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Dial-in: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594 SPDG Directors’ Webinar SPDG Program Measure 3: Presenters: Patricia Hershfeldt, EdD, Maryland PBIS, Cyndi Boezio,

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Presentation on theme: "Dial-in: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594 SPDG Directors’ Webinar SPDG Program Measure 3: Presenters: Patricia Hershfeldt, EdD, Maryland PBIS, Cyndi Boezio,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dial-in: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594 SPDG Directors’ Webinar SPDG Program Measure 3: Presenters: Patricia Hershfeldt, EdD, Maryland PBIS, Cyndi Boezio, Director, Colorado SPDG and Dan Jorgensen, Evaluator, Colorado SPDG Facilitators: Jennifer Coffey, PhD, OSEP Project Director Audrey Desjarlais, Signetwork 1

2 2 Webinar Ground Rules Roll Call  Enter Name, State, and role in chat pod Mute your phones:  To Mute or Un-Mute Press *6  Please do not put your phones on ‘Hold’ Q & A Process (audio/chat):  Ask questions in two ways – 1) via phone or 2) type in chat pod Archive Recording, PPT, & Materials:

3 SPDG National Meeting March 5-6, 2013 Building Stronger Professional Development Systems Through a Focus on Implementation 3  Washington Marriott - 1221 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC  Registration and Lodging Deadline: February 11, 2013  Link to register & download agenda:  Invited Partners – PTACS, US DOE, NASDSE, RRCP

4 SPDG National Meeting 4  Opening and Reflections  Implementation Fidelity Presentation Allison Metz, Associate Director, National Implementation Research Network  3-2-1 Small Group Discussions on 4 Implementation Fidelity Topics: 1) how to use implementation fidelity tools to provide meaningful data to drive decision-making 2) how to collect data efficiently and cost effectively (i.e., use of technology) 3) how type and amount of TA impacts implementation outcomes 4) how stages of implementation influence fidelity  Market Place 10 and 10 Session Tool Sharing  Market Place Mini Presentation  Technology Presentation  Poster Session AGENDA – DAY ONE 8:30-5:30pm ET

5 SPDG National Meeting 5  Installation Stage Presentation  Installation Stage Small Group Discussions  US Department of Education Presentation  Meetings with Project Officers AGENDA – DAY TWO 8:30-3:00pm ET

6 SPDG National Meeting 6 Every SPDG participant take part in the conference by engaging in one or more of the following activities:  Provide a SPDG Market Place 10-and-10 Tool Presentation.  Provide a SPDG Market Place Mini- Presentation.  Provide a Mini Poster. Participant Expectations

7 SPDG National Meeting 7 - Disseminated today via the listservs - Deadline to submit proposals: February 11 - Deadline to submit final electronic materials: February 18 Market Place & Poster Session Call for Proposals & Protocols

8 POLL Question 8 - YES - NO Would you be interested in attending a RRCP hosted SPDG Regional Meeting?

9 Next Directors’ Call 9 January 3, 3:00-4:30pm 1) Continuation Reporting News/Information (David Guardino) 2) Overview of Stages of Implementation Series and related SISEP tools. Connection to Implementation Conversations calls. (Audrey Desjarlais) 3) Test Break-out group technology

10 Introductions 10  Susan Barrett, MD PBIS: Online coaching tracking tool  Russ Skiba, IN SPDG: Indiana’s EMS Rubric  Cyndi Boezio & Dan Jorgensen, CO SPDG: SharePoint to track PD and follow-up activities

11 Performance Measurement 3: Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide follow- up activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG- supported practices.  Operational definition of terms:  Professional development funds = a minimum of 90% of the overall budget being used for activities from subsection "a" of the notice/Statute  Ongoing TA = the professional development assistance provided following training. A list of ongoing TA activities that are correlated with sustainability is provided. Partial list: o Coaching/mentoring o Implementation fidelity measurement & other types of observation o Mini-workshops (i.e., just-in-time, small-group trainings) o Determining needs through data and providing guidance or tools to meet those needs 11

12 Methodology  Grantee will report on the same initiatives assessed for Program Measures 1 & 2.  For each initiative, grantee should report cost of activities designed to sustain the initiative divided by the total cost of all professional development activities carried out for the initiative.  Equation:  Cost of ongoing TA Cost of all PD activities for an initiative 12

13  Grantees will set their own targets and will have a 5 point range to meet that target (e.g., target = 60% of all funds used for the initiative are used for ongoing TA. If the project only spends 55% of all funds OSEP would still consider this reaching the target.) 13

14 Colorado’s APR  ts/content_page_10/H323A090005%20201 2%20ColoradoAPR.pdf ts/content_page_10/H323A090005%20201 2%20ColoradoAPR.pdf 14

15 Data Collection for Coaches Susan Barrett Director, PBIS Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center, Sheppard Pratt Health System Patti Hershfeldt Assistant Director, PBIS Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center, Sheppard Pratt Health System 15

16 Organizational/Systems Change OR The Development of Effective, Productive, Collaborative Systems that create optimal Conditions for Learning Systems Change Coach (Facilitator/ Communicator) Support to Leadership Skill Coach for Practitioners Roles of the School Climate Specialist “Systems Coach” 16

17 17

18 Top Small Group Hours 18

19 Coaching: Total Hours For Each Group Over All Visits 19

20 Hours Spent On Each Type Of Coaching Over All Visits 20

21 21

22 Cyndi Boezio, PhD, SPDG Project Director Dan Jorgensen, Evaluation & Research Coordinator Colorado Department of Education Learning Supports Office SPDG Directors’ Webinar SharePoint Event Tracking Tool December 6, 2012

23 The Colorado State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) supports professional development activities and intensive coaching supports that target systems change utilizing integrated Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) frameworks. We seek not only to change adult behavior and build strong school, family and community partnerships, but to improve both academic and behavioral outcomes for students with disabilities including: a) all school-age children, early childhood to high school, and b) the full spectrum of students' educational needs, including students with Significant Support Needs (SSN) and students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Purpose of the Colorado SPDG

24 Six Professional Development Grant Projects # of Sites # of Coaches 1.Response to Intervention 35 sites (w/direct support) 4 coaches 2 project advisors 2.Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports 566 w/Fidelity Data 16 new sites 11 coaches 2 project advisors 3.Significant Support Needs Model Programs 12 sites 5/8 regions 4 coaches 3 project advisors 4.Autism Spectrum Disorders Model Programs 27 sites 10 coaches 2 project advisors 5.Early Childhood Pyramid Model 10 districts 4 BOCES 8 consultants 2 project advisors 6.Family & Community Partnerships n/a Communities of Practice n/a Overview of SPDG Initiatives

25 Our initial system was developed by an external evaluator to track the technical assistance and training that was being provided through the Colorado SPDG. Overview: the system was on-line and involved the download of spreadsheets, followed by data entry, and then the upload of the file back into the on-line platform. System Limitations Log-in privileges & changes to data elements were outside of our control This system was dependent on SPDG funds and potentially unsustainable The data was wasn’t easily accessible for decision-making The data entry process was time-consuming and prone to errors Initial Activity Tracking

26 Initial Tracking System: Screen Shot

27 To improve reporting, reduce cost, expedite assignment of log-in permissions, and streamline data collection a SharePoint site was adopted for use. SharePoint had been previously adopted by the Colorado Department of Education. In effect, this provided us with SharePoint access, including technical support, at no additional cost. The benefits of utilizing SharePoint include: a. Control over Site Content and Permissions b. No cost & In-House Technical Support c. Streamlined Data-pulls and Reporting d. Simplified Data Entry Process e. Allows for Document Sharing, Announcements, Wikkis, etc. f. Microsoft product, so compatible with Office products SharePoint Tracking System


29  What additional questions do you have for us?  What concerns do other states have with tracking technical assistance and training? Discussion

30 Colorado SPDG Website: Colorado SPDG Initiative Contact Information: Contact Information: Dan Jorgensen, Evaluation & Research Coordinator 303-866-6242 Cyndi Boezio, SPDG Project Director 303-866-6853 Additional Information

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