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MLA Documentation College Composition I Howard Community College.

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1 MLA Documentation College Composition I Howard Community College

2 Objectives Why we cite* What we cite How we cite * “to cite” means to reference another work

3 Why do we cite*? To support our ideas To enhance your ideas To disagree with a written idea To engage your ideas in a conversation To put your ideas in context To compare/contrast your ideas

4 What do we cite? any quotes from any work any paraphrase (in your own words) from any work Common works referenced in essays ▫Newspaper articles ▫Journal articles ▫Web articles ▫Books ▫Lines from movies ▫Song lyrics

5 How do we cite? MLA Documentation Style ▫In-text Citation: how you cite within your essay ▫Works Cited list: how you create a list of all the works you referenced at the end of the essay

6 Resources Pages 119-181 in R&D (Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age, Diana Hacker, 5 th ed.) Don’t have the book? Go to Research and Documentation Online 5 th EditionResearch and Documentation Online 5 th Edition

7 In-Text Citation In-text citation model guide: page 121 (R&D)In-text citation The quoted material must be smoothly integrated into your sentence – grammatically correct! Use signal phrase like “David Callahan writes…” or “Jeffrey Young reports…” – introduce the quote Give enough information for clarity ▫Author’s name and page number (if available) ▫If there is no author, title of the book or the article AND page number (if available)

8 In-Text Citation Example 1 As David Callahan says in Cheating Culture, while parents teach their children about the dangers of sex, drugs, and crime, “there has been little attention paid to problems like greed, materialism, and excessive competition” (204 ).

9 In-Text Citation Example 2 While parents teach their children about the dangers of sex, drugs, and crime, “there has been little attention paid to problems like greed, materialism, and excessive competition” (Callahan 204 ).

10 In-Text Citation Example 3 Many researchers in the area of academic cheating report that that students (as well as faculty) “appear more cavalier about dishonesty”, especially on homework (Young).

11 In-Text Citation Example 4 As reported by Jeffrey Young, the author of “High-Tech Cheating Abounds,” students as well as faculty members “appear more cavalier about dishonesty,” especially on homework.

12 Works Cited list Works cited list directory: page 132-133 (R&D)Works cited list directory Last page of your essay List the works in alphabetical order (by first word of each entry, usually last name of author) Double-space Indent all lines following the first line for each entry Be accurate!

13 Works Cited Blum, Susan D. “Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism: A Question of Education, Not Ethics.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. 20 Feb. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. Carter, Stephen L. Integrity. New York: Harper Perennial, 1996. Robins, Brian, dir. The Perfect Score. Perf. Chris Evans, Bryan Greenberg, and Scarlett Johansson. Paramount Pictures, 2004. DVD. Osellame, Julia. “University Ops Not to ‘Turnitin’.” The Daily Princestonian. Princeton University. 4 Apr. 2006. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

14 Break it down: Article from Online Publication Blum, Susan D. “Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism: A Question of Education, Not Ethics.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. 20 Feb. 2009. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. Blum, Susan D. = author’s name “Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism: A Question of Education, Not Ethics.” = title of the article (double quotations) The Chronicle of Higher Education. = title of the journal/magazine (italicized) 20 Feb. 2009. = publication date Web. = access medium (type of source – versus print) 17 Feb. 2011. = access date

15 Presentation prepared by Laura Yoo

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