‒generate hits (direct and single scattered light) 4.Process shower particles from primary vertex ‒generate hits (direct and single scattered light) 5.Merge hits (to speed-up TriggerEfficiency) ‒  T max typically 15 ps 6.Write Event to MonteCarloEventWriter compatible output file ¶ Elapsed time steps 1 ‒ 6 ≤ 15 min. per file with about 36,000 events

13 E [GeV] Antares trigger effective volume Volume [m 3 ] km3 Sirene ± 20% Ratio

14 Muon light yield  t [ns] number of events [a.u] direct scattered km3 Sirene

15 EM-shower light yield  t [ns] direct scattered number of events [a.u] km3 Sirene

16 Performance E [GeV] time [ms] ¶ Events with ≥ 1 hits Average time per event ¶

17 Summary & Outlook  Sirene is a program that simulates detector response to muons and showers ‒it is ready for use by Antares ‒for use in KM3NeT needs some additional work  PDFs are reproduced reasonably well in pseudo experiments ‒missing photo-nuclear cross section could explain (small) differences  Functionality is equivalent to “km3 + geasim” ‒trigger effective volume is similar ‒distributions of arrival times are different

18 Summary & Outlook (II)  Possible improvements – include photo-nuclear cross sections – include [multiple] scattering of muon – customize for multi-PMT optical module – interface with existing Sirene software

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