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7/8/2016 Project I-57 October 30, 1998 video teleconference.

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Presentation on theme: "7/8/2016 Project I-57 October 30, 1998 video teleconference."— Presentation transcript:

1 7/8/2016 Project I-57 October 30, 1998 video teleconference

2 7/8/2016 Project I-57 Agenda: I. Introductions II. Teleapprenticeship relationships that have worked for in the past - Plan of action III. Brief description by each teacher of how technology will be incorporated in the classes and projects (if known) IV. Summarizing how everyone will work together and questions.

3 7/8/2016 Teleapprenticeships Learning while doing in a remote authentic setting For Project I-57, UIUC undergraduates will be learning to teach by participating in Project I-57 activities in classrooms in the five participating schools

4 7/8/2016 Kinds of teleapprenticeships Web weaving Project generation and coordination Student publishing Collaborations Question answering and question asking

5 7/8/2016 Web weaving http:// http://

6 7/8/2016 For further information: Web: Email:  Jim Levin  Paul Sundberg 

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