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Published byMelanie Walker Modified over 8 years ago
Hugh Gibbons, Conductor of Just1 – and creator of Spirit of Romero says: Huge thanks for your interest! This at-your-own pace slideshow is designed… to help brief teachers and others provide an add-on to any related activity you may like to arrange in the school or college offer some pictures and graphics It’s been prepared with UK schools in mind – but you’re welcome to use and adapt it for any country or setting. NB Nothing is sacrosanct!
And you might like to be aware that like other Just1 activities for schools, Spirit of Romero… is not about fundraising doesn’t demand much time doesn’t need much resources - if anyone spends more than a few pounds, they’ve got it wrong should fit well with your other activities – and your priorities Iets you say good things about the school to the local community and media
The key content is also available on paper at the website
The slides arranged in these general groups – to make it easy for you to select or amend things 1.Why Spirit of Romero Schools? 2.Spirit of Romero Day 2013 3.Registering 4.Displaying a Romero Cross 5.Befriending the Romero Trust 6.Commending End Hunger/IF Campaigns 7.PTA making IF Campaign banners 8.Pupils acclaiming campaigners on Spirit of Romero Day briefing 9.Suggested ceremony for assembly or classroom
Spirit of Romero has been designed to give an extra spring to global citizenship studies in schools and colleges of all sorts – anywhere. The rallying point is a unique Day each year that offers a simple and short ceremony to let schools of any sort acclaim campaigners They reflect on and show their appreciation of the work of all those organisations and individuals in the world working to see social justice, human rights, equality, and peace – and against poverty and inequality. It also provides an inspiring opportunity for pupils, teachers, parents, friends and others to be in on the spirit of Oscar Romero – to be “voices for the voiceless”.
The idea of Spirit of Romero schools was to complement each October’s Just1 Schools Stand Up/Sing Out Against Poverty. They’ve helped mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Many tens of thousands of pupils, staff, parents and others in all sorts of schools have taken part since 2008. Many have renewed Promises to the Poor, based on the Millennium Development Goals. And thousands have enjoyed the Count On Us Song – in their own keys, tempo and voice! Now there’s something timely and appropriate for late March too: remembering Romero.
Oscar Romero is one of the 20th Century Martyrs whose statues are above the West Door in Westminster Abbey in London It’s recognition of worldwide respect for his life and legacy that many schools like to celebrate Catholic schools have a natural affinity. But many others share the ethos.
IN THEIR OWN WAY, each year many schools and colleges pay tribute to the life and legacy of Archbishop Oscar Romero. In his spirit, they want to stand up and be counted among many like-minded young 'voices for the voiceless'. This year they can join together with a common voice. And it’s a good way of letting schools mark the United Nations International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, which falls on 24 March each year.
The UN Day has three purposes: “To honour the memory of victims of gross and systematic human rights violations and promote the importance of the right to truth and justice” “To pay tribute to those who have devoted their lives to, and lost their lives in, the struggle to promote and protect human rights for all”
“To recognize, in particular, the important work and values of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, of El Salvador, who was assassinated on 24 March 1980, after denouncing violations of the human rights of the most vulnerable populations and defending the principles of protecting lives, promoting human dignity and opposition to all forms of violence” But...
As 24 March falls on Palm Sunday in 2013, it seems sensible to suggest that a good time for schools to act in the Spirit of Romero is on any day that suits them best during the week before with the ideal rallying point being Wednesday 20 March (the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere – so a good day to spring up!)
But before then, there are several happy duties associated with the Day – happening whenever’s convenient shared out among your school community. They don’t demand much time – or resources Register your details, anytime Display a Romero Cross – staff, anytime Befriend Romero Trust – governor Write Commend End Hunger letter to government leader – School Council Make IF campaign banner to go outside school in May/June - PTA The next sections look at them in detail
For a member of staff, a few minutes of admin duty once you’ve decided to join Register on-line to be counted in as one of the Spirit of Romero Schools & Colleges It’s all free, and you’re just asked for basic information about the name of the school, type, location, someone to be a contact, and some idea of numbers likely to take part. You’ll appear on the list of Spirit of Romero Schools - and the total numbers will make a good news story – that schools really care
Many schools already meet this next short but happy duty for a member of staff sometime before 20 March Arrange for the school to have on permanent display an authentic hand-made Romero Cross from El Salvador A school hall or Reception area is a good place (and even better is to have one in each classroom)
The authentic wooden Archbishop Romero Memorial Crosses are available in several sizes. The crosses are hand-painted by family artists in El Salvador You can help them by buying a cross.
This well-worn one is modelled by John Sentamu, Archbishop of York – one of the Patrons of the UK’s Romero Trust
In the UK, you can order them on-line from CAFOD or the Romero Trust In the USA, one place you can order them is Romero Centre Ministries in Camden, New Jersey And you can also order them on-line from CIS Centro de Intercambio y Solidaridad in San Salvador
As well as an authentic Romero Cross from El Salvador, you may like to make one or several of your own – perhaps of paper or card You might colour in the outline template of the Cross available at the CAFOD website (or copied from here!) You may emulate a fine gallery created by pupils at a primary school in Yorkshire
And here’s a big version made by Hugh Gibbons, Conductor of Just1, to go outside St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in South Ascot – for all passers-by to enjoy. It’s on wood from Wickes, in acrylic paint. Note that there was space to add St Francis of Assisi and Oscar Romero. Incidentally, mum Sarah visited El Salvador with her USA parish – and can vouch for the authenticity of the colours.
If you’d like a poster to show everyone that you’re a Spirit of Romero School, you’re very welcome to invite pupils to design your own. Here’s a very basic suggestion. (The lively font’s Vongole, by the way).
Now here’s a few minutes’ happy duty for a member of your school’s governing body, school board or whatever’s the equivalent - sometime before 20 March Arrange to become a Friend of The Archbishop Romero Trust
The Archbishop Romero Trust is the small ecumenical UK charity set up by the Catholic and Anglican Churches in Great Britain & Ireland. So the suggestion is that a member of the school’s governing body or a senior member of staff might volunteer to take this on by becoming a Friend of the Trust on behalf of the school The annual fee is UK£10. You can register on-line at the website – which can handle equivalent donations from overseas
The Archbishop Romero Trust aims… To promote knowledge and awareness of the life and work of Romero To organise lectures, prayer services and memorial liturgies annually on the anniversary of his assassination. To provide support to human rights initiatives and social welfare projects in El Salvador which carry forward the tradition of his work. These include giving support to basic schooling in urban slum areas, and finance for the hospice for impoverished cancer patients in San Salvador and other projects there.
The Romero Trust organises memorial liturgies each year around March 24th, Romero Day, and It also organises an annual Archbishop Romero Lecture The Trust is a big source of paper and video material on Romero Romero News is published twice a year.
One of the roles of the Trust is to oversee the conservation and public display of the relics (the personal effects) of Oscar Romero and six Jesuit priests murdered in El Salvador – such as their clothing and personal belongings. That’s Romero’s shirt below, showing blood and bullet-hole. The expert Conservator is one of the Trustees, Jan Graffius, Curator at Stonyhurst College in Lancashire. She’s seen in action during her regular visits to El Salvador.
Jan’s photos show Monseñor Romero's office, bedroom and belongings in his modest home at the cancer hospital run by Carmelite nuns in San Salvador. Note just three pairs of socks – “one on, one in the wash, one in the drawer.”
And here’s a happy duty for School Councils anytime that suits before end May 2013 Commend the End Hunger campaigns to leaders of the G8 Group of Nations meeting in the UK on 17/18 June
ONE SPIN-OFF EACH YEAR of the Spirit of Romero concept will be to let schools play a visible part in showing support for a current social justice campaign. The suggestion is that this could take the form of a personal letter from a School Council to a leading member of your current government – a public voice on behalf of the whole school. The purpose is to command their attention and commend their support for an issue related to global poverty. Such a letter would also show everyone the sight of pupils - the good citizens of tomorrow - adding their voices to the millions who care about people in need today.
For 2013, it happens that there’s a big set of campaigns asking the leaders of the G8 Summit to address the needs of the nearly 1 billion people who go to bed hungry every night. The summit is the gathering of the leaders of the G8 Group of countries in Northern Ireland in June 2013. The countries are UK, USA, France, Germany, Japan, Canada, Russia and Italy.
IN THE UK over 100 organisations – including Just1 form the Joint Food & Hunger Campaign co-ordinated by BOND. BOND is the British Organisation of NGOs and others in Overseas Development, based in London. You can see news of their activities at They’re behind the IF Campaign
The IF CAMPAIGN calls on Prime Minister David Cameron to use the UK’s G8 presidency in 2013 to take action on the root causes of the hunger crisis in the poorest countries. The IF movement challenges the Prime Minister to tackle four big IFs to help provide food for everyone.
THERE’D BE ENOUGH FOOD EVERYONE… IF we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use the available agricultural land to grow food for people, not biofuels for cars. IF governments keep their promises on aid, invest to stop children dying from malnutrition and help the poorest people feed themselves through investment in small farmers. IF governments stop companies dodging tax in poor countries, so that millions of people can free themselves from hunger. IF we force governments and investors to be honest and open about the deals they make in the poorest countries that stop people getting enough
FAMILIES, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS CAN PLAY A PART Campaigns usually require you to be over 18. But pupils can encourage grown-ups to play a part. For example, here’s the CAFOD campaign to which they can add their voices on-line.
They can help this CAFOD take on End Hunger campaigning by sending a message on-line to the Prime Minister It only takes a couple of minutes – so pupils might be encouraged to ask their families and friends to join in
Others over-18s might join the tens of thousands showing support for the IF Campaign on-line And via social networks such as Tweets and Facebook
Spirit of Romero Schools & Colleges are invited to go about things in parallel with other organisations - with a different focus and actions but the same end in mind School Councils commend the End Hunger campaigns in personal letters written to leaders of the G8
We are writing to commend the End Hunger campaigns! There’s an outline draft letter ready on the Spirit of Romero website. But amend it to reflect your own views. It’s got good news for your School Council to share. First, tell governments about you acclaiming and celebrating campaigners. Second, tell them that the school commends the End Hunger campaigns – and encourages them to share this news with colleagues and other governments.
FOR SPIRIT OF ROMERO SCHOOLS in the United Kingdom The suggested person to write to is the Secretary of State for International Development, Justine Greening. She has an empathetic ear: “I very much welcome development charities coming together in 2013 on the issue of world hunger, and I’m looking forward to working with them to highlight such an important issue.“ “It’s shocking but the facts are that up to one billion people do not get enough food to eat and a further billion are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals.
Justine Greening also said: “Keeping our promises to the world’s poorest people isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do. Development tackles the root causes of threats like terrorism, illegal immigration, crime and disease. It is in everyone’s interests for countries around the world to be stable and secure, to have educated and healthy populations, and to have growing economies.” So she’ll be a good person for UK Spirit of Romero School Councils – and any others! -to write to. Send your letter to her by mid-May.
SPIRIT OF ROMERO SCHOOLS in the USA might write to President Barack Obama. He’s also in tune with ending hunger. Just before the last G8 Summit he said: "After decades in which agriculture and nutrition didn’t always get the attention they deserved, we put the fight against global hunger where it should be, which is at the forefront of global development.”
HE WENT ON TO SAY "It’s rooted in our conviction that true development involves not only delivering aid, but also promoting economic growth - broad-based, inclusive growth that actually helps nations develop and lifts people out of poverty.” “The whole purpose of development is to create the conditions where assistance is no longer needed, where people have the dignity and the pride of being self-sufficient.” A draft outline letter is available at the Spirit of Romero website. Send your letter to him by mid-May.
ANOTHER REASON WHY MR PRESIDENT SHOULD APPLAUD A LETTER FROM SPIRIT OF ROMERO SCHOOLS! He paid tribute to Oscar Romero during his visit to El Salvador in 2011. He’s seen here lighting a candle at the tomb of Archbishop Romero in the national cathedral in San Salvador, where he was accompanied by President Mauricio Funes and Archbishop Jose Escobar Alas.
Finally, make sure you make the most of the really good things you’re doing by telling others Pop a copy of your letters in the post to Your local media - press, radio and TV Your local MP or other representative Include news in your newsletters and website And e-mail or text heads of other local schools with an invite to unite with you
There’s a role for a PTA too! Invite them to make an IF campaign banner to display outside the school in May/June With a message to thousands of passers-by about the campaign – and your ethos This is what one school’s spirited PTA made to make speak out to everyone outside
This next section is about pupils in action together Their happy duty is to find a few minutes to Acclaim the world’s campaigners for social justice
On or around Spirit of Romero Day Join together in a simple ceremony in assembly or classrooms This takes about 10 minutes - and is full of opportunity for actions! You’ll need the words – which are available in this slideshow, or on paper downloaded from NB if you want to change anything to suit your setting, you’re welcome
You might consider having a candle there – real or drawn on paper – as a little reminder of the spirit of Romero. Jan Graffius shows the idea!
A photo or drawing of Romero would be also good to have in front of everyone
Perhaps someone might make something of Romero’s trademark spectacles and eyebrows (he’d enjoy that, we’re sure)
And as pupils will be acclaiming campaigners, some might bring along a hat to doff!
Here’s the suggested Just1 ceremony for pupils in assembly or class
SPIRIT OF ROMERO DAY We are joining many other schools to pay tribute to campaigners – the millions of people around the world who work hard to see social justice, human rights, peace, dignity, respect, and against poverty. We’ll think about what they do - and why and how
SPIRIT OF ROMERO DAY Then we’ll look at different types of campaigners, and acclaim them in a way you’ll enjoy (so they can hear – even a long way off). Finally, we’ll add our voices to a campaign to help end hunger in the world Shall we all do this today? YES!
What is campaigning? It’s when people get together to speak out and take action on behalf of others – to change something for the better. And in helping to better other people’s lives, we make our own better, too. Campaigning is when people get together to speak out and take action on behalf of others – to change something for the better. The world needs people who are prepared to say “This is not right or fair” “This needs to change” “We’ll do it – count on us! And in helping to improve other people’s lives, we make our own lives better, too
How do people join in campaigning? Sometimes they write letters, or send off e-mails or petitions on- line (That’s something mums and dads and families and friends can do) …or get together and rally on the streets ….or write to the newspapers, or talk on the radio or TV …or put up banners outside schools!
What is campaigning? It’s when people get together to speak out and take action on behalf of others – to change something for the better. And in helping to better other people’s lives, we make our own better, too. Why are we acclaiming campaigners TODAY? The United Nations have made 24 March each year the International Day for the Right to Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. The day’s actually next Sunday - so we're going to mark it today as we're together in school..
What is campaigning? It’s when people get together to speak out and take action on behalf of others – to change something for the better. And in helping to better other people’s lives, we make our own better, too. The Day was also created to pay tribute to the legacy of the much-loved Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador He is known the world over as a ‘voice of the voiceless’ On 24 March 1980, he gave his life for speaking out on their behalf. So today we’re going to do something he would have liked us to do.
On this Spring day, we’re going to spring up and reach out to the world in the spirit of Romero. Shall we all do this today? YES!
What is campaigning? It’s when people get together to speak out and take action on behalf of others – to change something for the better. And in helping to better other people’s lives, we make our own better, too. LET’S BEGIN WITH A MOMENT OF QUIET as we think about those people in need – in need of shelter, food, education, security, health, dignity, respect or hope
Let’s reach out first to the people in the many humanitarian aid agencies and their partners around the world We know them best for providing emergency relief and long-term development. But they also constantly create and run campaigns to fight against poverty, injustice and inequality. So shall we too acclaim them? YES!
Let’s honour now the people in organisations and coalitions dedicated to campaigning So shall we too acclaim them? YES!
Let’s now honour the people in all other organisations which campaign against world poverty and injustice So shall we too acclaim them? YES!
Next, let’s honour pupils and staff in schools and colleges - and all other young people who take action against poverty So shall we too acclaim them? YES!
. And now let’s honour everyone else who speaks out against poverty and injustice and inequality So shall we too acclaim them? YES!
And shall we too promise to support - and even to be – campaigners for social justice and against world poverty? While we’re still at school? YES! And when we leave? YES! And throughout our lives? YES!
Finally, shall we add our voices to a big series of campaigns going on this year? They’re being run to help the one billion people in the world who go to bed hungry every night
The campaigns are aimed at the leaders of the G8 governments - the United Kingdom, USA, France, Germany, Japan, Canada, Russia and Italy. You have to be over 18 year of age to sign up for them! But schools everywhere can write to governments saying We commend to you the canpaigns that seek to end global hunger Please ask your counterparts in other governments to take action So shall we too commend END HUNGER? YES!
Many thanks! Let’s turn to each other and give ourselves a big round of applause and say Well Done Everyone for Acclaiming Campaigners and Commending End Hunger
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