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Sudan Genocide By: Tucker and Sabrina. The Roots of Conflict  After gaining independence from Britain in 1956, the Sudan government has favored the Arabic.

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Presentation on theme: "Sudan Genocide By: Tucker and Sabrina. The Roots of Conflict  After gaining independence from Britain in 1956, the Sudan government has favored the Arabic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sudan Genocide By: Tucker and Sabrina

2 The Roots of Conflict  After gaining independence from Britain in 1956, the Sudan government has favored the Arabic culture  Southerners wanted to split into their own nation, separate from the North, however they where denied.  A civil war arose between the North and the South  The two sides agreed on a treaty that allowed the South to have some power, security, and economic autonomy  In 1983 President Jafar al-Nimieri abolished Southern governing autonomy and declared

3 The Roots of Conflict  In 1983 President Jafar al-Nimieri abolished Southern governing autonomy and declared Arabic the National Language and imposed Shria Law over the entire country  The Southerners were enraged and began a rebel resistance to the Government’s actions  The second civil war ended in 2005 and the South was given the ability to vote whether they wanted to separate from Sudan

4 Conflict  The Dinka and Nuer ethnic groups in the south are being targeted by the Arab dominated government  The Government was killing, enslaving, displacing and raping millions in an effort to get rid of the African presence in Sudan  In the Nuba Mountains  the government have been assaulting the civilians to either drive them from the land or kill them in the process  In 1992, Jihad was declared against anyone living in the Nuba Mountains  Darfur  between 2003 and 2005 the Sudanese government attacked the Fur, Zaghawa and Masalit villages.

5 People  President al-Nimieri intensified the North-South conflict in 1983 when he introduced new laws abolishing Southern autonomy and introducing Arabic as the National language  Omar al-Bashir started attacking civilians when he gained political strength  The people in the Darfur and Nuba Mountains were the main targets of the government

6 Sides involved  North Sudanese government:  The Arabs dominated the North and imposed control over African minorities mainly living in the South  South/ African minorities:  South wanted to keep a multi-cultural country which concluded in the south fighting for independence.

7 Aftermath  In 2011 south sudan voted for independence and gained it.  Continue to be linked to Sudan/north sudan.  Distrust between the two countries.  Darfur the city inside south Sudan is still recovering and still continues to go through violence.  Many Darfur people have been displaced and live in small shanty-towns.

8 Justice  In 2009 the UN security council issued and arrest a warrant for president Bashir for crime against humanity as well as war crimes in his own country.  The UN sent 13 humanitarian aid groups to Darfur after 2009  President Bashir remains in office of Sudan despite being wanted by the UN.

9 Pledge awareness  We can promote to aid all types of genocides sharing the story of the conflicts between Sudan vs. South Sudan.  Raising money to send aid over to south Sudanese citizen.  Contact media and share the story so different people of different countries can see the brutality.  Communicate with decision makers such as humanitarian assistance, protect the citizens, and stop the violence.

10 Cites:  persecution-news/africa/sudan-africa/ persecution-news/africa/sudan-africa/   al-bashir/ al-bashir/  

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