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How to be Social simple steps to grow your business using social media.

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Presentation on theme: "How to be Social simple steps to grow your business using social media."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be Social simple steps to grow your business using social media

2 WHY?

3 15-06-02‹#› 3

4 Who is your Client?

5 Baby Boomer ages 51 - 70 1946 - 1965 9,564210

6 Generation X 1966 - 1971 ages 45 - 50 2,823840 managers, professionals & Sales people

7 Gen Y aka Millennials 1972 - 1992 ages 24 - 44 9,142,005 the biggest generation in the Canadian workforce 1

8 1993 - 2011 23 year less Generation Z

9 Client Segment in Review

10 Who Are The Online Interactors? highest percentage of managers, professionals and sales people often purchase new technology as soon as it is available highest ownership of mobile devices want to use technology (chat, video, virtual meetings, social media) to educate and communicate conduct their finances, including banking, online

11 How do they Research and Buy? they consider products by people they know use a variety of online tools incl. chat, videos and agent locators most likely to use both online sources and financial professionals for information

12 How can You Reach them? online interactions are young and upwardly mobile online resources are essential and they expect company websites to offer tools to educate them make it easy for them to find all they need online offer mobile access and ensure that your site is accessible and user friendly from a smartphone they connect with personal sources for info, including parents. Ensure that you offer reviews and information for their adult children want to talk with someone before buying

13 What is your Client Segment?

14 Get SOCIAL “The biggest change in todays businesses and their use of social media is that a brand is now a collaboration. The dialogue, the two way street, the multi dimensional that social has brought to business has totally changed the way business need to operate in order to be successful" Richard Margetic,Director of Global Business Intuit

15 How to Get Started?


17 “If we can’t find the background or identity about the person who’s talking, it has no impact” Richard Margetic Founder of 4C Social, former Director, Global Social Media Dell

18 Get a professional picture Craft a engaging Headline – with KEYWORDS! Have a 2 paragraph Summary written – with KEYWORDS! Tell you story – with KEYWORDS Give (and then get) recommendations Your Online Business Card

19 picture of good profile

20 Like Page vs Facebook Page Short teasers or videos (no more than a 1 min) LiveChat and FaceTime!!! Third Party Content Let people know what your involved in

21 Mobile Responsive Clean “About You” - Your Story How you make a difference (Stories) Product Care & Client Service (interactive, chat, email, quick access to resources) Client Feedback 88% of people trust online consumer recommendations; improve your conversion rate from prospect to client giving your clients a voice (good and bad!) Opt-In page Third Party Content links to your social media for more transparency and identity Website

22 Your Brand… aka your perception to the people you are trying to connect with Step 1 - taking personal inventory what do I want to be known for? what is it that I want people to associate me with what is unique or special that I want people to know me for? how do I want to serve people (when people think of me and they describe me)

23 Your Brand… aka your perception to the people you are trying to connect with Step 2 - What Stands Out? what makes you authentic? example of a person who you resonate with you’re reminding people how it is they can really relate to you

24 Your Brand… aka your perception to the people you are trying to connect with Step 3 - Identify personal brands you relate to write down names of personal brands that you like what they stand for, love what they have done what does your image say about your brand?

25 Create Content transcribe tweet snip bits edit to 1 min post teaser

26 Client Relationship Management build community with freemium/lead magnets Opt-In Page must be transferrable analytics The challenge with great content is: who will see it? You have to create a community for the content to get involved in

27 OutSource LinkedIn Kijiji or other local paper what is your time worth? there is someone who can do it faster, better and for less

28 Wake Up Call “Today consumers, who research their life insurance purchase online, are younger, wealthier, and better educated than those who research their purchases offline” 40% of life insurance shoppers do not have any face to face contact with an advisor Web to Agent Web to Phone

29 for 1 on 1, customized recommendations schedule a meeting

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