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Speaking Out Brainstorm: Expressing worries Expressing reassurance

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1 Speaking Out Brainstorm: Expressing worries Expressing reassurance
Role-play: Falling ill Activity: Worries

2 Brainstorm How many expressions do you know about expressing worries/reassurance? ef. R Expressing worries Expressing reassurance

3 Expressing Worries It makes me uneasy. I’m (rather) worried (about…).
It worries me. His dangerous driving always worries me. I always worry when my daughter stays out late. I’m (pretty) worried/concerned about… I can’t help worrying… I’m afraid…

4 Expressing Worries What’s worrying you? (You do not look good.)
What’s wrong/the matter/the problem (with you)? Are you OK/all right/any better/feeling better? Is anything wrong? You look so down/sad. What’s on your mind?

5 Expressing reassurance
Don’t worry. Everything will be OK. Don’t worry about these trifles. I wouldn’t be concerned. I wouldn’t worry. No need to get so worked up. I’m sure things will turn out fine/ everything will be OK. You really don’t have to worry about that.

6 Expressing reassurance
There’s really no reason to be worried. There’s nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about. Nothing serious. Your condition is not as bad as all that. Pull yourself together!/ Cheer up! I assure you (that) the train would be on time. It won’t be a problem, I assure you.

7 Role-play Situation: A suddenly falls ill just before a very important interview/examination/date/meeting…. B, who is A’s friend/roommate/mother…, is very concerned about A’s health while A herself/himself is more worried about the interview/examination/date/meeting…. B finally managed to make an urgent appointment with doctor C. C asks A to stay in the hospital for some time… Focuses: making appointments; describing symptoms; expressing worries and reassurance ef. R

8 Making appointments I’d like to make an appointment with …(for …). How about 2:30 this afternoon? Do you have any openings in this afternoon? There’s a cancellation in this morning. Let’s make it 3 o’clock tomorrow. Would 9 o’clock be all right?

9 Describing symptoms * high fever * sick * shiver * burn up * cough * dizzy * weak * ache * headache * hurt * feel tired/exhausted * drowsy *swollen * high blood pressure * running nose * infection * light-headed * sore throat * thirsty * light in the head * nausea * fatigue * have trouble breathing/moving around * indigestion * irregular heartbeat * throw up * sweaty palms * swelling pain * abdominal pain * cold hands * shortness of breath * loss of appetite * muscle ache * sleeplessness * sleep too much * body ache * dry cough * stuffy nose * sneezing * chill

10 Activity: Worries In this activity, you are supposed to write down the things that worry you the most recently. Then go around the class and talk to different classmates to relieve your worries. Collect as many suggestions as possible and summarize those suit you the best.

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