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Presentation on theme: "MANAGEMENT OF POOR QUALITY WATER FOR IRRIGATION"— Presentation transcript:

Submitted by: B.THIRUMALAI, BSA

2 Quality and suitability of irrigation water
Total salt concentration Relative proportion of sodium to other cations Carbonate and bicarbonate concentration Boron concentration

3 Total salt concentration in irrigation water
Total concentration of soluble salts is the most important single criterion of irrigation water quality The harmful effects increases with increase in total salt concentration EC - the standard method of evaluating irrigation water for total salts EC is the reciprocal of the electrical resistance (dSm-1), equal to one millimhos cm-1 EC serves as a guide to know the extent of soluble salts in irrigation water.

4 Classification of irrigation water according to salinity
EC (dSm-1) Suitability Low C1 < 0.25 Can be safely used for most crops on most soils Moderate C2 0.25 – 0.75 Can be used for all but extremely salt sensitive crops Medium C3 0.75 – 2.25 Can be used on soils of moderate to good permeability. Regular leaching may be needed. Crops with moderate to good salt tolerance should be grown. High C4 2.25 – 4.00 Can be used only in soils of good permeability. Special leaching is needed. Salt tolerant crops are suitable Very high C5 4.00 – 6.00 Undesirable for irrigation and should be used only in highly permeable soils with frequent leaching and with plants of high salt tolerance Excessive C6 > 6.00 Unsuitable for irrigation

5 Classification by STL of Tamil Nadu
Quality of water EC (dSm-1) Suitability Good < 1 Suitable for irrigation Critical 1 - 3 Suitable on proper management Injurious > 3 Not suitable

6 2. Relative proportion of sodium to other cations
    Sodium Adsorption ration (SAR) It measures the sodium cations in relation to the calcium and magnesium ions present in a solution and is expressed as Na SAR =  Ca + Mg 2

7 Classification of irrigation water based on sodium hazards
SAR Suitability LOW S1 0 – 10 Can be used on all soil with little danger of accumulation of exchangeable sodium Medium S2 10 – 18 Can be used in all soils with good permeability; appreciable sodium hazards in soils of high clay and low organic matter. High S3 18 – 26 Tends to cause harmful sodium accumulation in most soils: needs good drainage, high leaching and organic matter addition. Very high S4 > 26 Generally unsatisfactory for irrigation

8 Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)
Exchangeable sodium percentage is closely related to sodium adsorption ratio and gives the degree of saturation of the soil / water exchange complex with sodium and is given by Exchangeable sodium ESP = x 100 Cation exchange capacity

9 Sodium percentage Sodium percentage (SP) refers to proportion of sodium in relation to total cations in water and the sodium percentage is calculated as follows. Na SP = x 100 Na + Ca + Mg + K If the SP is more than 60, the use of water for irrigation is questionable

10 3. Carbonate and bicarbonate contents
The term Residual Sodium Carbonate is used to indicate the relative proportion of carbonates and bicarbonates in relation to calcium and magnesium in water.   The RSC is expressed as RSC = (Co3 + Hco3) – (Ca + Mg) RSC < 1.25 me/l : Good me/l : Fair 2.50 me/l : Bad

11 Limits of boron tolerance of some crops
    4. Boron concentration Limits of boron tolerance of some crops Tolerant (4 ppm) Semi-tolerant (2 ppm) Sensitive (1ppm) Palm Date palm Onion Turnip Cabbage Lettuce Carrot Potato Radish Field bean Sweet potato Lima bean Walnut Plum Grape pear Orange Grape fruit Avocado Lemon

12 Problem with poor quality water
Salinity Soil permeability Toxicity Physiological effects Nutritional effects Soil microbes Miscellaneous effects

13 Management of Saline Water for irrigation
 Application of organic manures Application of gypsum to the irrigation water to increase the proportion of calcium. Combined use of poor quality water with good quality water Raising green manure crops and incorporation. Scheduling irrigation with small quantity of water at more frequent intervals .Optimum use of manures and fertilizers Providing better drainage facilities Adopting ridges and furrow and drip methods of irrigation. Deep ploughing to break the impervious layer Mulching with locally available plant materials All soil management practices that improve the infiltration rate and maintain favourable soil structure reduce salinity hazard

14 Salinity tolerant crops
Degree of salt tolerance Good Turnips Beet root Date palm Moderate Lettuce Tomato Asparagus Carrot Spinach Onion Pepper Clove Fig Grape Olive Poor Peas Celery Cabbage Egg plant Sweet potato Potato Green beans Plum Pear Apple Orange

15 Sludge Sewage water Management
Besides salinity and alkalinity hazard of water, some industrial effluents and sewage water are also problem water that can be reused by proper treatment. Sewage Sewage is the mixture of both liquid and disintegrated solid waste without giving any treatment. Effluent Effluent is the filtered liquid portion of the sewage Sludge Sludge is the anaerobically decomposed organic matter present in sewage water. This is used as a source of organic manure.

16 Using sewage water for irrigation
     The sewage water contains heavy metals like Ni, Cr, Cd, Si The sewage water is rich in N (2 to 2.5 %) mostly in the form of NO3 and causes nitrate toxicity T Sewage farm should be located in sloppy lands ·        Drainage should be provided to drain the excess effluent ·        Avenue trees, silk cotton, coconut can also be grown ·        Crops like elephant grass, bhendi, radish, brinjal, agathi can be grown since they do not accumulate heavy metals ·        Sewage farms are encouraged for social forestry ·        Irrigating effluent water mixed with good quality water is advantageous ·        Stagnation of water should be avoided. The field should be dried for few days at least once in a week



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