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Stakeholder Group Meeting March 19, 2015 MUHSD District Office Board Room Tammie Calzadillas, Ed.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder Group Meeting March 19, 2015 MUHSD District Office Board Room Tammie Calzadillas, Ed.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder Group Meeting March 19, 2015 MUHSD District Office Board Room Tammie Calzadillas, Ed.D.

2 Review The first meeting of the year was held on We reviewed the process and discussed how the LCAP was developed Established common vocabulary

3 Metrics The LCAP requires districts to describe specific goals, actions and/or strategies that will be used in order to meet the goals of the district. The goals include the eight state priority areas. Measures may be quantitative or qualitative.

4 8 State Priorities State Priority Area: Basic Services – What does that mean? All students have access to teachers who are fully credentialed in their subject areas Instructional materials are aligned with State Standards Safe, properly maintained school facilities are an expectation

5 How do we measure success? Teachers are Highly Qualified Declaration of sufficient instructional materials September Board Meeting Williams Reports/Facility Reports

6 8 State Priorities State Priority: Student Achievement – What does this mean? Improving outcomes for all students Outcomes are more than test scores Student achievement is measured in many ways such as test score, English proficiency rates, as well as college and career readiness A focused and collaborative school community working together for the best possible outcomes

7 How do we measure success? Typically this has been measured via a standardized test (CST) California English Language Development Test (CELDT) California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)

8 Academic Performance Index Overall California schools dropped from an API score of 791 to 789. The transition to the Common Core State Standards was the primary reason given for the drop in scores. Several successive years of budget cuts contributed to the decline in scores

9 CAHSEE English Results CAHSEE 10th Grade Passing Rate: ELA 2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-14 MUHSD77%76%78%84%85%86%82% AHS80% 78%86%89%87%81% BCHS80%84%82%83%89% 88% ECHS86% GVHS77%74%81%85%82%84%82% LHS78%77%79%88%86%93%79% MHS79%77%84%85%87% 85% IHS56%51%49%57%74%71% N/A SHS 33%57%62%63%54% YHS45%56% N/A

10 CAHSEE Math Results CAHSEE 10th Grade Passing Rate: Math 2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-14 MUHSD77%78% 82%87%86%85% AHS79%80%77%84%90%87%85% BCHS81%83%81%86%92%88% 91% ECHS89% GVHS78%79%80%84%87%89%84% LHS82%85%81%85%88%90%83% MHS77%81%85%84%88%87%86% IHS46%35%43% 69%62% N/A SHS 39%52%57%62%48% YHS27%44% N/A

11 AMAO 1 - Annual Growth AMAO 2 - Attaining English Proficiency Less than 5 years5 Years or More AMAO 1 Target AMAO 1 MUHSD AMAO 2 Target AMAO 2 MUHSD AMAO 2 Target AMAO 2 MUHSD 2013-2014 59.0%61.4%22.8%18.5%49.0%52.0% 2012-2013 57.5%61.3%21.4%20.4%47.0%53.3% 2011-2012 56.0%67.0%20.1%25.3%45.1%52.2% 2010-2011 54.6%42.2%18.7%13.9%43.2%29.5% 2009-2010 53.1%44.2%17.4%12.4%41.3%32.7% 2008-2009 51.6%52.6%30.6%29.6%-- English Learner Data

12 Merced County Merced County Districts API Growth API Decline Stayed Same 211371 Merced County Districts Average API Growth 2012 2013 Average API Decline 2012 2013 MUHSD 21156-16-17+16-5

13 Merced County High Schools API Growth Comparison MUHSD API GROWTH 5 Year Longitudinal 20082009201020112012 Total API Growth API 700708 (+8) 739 (+29) 766 (+25) 779 (+13) +79

14 Merced County High Schools Subgroup Comparison MUHSD API GROWTH 5 Year Longitudinal 20082009201020112012 Total API Growth Socio-Economic Disadvantaged Students API 668679 (+8) 712 (+29) 747 (+25) 763 (+13) +75

15 Merced County High Schools Subgroup Comparison MUHSD API GROWTH 5 Year Longitudinal 20082009201020112012 Total API Growth English Learners API 638 (-7) 673 30 713 38 709 (-1) 707 (-9)+51

16 Merced County High Schools Subgroup Comparison MUHSD API GROWTH 5 Year Longitudinal 20082009201020112012 Total API Growth Students with Disabilities API 483 4 518 28 534 (-2) 562 31 582 9+70

17 Merced County High Schools Subgroup Comparison MUHSD API GROWTH 5 Year Longitudinal 20082009201020112012 Total API Growth African American API 671 17 710 38 713 1 727 19 746 13+88

18 The Future of Testing AB484 was signed by Governor Brown on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Suspended CST testing for high schools with the exception of the 10 th grade science assessment Allowed for the piloting of the Smarter Balance (Common Core) Field Tests Suspended the API Score (Second Year with no Score)

19 LCAP Required Metrics Graduation Rates: – MUHSD 92% Graduates Completing UC/CSU Required Courses: MUHSD2012-201332.3% County2012-201328.7% State2012-201339.4%

20 8 State Priorities State Priority: Other Student Outcomes – What does this mean? The measurement of student performance in some specific, required course of study. All classes are included. Physical Education, the visual and performing arts, foreign languages and Career Technical Education (CTE) are included in the courses where student performance is measured.

21 Data Sources College Scholarship Data – CSF Members/Awards CTE 2 + 2 Articulated Agreements ⁻34 agreements currently Dual Credit Enrollment Participation in Statewide or County academic events and challenges

22 8 State Priorities State Priority: Student Engagement – What does this mean? Providing students with programs, course work and opportunities both in and out of the classroom that motivates them and keeps them in school. Different types of teaching methods can keep students engaged. A community of caring adults and peers increases the likelihood that students will want to come to school and will more likely be a successful student.

23 Attendance Data Attendance – P2 2007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-13 AHS84.6%86.0%84.4%88.6%86.9%97.2% BCHS81.4%82.5%84.4%87.0%86.7%95.6% GVHS83.7%82.8%85.4%85.6%86.3%94.9% LHS89.3%88.9%90.7%88.5%90.4%96.6% MHS82.5%85.6%84.6%87.2%86.5%96.4%

24 Graduation Rates 2008200920102011201220132014 2006-072007-082008-092009-102010-112011-122012-13 AHS91.6%88.0%87.5%84.0%93.4%97.3%94.3% BCHS93.9%90.6%85.6%83.0%93.3%93.9%94.1% GVHS91.7%90.3%86.7%89.9%93.2%93.1%95.1% LHS93.8%95.7%91.4%88.0%94.1%95.6%94.6% MHS89.8%86.9%82.4%82.2%92.5%93.4%94.2% MUHSD89.8%86.6%82.9%82.0%90.5%92.8%91.9% COUNTY85.4%82.5%78.2%78.1%84.4%84.0%84.4% STATE80.6%80.2%78.6%74.7%77.1%78.9%80.2%

25 Supporting Data Ag, ASSETS, AP, AVID, Activities, Clubs, Athletics, Band, Color Guard, CTE, Drama, and many other activities available to students Instructional Norms, Focus on Four, on-going, sustained professional learning opportunities for staff

26 8 State Priorities State Priority: Parent Involvement – What does this mean? Efforts by the school district and school sites to seek input from all parents, and to engage parents as partners in decision making. Promoting parent participation in programs that meet the needs of both their own students and other students on campus.

27 Supporting Data Parent Institute – Golden Valley High School 400+ participants – Plans for a 2016 Parent Institute

28 8 State Priorities State Priority: School Climate – What does this mean? Factors both inside and outside of the classroom that impact student success. The health and safety of students as well as the discipline on campus impacts how connected students feel to their school.

29 Days of Home Suspension 2011-12 school year4284 2012-13 school year3387 2013-14 school year1951 2014-15 1st Semester 766

30 Number of Expulsions 2011-12 school year142 2012-13 school year126 2013-14 school year107 2014-15 1st Semester 51

31 Days of Truancy 2011-12 school year10,364 2012-13 school year10,387 2013-14 school year14,627 2014-15 1st Semester*5,077 *This includes 1,577 unverified absences for the first semester.

32 8 State Priorities State Priority Area: Implementation of State Standards – What does this really mean? All students have access to school programs and services based on the academic and performance standards adopted in California Adoptions include Common Core State Standards for English and Math as well as the Next Generation Science Standards and English Language Development (ELD) Standards

33 Three Year Implementation Plan Common Core standards were implemented in classrooms three years ago with groups of volunteer teachers. – 24 Year One – 100 Year Two – All Math and English teachers Year Three

34 Science and ELD The Science, or Next Generation Science Standards, are currently being implemented across the district with groups of volunteer teachers. With no assessment for either Science or ELD, it is difficult to completely transition to the new set of standards.

35 8 State Priorities State Priority: Course Access – What does this mean? A broad course of study in required subject areas is offered to all students. The course offerings include math, social science, science, visual and performing arts, health, PE and Career and Technical Education A wide variety of courses should be available regardless of where a student lives or what school they attend.

36 Course Catalog To access the MUHSD Course Catalog, please visit the following page on the MUHSD website: Select Students Course Catalog 57853613/MUHSD%20Course%20Catalog%202013- 14.pdf

37 MUHSD… Addressing the Health and Wellness Needs of Every Student Health and Wellness has been clearly identified as the primary needs of MUHSD students: – Nutrition – Attendance – Adequate Sleep – Hydration – Health in the Home

38 What have we done? Burrito Bar at every campus Attention To Attendance Water fountains (2) on every campus being installed Partnership with Livingston Community Health Centers

39 MUHSD… Addressing the Health and Wellness Needs of Every Student Increased Counseling Services in these areas: – Crisis Counseling – Group Counseling – College and Career Counseling – Transition Counselors for Alternative Education students transitioning to a comprehensive HS campus

40 What have we done? Mental Health Survey administered to ensure we have a proper understanding of the needs of students Additional College and Career/Scholarship Counselor hired for El Capitan and MHS Transition Counselor – No Progress

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