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Delivering Service Transformation ”Simplifying Customer Journeys” Tim Rainey Assistant Chief Executive, Tameside MBC.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Service Transformation ”Simplifying Customer Journeys” Tim Rainey Assistant Chief Executive, Tameside MBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Service Transformation ”Simplifying Customer Journeys” Tim Rainey Assistant Chief Executive, Tameside MBC

2 Is customer journey mapping the Answer? If its not the answer on its own, is it part of it? Do we think that we already provide services that make sense to our customers and are convenient for them? Do we all believe we have the monopoly of wisdom and can’t learn from each other, and the private sector (including their mistakes)? Is mapping, measuring, comparing and learning from best practice so bad? If it’s not why don’t we do it very well? Are we all different & unique and so we can never compare ourselves?

3 Not the answer on it’s own but it is part of an answer; People - improving outcomes & services Process – Mapping, measurement & standards Technology – Appropriate, reliable & secure Evidence would suggest not. Lets stop worrying about whether we’re measuring apples and pears, and agree to measure fruit. How many of us already consistently record this kind of information, and use it to compare, benchmark & improve? And some answers?

4  Unnecessary bureaucracy,  Measuring the wrong things,  In the wrong way,  Going to be used by Central government to name and shame  And as a result many organisations will fiddle figures,  Missing the point, our organisations are too complicated and varied to measure consistently in this kind of way. Mapping & Measuring – Are they?

5  Improvement tools  Opportunities to improve services to citizens  A way of delivering efficiencies  A way to improve front line staff satisfaction  Helping to add more value to customer contacts  Helping to reduce failure  Supporting performance benchmarking  Helping us to learn from best practice Mapping & Measuring – Or are they?

6  Identified all customer contact touch points  Agreed approach using common systems  Face to face, phone and letters  Collect once use many e.g. equalities  Builds a customer contact history  Transformation Team  NI14 System phased roll out during April  Initial data collection & Piloting of NI14 complete Mapping & Measuring – Our approach

7 Back OfficeCustomer Services Sub Totals Telephone431,000272,143703,143 Face to Face9,35083,46392,813 Email149,708 Post/Letter144,664 Totals734,722355,6061,090,328 Does not include self service contacts = 1,984,500 Avoidable Contact – Our approach

8 Avoidable Contact – Our approach Contacts by Channel

9 Avoidable Contact – Our approach Cost per channel

10  Pilot of NI14 in customer services showed;  10% of face to face contacts avoidable  50% of Contact Centre calls avoidable  Overall 25% of all contacts avoidable  F-2-F (£9:07) x 9281 (10% of visits) = £84,178  Tel (£1.28) x 351571 (50% of calls) = £450,011 Total £534,189  Opportunity cost saving, not necessarily cashable Avoidable Contact – Our approach

11 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals 1.1m free school meals every day (5500 in Tameside) Paper process took between 4-6 contacts to complete Same number for other similar grants/benefits Process took 10 days & costs £19 per application

12 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals – Emotional Journey

13 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals On-line system;  98% instant decisions – FSM same day  Cost per application 6p  Contacts reduced from 12-18 to 1-2  Journey improved (physical & emotional)

14 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals – Emotional Journey

15 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals On-line system;  98% instant decisions – FSM same day  Cost per application 6p  Contacts reduced from 12-18 to 1-2  Journey improved (physical & emotional)  High Levels of Customer Satisfaction  30% increase in take-up of related benefits  Sophisticated Insight work – Customer Profiling

16 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals - Profiling

17 Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 1 Free School Meals On-line system;  98% instant decisions – FSM same day  Cost per application 6p  Contacts reduced from 12-18 to 1-2  Journey improved (physical & emotional)  High Levels of Customer Satisfaction  30% increase in take-up of related benefits  Sophisticated Insight work – Customer Profiling  Better for applicant, back office savings, appropriate use of technology

18  High profile national project  Catalyst for Transformation (80 contacts to report a bereavement)  Live in Tameside (19 th March)  Works with Pensions Call Centre and GC Secure email.  First 6 days 51 deaths reported & 21 TUO requests  Improved customer journey, fewer contacts, reduced cost, appropriate use of technology Mapping & Measuring: Case Study 2 Tell Us Once

19 Tim Rainey Assistant Chief Executive, Tameside MBC Plan the journey with the customers destination in mind not just your stop on the way

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