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(7 th ) Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes Advances in Genetics.

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1 (7 th ) Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes Advances in Genetics

2 Chapter 7-1: Key Questions What important observations did Darwin make on his voyage? How did Darwin account for the diversity of species and the differences between similar species? How does natural selection lead to evolution?

3 Chapter 7-1: Key Terms species- fossil- adaptation- evolution- scientific theory- natural selection- variation-

4 Chapter 7-1 Paragraph 1 1831: Charles Darwin set sail on HMS Beagle; Observations: diversity of organisms/remains of ancient organisms; characteristics of organisms on Galapagos Is; species: group of similar organisms that can mate and have fertile offspring; fossil: preserved remains/traces of organism from the past.

5 Chapter 7-1 Paragraph 2 1835: noticed plants/organisms on islands similar to mainland; but big differences also; inferred some species came to islands from mainland and changed over time; changes like size/shape of bird beaks on finches; Example of adaptation: trait helps organisms to survive/reproduce; hypothesized some species faced environmental change and developed into new species; evolution: gradual change in species over time; scientific theory: well-tested concept that explains wide range of observations.

6 Chapter 7-1 Paragraph 3 Darwin wrote “The Origin of Species”; proposed that evolution occurs through natural selection; natural selection: process where better adapted individuals better chance to survive than other members same species; Factors: overproduction; competition; variations; Darwin: natural selection, over a long time, can lead to change; variations important otherwise natural selection would not happen.

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