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BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint AND Intermediate CIT Course TCOLE Course # 3841 Texas Commission On Law Enforcement PARTICIPANT HANDOUT UNIT FIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint AND Intermediate CIT Course TCOLE Course # 3841 Texas Commission On Law Enforcement PARTICIPANT HANDOUT UNIT FIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCCO PCT #4 PowerPoint AND Intermediate CIT Course TCOLE Course # 3841 Texas Commission On Law Enforcement PARTICIPANT HANDOUT UNIT FIVE

2 2 Unit Goal: 5.0 advanced modes of communication To orient participants to a variety of advanced modes of communication.

3 3 5.1 First Three Minute Assessment: Four Components 1. 1. Elements of ______________ 2. 2. Intellectual ______________ 3. 3. ______________ Reactions 4. 4. ______________ Reactions

4 5.1 Elements of Evaluation behavior Appearance and behavior A. A. __________, B. ___________ B. ___________, C. ___________ C. ___________, D. ___________ D. ___________, E. _________________ E. _________________ toward officer, nervous mannerisms)

5 F. __________ F. __________ of talk G. G. ___________, H. ________ H. ________ /__________, I. ______________ I. _____ - _________ conversation, 5.1 Elements of Evaluation behaviorContinued Appearance and behavior Continued

6 J. __________ J. __________, K. ____________ K. ____________, L. inappropriate_______________ L. inappropriate _______________ 5.1 Elements of Evaluation behaviorContinued Appearance and behavior Continued

7 Thought content A. ______________ A. preoccupations or ______________, B. _______________ B. _______________, C. _______________ C. _______________, D. _______________ D. _______________, 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Continued

8 E. ____________ E. ____________ ideations, F. _____________ F. rational vs. _____________ thought 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Thought content Continued

9 Perceptual abnormalities A. ______________ A. ______________, B. ______________ B. ______________, C. ______________ C. ______________, D. ______________ D. ______________, 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Continued

10 E. olfactory E. olfactory -________________, F. ________________ perceptual unrealities 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Perceptual abnormalities Continued

11 Affect-prevailing emotional tone A. ___________ A. ___________, B. ___________ B. ___________, C. ___________ C. ___________, D. ___________ D. ___________, 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Continued

12 E. ____________ F. ____________ F. ____________, G. ___________ G. ___________, H. ___________ H. ___________, 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Affect-prevailing emotional tone Cont’d

13 I. __________ I. __________, J. __________ J. __________, K. ______________ K. lack of ______________, L. ________________ ___________ L. inappropriate ________________ or ___________ 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Affect-prevailing emotional tone Cont’d

14 Concentration A. ____________ A. ability to ____________ either 1.) ____________ 1.) the ____________ of the year or 2.) _________ 2.) the days of the week in _________ ; 3.) _____________ 3.) ability to _____________ 7s serially 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Continued

15 Cognitive-intellectual functions A. ____________ A. ____________, B. ____________ B. ____________, C. ____________ C. ____________, D. ______________ 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Continued

16 E. U.S. E. ability to name U.S. ___________, F. ________ F. ability to ________ _____________, G. ____________ G. ____________ of events 5.1 Elements of Evaluation Cognitive-intellectual functions Cont’d

17 5.1 Intellectual Functioning: A. _____ A. _____ /_______ vs. foggy/confused B. ______________ B. Understands ______________ or C. ______________ C. difficulty in ______________ (is it due to low IQ or language difficulty?) D. ____________ D. Stream of mental activity is ____________ (talks in jingles,repetitive)

18 E. ___________ E. Over- ___________ F. __________ F. __________ /________________ 5.1 Intellectual Functioning -Cont’d (runs on and on, rambles)

19 5.1 Behavioral Reactions: Attitude A. _______________ A. _______________, B. _______________ B. _______________, C. _______________ C. _______________, D. ______________________ D. ______________________,

20 E. _______________ E. _______________, F. _______________ 5.1 Behavioral Reactions Attitude – Cont’d:

21 A. _______________ and gait B. __________________________ B. ___________ or _______________ C. _______________ 5.1 Behavioral Reactions Controlled behavior

22 D. _______________ 1.) _______________self 1.) _______________ self 2.) _____ / meek 3.) _______________ 5.1 Behavioral Reactions Controlled behavior Continued:

23 5.1 Emotional Reactions A. _______________ 1.) _______________ 2.) ________ B. _______________ 1.) quickly springs from one emotion to another

24 C. _______________ 1.) _______________ 2.) _______________ D. _______________ 5.1 Emotional Reactions Continued

25 E. ____________ 1.) ___________ 2.) ___________ F. ___________ G. ___________ 5.1 Emotional Reactions Continued

26 26 5.2. L.E.A.P.S. concept of interaction. L___________ L ___________ E___________ E ___________ A___________ A ___________ P_________________ P _________________ S ____________________

27 27 5.3. The Process of Modeling observation Learning through observation Characteristics contributeinterfere Characteristics that contribute to or interfere with communication: A.______ A. ______, B. _________ B. _________,

28 C. ___________ D.___________ D. ___________, E.___________ E. ___________ and F.______________ F. ______________ 5.3. The Process of Modeling - Characteristics that contribute to or interfere with communication Continued 5.3. The Process of Modeling - Characteristics that contribute to or interfere with communication - Continued

29 InterventionCommunication strategies Intervention / Communication strategies : A. establish ________________ A. establish ________________, B. _____________________ B. _____________________ and C. _______________ techniques 5.3. The Process of Modeling - Continued

30 5.4 Characteristics that contribute to a positive communication experience 5.4 Characteristics that contribute to a positive communication experience. Introduction of officer to subject/suspect : 1. ______________. 1. Identify yourself as a ________ ______________.

31 2. Use identifying statements 2. Use identifying statements. a. Deputy ConstableBexar County Constable’s Office PC help a. “I am (name), I am a Deputy Constable with the Bexar County Constable’s Office PCT#4, and I want to help ______.” 5.3. Introduction of officer to subject/suspect

32 b. Bexar County Constable’s Office PCT#4 b. “This is (name) with the Bexar County Constable’s Office PCT#4. I would like to talk to you about what happened today 1.) I would like to talk to you about what happened today. 2.) I understand that there is a problem, and I would like to help you.” 5.3. Introduction of officer to subject/suspect identifying statements

33 5.4 Opening Statements Initial Contact 1.___________ 1. Establishes a ___________ role in the conversation 2. goal-to resolve the situation ___________ ______ to any person 2. Identifies the ultimate goal-to resolve the situation with ___________ ______ to any person

34 3. immediate thoughts________ 3. Allows the subject/suspect to respond with his immediate thoughts structuring a ________ a. “I want to _______ you resolve whatever concerns you have, and I want to understand what you need.” 5.4 Opening Statements Initial Contact

35 3. 3. Allows the subject/suspect to respond with his immediate thoughts structuring a dialogue b. I ______________ what has been done I want to help you in minimizing your consequences b. “I ______________ what has been done and I want to help you in minimizing your consequences 5.4 Opening Statements Initial Contact

36 3. 3. Allows the subject/suspect to respond with his immediate thoughts structuring a dialogue c. ___________, we should be able to find some alternatives to your problem.” for criminals caught in the act c. ___________, we should be able to find some alternatives to your problem.” ( for criminals caught in the act ) 5.4 Opening Statements Initial Contact

37 37 5.4. Reflecting Statements 1._____________ communication 1. _____________ communication 2.________________ responses to statements made by the subject/suspect to encourage him to continue talking 2. ________________ responses to statements made by the subject/suspect to encourage him to continue talking

38 3. 3. Examples: a. “ I see… ” __________ b. “Tell me __________ it…” c. c. “That would be one option…” d.____________ d. “What other ____________ do you have?” 5.4. Reflecting Statements Continued

39 1._______________________ essential for maintaining trust 1. _________ and ______________ are essential for maintaining trust, for current and future consumer/officer contact 2. _________ honesty 2. Very simple _________ assigned to yourself on which you can follow through immediately reflect honesty 5.4. Methods of Gaining Trust

40 3. __________ positive things subject suspect 3. Make sure that you __________ the positive things that the subject - suspect has done 5.4. Methods of Gaining Trust – Continued

41 4. confidence___________ 4. Gain confidence by ___________ that certain things may take place a. I’m not going to lie to you ____________going to jail a. “ I’m not going to lie to you. You will ____________ be going to jail.” 5.4. Methods of Gaining Trust – Continued

42 4. Gain confidence by forewarning that certain things may take place b. You are going to have to be ___________________ when you ride in the car b. “You have been very straightforward with me and I am going to be straightforward with you. You are going to have to be ___________________ when you ride in the car.” 5.4. Methods of Gaining Trust – Continued

43 5.4 Communication to defuse - calming techniques 1. _______________ attempt to calm 1. Show _______________ - empathy - attempt to calm an agitated subject/suspect by showing an understanding of his feelings 2. ___________ displaying your own calmness 2. Use ___________ - attempt to calm by displaying your own calmness, and speak slowly and evenly

44 3. _________calm the agitated 3. _________ - calm the agitated subject/suspect by easing his fears; assure subject/suspect of safety 5.4 Communication to defuse - calming techniques Continued

45 4. _______________ that you forget to be solution-oriented 4. Allow _______________ - attempt to calm an agitated subject/suspect by encouraging communications, and allow a person to unload (but don’t get so caught up that you forget to be solution-oriented ) 5.4 Communication to defuse - calming techniques Continued

46 5.4 Level of Communication 1. ________________ 1. ________________ on a level that is easy for the subject/suspect to understand and respond 2. ____________ 2. Use ____________ words

47 3. __________over the subject’s/suspect’s headkeep it simple 3. __________ talk over the subject’s/suspect’s head, keep it simple 4. At this time, you are required to exit the vehicle____I need for you to step out of the car 4. Example : Rather than saying “ At this time, you are required to exit the vehicle ” ____ “ I need for you to step out of the car.” 5.4 Level of Communication Continued

48 5.5 Barriers to Active Communication Lack of Active Listening Lack of Active Listening: 1. Arguing ________________ 1. Arguing - avoid creating a ________________ 2. Criticizing __________ 2. Criticizing - avoid making the person feel __________

49 5.5 Lack of Active Listening – Cont’d 3. Jumping to conclusions _______ 3. Jumping to conclusions - don’t tell the person what you _______ the problem is 4. Pacifying___________ 4. Pacifying - don’t ___________ the situation 5. Derailing _________ 5. Derailing - don’t change the subject too _________ unless there’s a need to distract

50 5.5 Lack of Active Listening – Cont’d 6. Moralizing_______ 6. Moralizing - avoid using _______ obligations to manipulate the situation 8. Name-calling _______ 8. Name-calling - putting the person _______ will make the matters worse 9. Ordering_________________ resistance 9. Ordering - an _________________ approach may create resistance

51 5.6 Three Levels of Active Listening 1.____________words 1. ____________ to words 2. ____________whole message 2. ____________ to whole message ____________ a. ____________, ____________ b. ____________, ____________ c. ____________

52 3. Reflecting 3. Reflecting the whole message a. feeling happening a. “You seem to be feeling ____ when ____ is happening because ____.” b. frustrated medications b. “You seem to be feeling frustrated when you hear these voices because the medications don’t seem to be helping you.” 5.6 Three Levels of Active Listening – Cont’d

53 5.7 Active Listening Techniques 1. ______________ _________________what the subject/suspect has said in his words 1. ______________ - Simply _________________what the subject/suspect has said in his words. a. helps _________what you believe you heard a. This helps ensure that you _________ what you believe you heard.

54 1. ______________: 1. ______________:. b. use less ______________ b. If possible, use less ______________ language to minimize the danger. c. _____________ Harming somebody c. Such as, “ _____________ someone away” becomes “ Harming somebody.” 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - RepeatingContinued 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - Repeating Continued

55 2. Re-____________ ________ 2. Re-____________ - Use this to determine whether your ________ for a word or phrase is the same as the subject’s/suspect’s. a. ___________ a. ___________ the situation to create the option you want. 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - Continued

56 2. Re-wording 2. Re-wording - Use this to determine whether your meaning for a word or phrase is the same as the subject’s/suspect’s. b. ________I don’t know what you mean by that b. Don’t be ________ to say “ I don’t know what you mean by that.” 5.7 Active Listening Techniques Re-wording - Continued

57 3. ____________ _____________ 3. ____________ - Go beyond what was stated in an attempt to _____________ the meaning behind the words. a. ______________ a. Be careful not to put in your own ______________ b. ______ money right now b. “It sounds like you are really ______ about money right now.” 5.7 Active Listening Techniques Continued

58 4. Reflection of feeling ____________of the other person’s feelings depressed 4. Reflection of feeling - Express ____________ of the other person’s feelings. “You sound depressed.” 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - Continued

59 5. Minimal Encouragers- 5. Minimal Encouragers- Words like uh-hunh  “ uh-hunh,” yes  “ yes,” I understandetc.  “ I understand,” etc. encourages communication reinforces encourages communication and reinforces that you are listening. 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - Continued

60 5. _____________ Encouragers- Words like “uh-hunh,” “yes,” “I understand,” etc. encourages communication and reinforces that you are listening. a.A mixture of these words ______________invites an individual to continue in a dialogue a. A mixture of these words and ______________ also invites an individual to continue in a dialogue. 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - Continued 5.7 Active Listening Techniques - Minimal Encouragers- Continued

61 5.8 “YOU” vs. “I” Statements A. “Your” _____________point a verbal finger of accusation A. “Your” _____________ point a verbal finger of accusation at the message receiver. B. not conducive effective communication ExampleYou B. They are not conducive to effective communication Example : “ You are not being taken over by an alien force.”

62 C. “I” non-blaming tone Example I I I depressed and hurting C. “I” statements, in contrast, establish a non-blaming tone. Example : “ I understand you are hurting - I can remember when I was depressed and hurting.” 5.8 “YOU” vs. “I” Statements – Continued

63 Questions?

64 64 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: Define & 5.1: Define & 5.1: The components of the “first three minute assessment.”

65 65 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: List & Explain & 5.2: List & Explain & 5.2: The usage of the L.E.A.P.S. concept of interaction

66 66 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: List & Explain 5.3: List & Explain 5.3: The characteristics that contribute to a positive communication experience

67 67 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: List & Explain 5.4: List & Explain 5.4: The characteristics that contribute to a positive communication experience.

68 68 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: List & Explain 5.5: List & Explain 5.5: The barriers to active communication

69 69 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: List & Explain 5.6: List & Explain 5.6: The three levels of active listening

70 70 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: Explain 5.7: Explain 5.7: The techniques of repeating, paraphrasing, and reflection of feelings as they relate to active listening

71 71 DEFINE & PROCESS Process: Explain 5.8: Explain 5.8: The examples of ‘You’ vs. ‘I’ statements

72 SOURCES All Course Sources and/or Resources are listed in your Participant Handout Bexar County Constable Office PCT#4 Crisis Intervention TRAINING (CIT) Course # 3841

73 “Knowledge is “POWER” Stay informed, stay SAFE, stay Vigilant & stay Alive”


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