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Sandra Kilroy, KC Wastewater Treatment MWPAAC General Meeting June 26, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Sandra Kilroy, KC Wastewater Treatment MWPAAC General Meeting June 26, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sandra Kilroy, KC Wastewater Treatment MWPAAC General Meeting June 26, 2013

2 2 WTD Business Objectives Performance measurement Knowledge management workforce development Leadership development Continuous improvement Internal communications WTD – Organizational Improvement Focus

3 WTD Continuous Improvement Goals 1. WTD is, and is recognized both locally and nationally as, a well-run and effective utility. 2. WTD has an engaged and motivated workforce within an organization that uses data to demonstrate our performance and value 3. WTD has a culture where employees can eliminate waste and promote continual improvement of processes and operations. 3

4 Continue the good work accomplished through the 10-year Productivity Initiative which ended in 2010 and saved ratepayers about $85 million Productivity Initiative - lessons learned o Reduced costs, saved money; Instituted PMI and enhanced MBP; Overall focus on improvements o More transparency, employee engagement, accountability, and supervisor support; Simpler; Less documentation The Strategic Improvement Advisory Team of 30 employees, developed recommendations for how we foster a culture of improvement - what motivates and engages employees in the work place, how we can improve Bright Ideas, how we encourage creative problem solving History & Evolution

5 Employee generated ideas: Objectives 1. One consistent tracking system for all ideas 2. Ideas followed through to completion (feedback given) 3. Further institutionalize continuous improvement culture 4. Action on Bright Ideas at the lowest level 5. Ensure ideas are shared between groups 6. Provide a tool to report our improvements 7. Visible improvement to celebrate! 5

6 Bright Ideas: process for everyone to do creative problem-solving in WTD way to improve how we do business through employee ideas solving problems employees experience on a day-to- day basis. Front line employees see problems and opportunities supervisors and managers might not.

7 Online tracker An online tracker for the submission and tracking of ideas Central clearinghouse for all ideas – organized See ideas in process / responses – its transparent and responsive Help us document and share = good business – it encourages problem solving Icon on desktops – it is easy


9 This is a description of the idea and how it can work. Basically, the idea is this – Then, the details I will hold in my file and make it available for the evaluator to work with.

10 Conversations at All levels of WTD Supervisors and managers encouraging, listening to and responding to ideas in their work groups or sections If an idea crosses between work groups, supervisors and managers reach out and work with other affected groups on an idea response and/or implementation If an idea spans the division, WTD’s management team gets involved We are all accountable for generating ideas and implementing ideas is part of our jobs

11 Results! As of 1 st Quarter 2013 (first 6 months): 333 ideas submitted 158 implemented or approved for implementation Approximately 60 still in review Whether ideas have been approved or not, hundreds of ideas have come in and been discussed / vetted – Has created a helpful dialog with employees

12 Successes #306: Flow monitoring idea saves big WTD’s conveyance inspection and flow monitoring group manages equipment that measures flows in our system at 155 sites throughout our service area. The data collected by these meters is used for WTD projects. Mike Sands, conveyance inspector, suggested using wireless meters, which would save staff the time of having to go out in the field, enter the manhole, plug in their laptops and downloading the data from the meters. They can keep track of the meters from a web-based program (see right). He also noted that changing the battery configuration in the meters would save time changing batteries out. Save about $95,000 a year in labor and frees staff up to do other important work!

13 Successes #27: Repair on West Point clarifiers Staff at West Point had great idea for repairing a part on secondary clarifier tanks where corrosion had eroded the metal on the baffles. Instead of replacing baffles right away, Bruce Schosboek, industrial maintenance mechanic, came up with a way to support them using aluminum plates, thereby extending the useful life. Done in-house by our maintenance team, the repair will save costly replacement – and keeps vital equipment running.

14 Successes #310: Closing the communication gap – training for emergency responders WTD’s community services staff are some of the first to respond when a sewer emergency happens. They work with people from the public who may have experienced damage to their home or property, so it’s important for them to know the county claims process. Staff asked for and received training on how to handle talking with citizens with potential claims. Group found training “invaluable” King County Risk Management and the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office realized what we do and what help we need.

15 Successes #267: Inspection portal: Replace heavy, difficult-to-move inspection plate (which, when fully open was large enough to be a fall hazard) with small, easily-opened and closed portal – improving safety and efficiency #58: Loop™ hauler communication: With smartphones staff can track and communicate with the trucks when production, site or hauling issues impact processing plans

16 Successes #61: New tool – create lightweight wrench for 4-prong Dixon fittings – used to require two people with heavy pipe wrench #299 – Washer monster reset: install ability to restart vital grit equipment with the Ovation controls (so operators don’t have to leave main control) #40 & #203: new Bright Ideas program graphics and online tracker / database programming – done using in- house experts, at a savings to WTD

17 Successes #328 – Recycled 5.5 tons of industrial plastic chain – keeping materials out of landfill and saving money in hauling and disposal #106 – Purchase annual SDOT truck window decals – allow construction/ maintenance staff to do minor work in street (camera work, manhole cover removal) instead of applying for a street use permit (saving time, effort, and money)


19 Ideas or Questions?

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