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Robin GOFFAUX Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité ECOSCOPE Metadata.

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Presentation on theme: "Robin GOFFAUX Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité ECOSCOPE Metadata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robin GOFFAUX Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité ECOSCOPE Metadata portal Grail days 2016 – 6 - 8 juin 2016 -

2 What is ECOSCOPE ? ECOSCOPE = Pole for research observation data on biodiversity Labelled Research Infrastructure by MENESR Labelled National Biodiversity Observation Network (BON) by GEO BON

3 W Turner Science 2014; 346: 301-302 Issue – Biodiversity observation(s)

4 Issue – Observation data Synthesis, assessment, indicators hard to obtain for decision making Difficulties in (re)utilization of datasets for research Data is incomplete and/or not accessible Collected data - No harmonization of observations Data - Unknown - Not accessible Non existing data(no) Gaps - Space, time - Taxonomy - Organization level - Resolution Data not collected (no obs.) Heterogeneity - nature - format - quality Data hardly usable for (meta)analysis  Encountered difficulties

5 Synthesis, assessment, indicators hard to obtain for decision making Difficulties in (re)utilization of datasets for research Observation data  Possible levers & collective effort More available data and extension of coverages Data collected for initial scientific objectives + integration of a minimal set of common observation variables 1/ Metadata / discovery 2/ Access and use of data rules Data collected New observations - Space, time - Taxonomy - Organization level - Resolution Ensured observatories, strenghtened, innovative observatories 1/ Produce consistency on data collection methods 2/ Interoperability of data Data more linkable, possible synergies

6 Why ECOSCOPE: To understand state and dynamics of biodiversity, the scientific community need relevant and numerous data, collected on large span of time. French research landscape is characterized by many dispositives based on experimentation, collection and observation on biodiversity A dense production of data but non centralized, heterogeneous and fragmented, not standardized and hardly accessible What we do:  ECOSCOPE works on complementarity of observations on different levels of biodiversity (from genes to ecosystems)  ECOSCOPE pushes the interactions between existing observation systems and data sharing  ECOSCOPE analyses French landscape on biodiversity research observatories to identifiy its strenght and weaknesses, to modelize and anticipate biodiversity changes and predict future scenarios

7 ECOSCOPE project organization

8 The ECOSCOPE universe

9 1) Providing access to quality databases  A web portal that provide access to metadata and research data on biodiversity  Services and tools for visualisation and analysis of data and products of the observatories  Promoting good practices on data management 2) Proposing a common set of observation variables and animating a community of data users  Fostering complementarity of data  Support the adoption of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) to provide global assessment of biodiversity state and dynamics 3) Contributing to national and international intitatives  Opening to other research (climate, sea, continent, social and human science…) and to stake holders that needs expertise for public decision  Contributing to the (inter)national animation of research landscape on biodiversity ECOSCOPE project objectives

10 Essential biodiversity variables Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEOSS Group on Earth Observation – Biodiversity Observation Network GEOBON Essential Biodiversity Variables for Global Earth Observation Minimal set of biological variables to measure to assess state and dynamics of biodiversity at his different levels of organization

11 Class / EBVs Genetic composition Co-ancestry Allelic diversity Population genetic differentiation Breed and variety diversity Species populations Species distribution Population abundance Populations structure by age / size class Species traits Phenology Body mass Natal dispersal distance Migratory behaviour Demographic traits Physiological traits Community composition Taxonomic diversity Species interactions Ecosystem structure Habitat structure Ecosystem extent and fragmentation Ecosystem composition by functional type Ecosystem function Net primary productivity Secondary productivity Nutrient retention Disturbance regime Synthetic description of biodiversity thanks to data from diverse sources Temporal assessment => changes detection Measures doable with current knowledge and technologies Can be considered through different spatial scales and for different observation methods Complementary to each others Complementary to other observation observation of global changes (climatic, or public policy data intergration (e.g. development of protected areas) Essential biodiversity variables

12 DATA from primary observations of change in state of biodiversity OBSERVATIONS - In situ monitoring - Remote sensing EBVs High-level INDICATORS of biodiversity and ecosystem services (e.g. CBD) SCENARIOS for biodiversity & ecosystems services (e.g. IPBES) - Observation of drivers & pressures - Observation of policy & management responses Take place in a value chain, from raw data to its use in research, for scenarios production and decision- making support Essential biodiversity variables

13 For who  Academic researchers  Participative science participants supervised by researchers  Socio-professional sectors working with researchers, for exampe in the genetic resources field  Policy and decision makers

14 Linking data producers and data users  Metadata in English

15 ECOSCOPE metadata profile In red = ECOSCOPE specificities Two forms : Dispositive description associated with one or several dataset(s) description

16 ECOSCOPE metadata profile = not much more elements than in existing intiatives

17 Completeness levels of the profile:  Discovery : -Miminum level of information provided by metadata: title, covergage (taxonomic and spatio-temporal), scientific objectives, abstract, keywords, URL to web information resources -Provides the discovery and rapid understanding of the observatory and its dataset global meaning  Integration : -Rich content: EBV, detailed coverages, material and methods, descriptors measured, data stoking, format encoding, quality control and data update, data access URL -Informs about the potential for this dataset to be crossed with other datasets coming from other sources

18 Dataset metadata Export/Import 1)I directly import my metadata in ECOSCOPE portal in xml file. Only ECOSCOPE metadata is imported Manual entry/import/export Autres portails… …basés sur différents standards eml Profil métadonnées SINP 2) If i don’t have an xml, I have to entry my metadata manually, or if my xml didn’t provide all ECOSCOPE metadata Export/Import Manual entry 3) I export my metadata my metadata from ECOSCOPE portal in an xml file which may be compatible with others portals

19 Draft form Submitted form edition Validation request validation Modification request modification ECOSCOPE Steering commitee informed  passive validation Metadata provider action ECOSCOPE manager action Searchable on the portal Published form Metadata forms publication cycle on ECOSCOPE metadata portal

20 Now it’s time for a demo !

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