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1 Impacts of Drought Facilities Managers Meeting February 11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Impacts of Drought Facilities Managers Meeting February 11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Impacts of Drought Facilities Managers Meeting February 11, 2015

2 2 Palo Alto’s Water Supply  100% of Potable water from SFPUC – Mostly from Hetch Hetchy, depends on snowpack – Some from local reservoirs  Recycled water – Parks, golf course, water quality control plant – Possible expansion  8 emergency wells

3 3 Precipitation about Half of Normal at Hetch Hetchy (October 2013-Sep 2014)

4 4 SFPUC Water System Storage January 1983-September 2014

5 5 Calls for Conservation  January 17, 2014 Governor Brown declared water state of emergency and called for 20% water use reduction  January 31, 2014 SFPUC asked customers to voluntarily reduce water use by 10%  Immediately, Palo Alto began asking customers to cutback  SCVWD called for 20% reduction (different supply source)

6 6  July 15, 2014 SWRCB issued emergency water use regulations  August 4, 2014 Palo Alto City Council prohibitted additional water uses (beyond the Municipal Code’s permanent water use restrictions): 1.Use of potable water in non-circulating fountains 2.Use of potable water to clean driveways and sidewalks 3.Landscape irrigation between 10 am and 6 pm (except for drip irrigation, soaker hoses, and hand watering)  September 15, 2014 Council adopted enforcement provisions for the new water use restrictions

7 7 Regional Water System Savings

8 8 City of Palo Alto Cumulative Water Use Reduction

9 9 What About This Year?  SFPUC says: – If precipitation is at or above median precipitation: We’ll be on the road to recovery of system storage. – If precipitation is similar to 2007 and 2014: It will be a drier than normal year, but the results will keep us at a 10% demand reduction. – If precipitation is similar to 1977: We will need to plan for a 20% demand reduction and begin consideration of alternative water supply options.

10 10 Water Year 2015 Update

11 11 Questions?

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