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Diabetes Leilani G. Daligcon. Introduction b b There are two types of diabetes. b b Certain cultures are more prone to it. b b Nutritious eating will.

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes Leilani G. Daligcon. Introduction b b There are two types of diabetes. b b Certain cultures are more prone to it. b b Nutritious eating will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetes Leilani G. Daligcon

2 Introduction b b There are two types of diabetes. b b Certain cultures are more prone to it. b b Nutritious eating will prevent diabetes.

3 Whose effected? b b African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans higher risk of acquiring diabetes. b b Exists in any race.

4 Type I Diabetes b b Begins at an early age. b b Pancreatic islet cells don’t produce enough insulin. b b Causes symptoms of hyperglycemia. b b Individual will experience weight loss.

5 Type I an Auto-immune Disorder b Body’s immune system recognizes its tissues as foreign entities. b Pancreatic cells produce insulin that appear to be the enemy. b Antibodies fight foreign tissues b Pancreatic cells not able to produce insulin.

6 Treatment of Type I Diabetes b b Insulin shots. b b Following a diabetic diet. b b Exercising regularly. b b Taking diabetic medication if needed.

7 Type II Diabetes b b More common. b b Affects overweight people more. b b Involves insulin resistance. b b Insulin may be normal of high, but cells in the body don’t respond quickly to it.

8 Obesity a Factor of Type II Diabetes b Individual consumes more calories than necessary. b Elevates blood sugar. b Individual should consume 16 calories per pound of body weight per day.

9 Treatment of Type II Diabetes b b Diet of 1500-1800 calories a day. b b Number varies with age, sex, activity level, current weight, and body style.

10 Nutritious Eating and Exercise b b Avoid eating too much sugar. b b Eat low fat foods. b b Exercise to maintain ideal weight. b b Eliminates diabetes in those who have genetic predisposition to it.

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