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 Friendship Respect Understanding Empathy  What does it mean?  To value something, To think something is worthwhile. To respect and to value all.

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3  Friendship Respect Understanding Empathy

4  What does it mean?  To value something, To think something is worthwhile. To respect and to value all our differences  Our Age, Our Race, Our skin Colour, Our religion Our Abilities.

5 To respect each other means that we treat each other as we want to be treated. Would you like to be called hurtful names? Would you like to be teased about something about you that was different from some other children?

6  Celebrate different festivals from you  Have different customs and traditions at home from you  May even be able to speak or read another language from you  Have different abilities and strengths from you

7 The following story will make you think about being tolerant, accepting each other for what we are. The Story of The Ugly Duckling There was once a group of little ducklings on the pond. They all looked the same apart from one of them who wasn’t very cute at all. His feathers were a different colour, he was bigger than the others, he just didn’t fit it.

8 The ugly duckling as he became known felt so lonely because none of his brothers and sisters were nice to him, they teased him and made his life miserable. One day he felt so lonely and unloved that he left his family and wondered away from the pond, the only home he had ever known.

9 Yes the ugly little duckling had turned into a beautiful swan

10 At Oak Tree we are tolerant, we respect each other and we celebrate differences.

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