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BY : MS ARTI B BAVANE. INTRODUCTION Formed on February 15,2010. Jointly found by two pillars Intel and Nokia by joining their existing open source projects.

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2 INTRODUCTION Formed on February 15,2010. Jointly found by two pillars Intel and Nokia by joining their existing open source projects Moblin and Maemo. Hosted by Linux Foundation. MeeGo is a Linux-based platform that is capable of running on multiple computing devices, including handsets, netbooks, tablets, connected TVs and in- vehicle infotainment systems.

3 MeeGo ? MeeGo=Best of Moblin + Best of Maemo One OS – Many UX A fully open source software platform Supports multiple hardware architecture (IA and ARM) The core OS up to UI libraries and tools Reference user experience and applications Standard set of API and a SDK Easy to use, flexible & powerful Supports a magnitude of mobile client devices Delivers best web experiences

4 MeeGo Core Software Platform Linux Kernel 2.6.35 server 1.9.0 Web Runtime Qt Mobility 1.0.2 BTRFS oFono Telephony Stack ConnMan Connection Manager Media Frameworks Universal Plug and Play (gUPnP)

5 OS Base MeeGo Kernel OS Middleware MeeGo API Settings Database GConf System Libraries glibc, glib, etc System Libraries glibc, glib, etc Message Bus D-Bus Message Bus D-Bus HW Adaptation Software Visual Services Comms Services Telephony oFono Telephony oFono Connection Mgmt ConnMan Connection Mgmt ConnMan VOIP, IM, Pres. Telepathy VOIP, IM, Pres. Telepathy Bluetooth BlueZ Bluetooth BlueZ Media Services Media Framework GStreamer Media Framework GStreamer UPnP GUPnP UPnP GUPnP Codecs Gstreamer plug-in Codecs Gstreamer plug-in Camera Gstreamer plug-in Camera Gstreamer plug-in Audio PulseAudio Audio PulseAudio Data Mgmt Context Framework ContextKit Context Framework ContextKit Content Framework Tracker Content Framework Tracker Package Manager PackageKit Package Manager PackageKit Personal Services PIM Services Accts & SSO Device Sync Device Services Backup & Restore Device Health Resource Mgr Sensor Framework Platform Info libudev Platform Info libudev Internet Services Layout Engine WebKit Layout Engine WebKit Web Services libSocialWeb Web Services libSocialWeb Web RunTime WebKit Web RunTime WebKit Location GeoClue Location GeoClue 3D Graphics OpenGL / GL ES 3D Graphics OpenGL / GL ES 2D Graphics Cairo, QPainter 2D Graphics Cairo, QPainter I18n Rendering Pango, QtText I18n Rendering Pango, QtText X X GTK / Clutter ARCHITECTURE OS Base MeeGo Kernel OS Middleware MeeGo API UX Settings Database GConf System Libraries glibc, glib, etc System Libraries glibc, glib, etc Message Bus D-Bus Message Bus D-Bus HW Adaptation Software Visual Services Comms Services Telephony oFono Telephony oFono Connection Mgmt ConnMan Connection Mgmt ConnMan VOIP, IM, Pres. Telepathy VOIP, IM, Pres. Telepathy Bluetooth BlueZ Bluetooth BlueZ Media Services Media Framework GStreamer Media Framework GStreamer UPnP GUPnP UPnP GUPnP Codecs Gstreamer plug-in Codecs Gstreamer plug-in Camera Gstreamer plug-in Camera Gstreamer plug-in Audio PulseAudio Audio PulseAudio Data Mgmt Context Framework ContextKit Context Framework ContextKit Content Framework Tracker Content Framework Tracker Package Manager PackageKit Package Manager PackageKit Personal Services PIM Services Accts & SSO Device Sync Device Services Backup & Restore Device Health Resource Mgr Sensor Framework SECURITY Platform Info libudev Platform Info libudev Internet Services Layout Engine WebKit Layout Engine WebKit Web Services libSocialWeb Web Services libSocialWeb Web RunTime WebKit Web RunTime WebKit Location GeoClue Location GeoClue 3D Graphics OpenGL / GL ES 3D Graphics OpenGL / GL ES 2D Graphics Cairo, QPainter 2D Graphics Cairo, QPainter I18n Rendering Pango, QtText I18n Rendering Pango, QtText X X GTK / Clutter Handset UX Handset UI + Apps Netbook UX Netbook UI + Apps Handset UI Framework Netbook UI Framework IVI UX IVI UI + Apps IVI UI Framework Tablet UX Tablet UI + Apps Tablet UI Framework Connected-TV UX Connected-TV UI + Apps Connected-TV UI Framework

6 Software Architecture Overview MeeGo platform architecture is viewed in three ways Layer View User Expereince Application API Core OS Layers API View Qt Qt Mobility Domain View

7 Layer View Architecture:

8 API View Architecture:

9 Domain View Architecture:

10 UX DESIGN PRINCIPLES Connected, Vibrant and Alive Task Switching & Multitasking Adaptive & Intelligence Responsive Getting the basics right Simply beautiful Plug-ins & Framework support

11 HARDWARE ENABLING PROCESS What Does The Hardware Vendor Provide Kernel Related Patches Kernel Drivers Core Architecture Patches Kernel Configuration File X Related Patches Core Architecture X Configuration File Other Patches and Tools Bootloader Image Device Format Tool Modem Support

12 HOW DOES THE PROCESS WORK ? Upstream Projects Patches and drivers must be submitted to the appropriate upstream projects Hardware Vendor

13 SOFTWARE PLATFORM BENEFITS MeeGo Software Platform benefits to: Open Source Developers Application Developers Device Manufacturers Operators Linux Platform

14 Open Source Developers: MeeGo = a true open source project Hosted by the Linux Foundation Governed by best practices of open source development Access to tools, mailing lists, discussion forums Full access to technical meetings Source code contributions are driven to upstream projects

15 Application Developers: A single set of APIs across client devices Support for app deployment across multiple device types Availability of a complete set of development Ability to easily and rapidly create and deploy apps Possibility to host apps in different app stores

16 Device Manufacturers: Accelerated time to market Optimized software stack Support for multiple architectures Lowered complexities to target multiple device types Ability to participate in the evolution of the software platform

17 Operators: Differentiation through user interface customization A single platform for multitude of devices Familiar experience for subscribers using different device types

18 Linux Platform: Contributions and technical work driven to upstream projects Combines mobile development resources towards a unified platform Cross-platform, cross-device and cross- architecture development Other Linux mobile & desktop efforts will benefit

19 DEVICES Handset In-Vehicle Netbook Media phone Smart TV

20 Handset In-Vehicle Infotainment System


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