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Building national capacity for the implementation of safer sex mass media campaigns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Mexico, 2008.

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1 Building national capacity for the implementation of safer sex mass media campaigns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Mexico, 2008

2 ABOUT AFEW Dutch Non-governmental Humanitarian Public health organisation Focus on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA)

3 AFEW’s operations

4 Region at a glance Nearly 90% of newly reported HIV cases in EECA occurred in two countries: the Russian Federation (66%) and Ukraine (21%) National adult HIV prevalence in Ukraine is higher than in any other country in Europe or Central Asia. Across this region, the HIV epidemics are concentrated mainly among injecting drug users, sex workers and their respective sexual partners Young people are more affected

5 Challenges -Initial introduction of the concept of social marketing -Young local NGOs -Little distinction between propaganda and health promotion messages -No concept of preventive health -Reproductive health and sex are sensitive topics

6 WHY Campaigns ? Education is the only ‘vaccine’ against HIV Media influences social and cultural taboos and creates a context of acceptability and agenda setting for more targeted programmes Media plays an immense role in education and awareness in the response to HIV Cost-effective way to educate large population groups

7 WHY Campaigns ? Regional peculiarities: High literacy rate across the region Developed mass media structure Support of governmental agencies

8 Applied Knowledge -Based on international experience and knowledge -Based on research (pre- and post-campaign KAPB surveys and qualitative research) -Adapted to the local context

9 Applied Knowledge Campaigns designed such that: -Young people are addressed and feel addressed -Messages focused on the broader context -Messages designed not to scare or frighten -Messages are clear for the target group

10 Applied Knowledge, cont. -Peers from the target group used in images and plots for increased personal identification -Celebrities helped establish social norms -No mention of specific vulnerable groups to prevent stigma

11 Target Group Young people between 15 and 25 years old

12 12-Step Campaign model Exploratory missions Networking Administration and agreements Baseline research Counterpart Strategy and briefing Creating a campaign design Production Launch Implementation and distribution Impact evaluation Hand over

13 Why this is successful -Developed model has been effective in every country -Positive evaluation provides evidence for decision- makers re: the appropriateness of the information strategy -Local counterparts trained in every country -Friendly environment for follow-up campaigns -Governmental support -Negotiated for free-of-charge TV broadcast -Introduction of the social marketing concept

14 Why it is successful, cont. -Innovative concept accelerated the process of an open debate re: sexual health -Local context -National context -Expansion of campaigns throughout regions and neighbouring countries - AFEW and local partners successfully co-operate to raise funds for future campaigns

15 Demonstration of campaign clips Moldova Pay attention to every detail! Live fashionable, stylish, and safe! Russian Federation Realise your right to good health!* *Campaigns in Russia are done by FOCUS-MEDIA Foundation with a consultancy from AFEW





20 AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) Contact details: Tanja Grechukhina E-mail: website:

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