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Projecto do 9º grupo Diversified Activities Autumn Festivals Hallowe’en Gunpowder plot St. Martins Tag Thanksgiving Christmas Celebrations Boxing Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Projecto do 9º grupo Diversified Activities Autumn Festivals Hallowe’en Gunpowder plot St. Martins Tag Thanksgiving Christmas Celebrations Boxing Day."— Presentation transcript:


2 Projecto do 9º grupo

3 Diversified Activities Autumn Festivals Hallowe’en Gunpowder plot St. Martins Tag Thanksgiving Christmas Celebrations Boxing Day New Year New Year Resolutions Valentine’s Day Pancake Race Spring Festivals Easter Celebration Mother’s Day





8 Cultural tradition of celtic origin to celebrate autumn and the end of the harvest season. By paying homage to the spirits of death they prevented sickness and bad luck.




12 Ingredients: You need: 6 large potatoes 300 g. cheese 150 g. butter a little salt a little cooking oil Wash the potatoes but don’t peel them. Put a little oil on the potatoes. Cook them in the oven for 1 hour and a half at 175º. Cut the potatoes and put a little butter and cheese in the middle. Eat them hot. A TRADITIONAL RECIPE


14 It started with an attempt in the seventeenth century to blow up the houses of Parliament. Now the traditions is for children to make models of Guy Fawkes from straw and old clothes. Before November 5th they collect money for fireworks by saying “Penny for the Guy”. The dummy is then burnt on a bonfire while fireworks recall this attempt to blow up King James I.



17 Martinsgeschichte Der halbe Mantel Martin, Bischof von Tours, geboren 317, gestorben 397, Heiliger. Am 11.11 wird das M.-Fest (Martini) gefeiert mit volkstüm.Bräuchen. Am Vorabend werden M.-Feuer abgebrannt.

18 A arte de bem representar…

19 THANKSGIVING In 1621 William Bradford, the Governor of Massachussets, decided to have a thanksgiving dinner for all the people...

20 Celebrate ThanksgivinG Day on Thursday, 27th Thanksgiving

21 Thanksgiving dinner is a special day for families to get together...



24 Traditionally delivery boys from the shops asked for money in Christmas. They went from house to house on December 26th and took boxes of wood with them. People gave them money. This was a Christmas present. Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas Day. Its name comes from the boys’ wooden boxes.


26 NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st. But there is a problem. Most people forget their New Year Resolutions on January 2nd. Here are our Very Own Resolutions for 2004: - Not eating sweets and chocolates. - Being “at all times” caring, loving wives. - Love and support our Headmaster. -


28 St. Valentine’s Day This is a special day to tell the people you love what they mean to you... Celebrate love and friendship!!!

29 St. Valentine’s Day On February 14th, postmen deliver millions of romantic and often very funny Valentine’s cards. Some of these cards are very mysterious... Traditionally, Valentines are never signed.

30 St. Valentine’s Day On February 14th, postmen deliver millions of romantic and often very funny Valentine’s cards. Traditionally, Valentine’s are not signed.


32 Ash Wednesday is the day in February when the Christian period of Lent begins. This refers to the time when Christ went into the desert and fasted for forty days. Although not many people actually give up eating during this period, on Pancake Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, they eat lots of pancakes. These are made from flour, milk and eggs, and fried in a hot pan. Some towns also hold pancake races on that day. People ryun through the streets holding a frying pan and throwing the pancake in the air. Of course if they drop the pancake they lose the race. The schedule: Fat Tuesday is always 47 days before Easter Sunday. This can fall anywhere in-between February 3 and March 9, it all depends on the Catholic Church. The colors: the official colors for Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. These colors were chosen in 1872 by the King of Carnival, Rex. He chose the colors to stand for the following: Purple represents justice Green stands for faith Gold stands for power

33 Ingredients You need: - 2 eggs 2 teacups full of flour 1 ½ teacups of milk 4 soup spoons full of butter or margarine 2 soup spoons full of sugar 6 tea spoons of baking powder 1 tea spoon of salt Beat the eggs and mix vigorously with the other ingredients to get a smooth consistency. GREASE THE PAN. THROW THE PANCAKE IN THE AIR. FRY THE BATTER ON BOTH SIDES. THEN YOU CAN EAT IT.



36 Easter is a Christian holiday which celebrates the day when Jesus came back from the dead. On Easter Sunday people give colored chocolate eggs to each other and send Season Cards.

37 One Sunday in May is Mother’s Day. Children give them cards, flowers or presents. One way or the other giving birth means always happiness!!! But…mothers never expect them to become teenagers …

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