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100 200 300 400 500 LiteracySpellingScienceSocial Studies Jeopardy Math Turkey Trivia.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 LiteracySpellingScienceSocial Studies Jeopardy Math Turkey Trivia

3 Name two characters from Wriggly Squiggly? A 100

4 Monsters, Grandpa A 100

5 Pictures in stories are also called_______ A 200

6 Illustrations A 200

7 Where a story takes place is called the ________. A 300

8 setting A 300

9 What color feathers did the owl want in the story, did he get them? A 400

10 Red, no he did not get them. A 400

11 What did The Maker call the owl in the story? A 500

12 Noisy One A 500

13 What is the correct spelling of: Drink or Drenk? B 100

14 drink B 100

15 What is the correct spelling of Really or Realy? B 200

16 Really B 200

17 What is the correct spelling of: Mrs Macavoy or Mrs. McAvoy B 300

18 Mrs. McAvoy B 300

19 What is the correct spelling of: Dr. Zippero or Dr. Zipparo B 400

20 Dr. Zipparo B 400

21 What is the correct spelling of: Beautifull or Beautiful B 500

22 beautiful B 500

23 All rocks are made up of two or more__________; C 100

24 Minerals. C 100

25 When magna flows out of a volcano it is called_______. C 200

26 Lava. C 200

27 When rocks are worn down bit by bit, it is called______ C 300

28 Erosion. C 300


30 We learned about three types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and ________ C 400

31 metamorphic C 400

32 Name the layers of the Earth starting with the outer most layer. C 500

33 Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core. C 500

34 Every_______years a President is elected. D 100

35 four D 100

36 True or False A President chooses his Vice President D 200

37 True D 200

38 What are the two main political parties? D 300

39 Republican and Democrat D 300

40 How old does a person have to be in order to vote in the Presidential elections? D 400

41 18 D 400

42 The Constitution says that any person can run for president if he or she 1. 2. 3. D 500

43 1.Is at least 35 years old 2.Has lived in the US for 14 years. 3.Is a natural-born citizen. D 500

44 What is the sum of 8 + 5 E 100

45 13 E 100

46 What is the turn-around fact for 7 + 2? E 200

47 2 + 7 E 200

48 Fill in the missing number 21, 24, 27, ____, 33 E 300

49 30 E 300

50 Max finished cleaning his room at 1:30. It took him three hours. What time did he start? E 400

51 10:30 E 400

52 I have: 1quarter, 1 dime, 3 nickels, and 2 pennies. How much money do I have? E 500

53 52 cents E 500

54 What is an adult male turkey called? F 100

55 Tom F 100

56 When is Thanksgiving celebrated every year? F 200

57 Fourth Thursday in November F 200

58 How many days did the Pilgrims spend at sea on the Mayflower voyage? F 300

59 66 F 300

60 How many passengers were on the Mayflower voyage? F 400

61 102 F 400

62 What is the name of the bright red appendage below the beak of the turkey? F 500

63 wattle F 500

64 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Bullying Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

65 What are the five steps of our DeBug System? Click on screen to continue

66 1.Ignore2. Walk away 3. Talk friendly 4. Talk firmly 5. Get adult help Click on screen to continue

67 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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