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- Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 1 Physics we could do with our data and ideas for the future A. Boudard and S. Leray CEA/Saclay, IRFU/SPhN,

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Presentation on theme: "- Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 1 Physics we could do with our data and ideas for the future A. Boudard and S. Leray CEA/Saclay, IRFU/SPhN,"— Presentation transcript:

1 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 1 Physics we could do with our data and ideas for the future A. Boudard and S. Leray CEA/Saclay, IRFU/SPhN, France

2 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 2  Hadrontherapy: mainly inclusive data  test of available simulation codes/reactions models : FLUKA, GEANT4 (QMD, BIC, INCL…)  comparison with other data, at different energies  Physics: understanding of reaction mechanism through nearly complete event reconstruction  building of more reliable reactions models What are our data interesting for ?

3 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 3 Build-up of secondary fragments produced by 400 MeV u -1 carbon ion beam in a water phantom From E. Haettner et al., Rad. Prot. Dosim. (2006) Carbon fragmentation (~50% of the C ions)  spreading of the dose outside the tumor volume (larger range of light nuclei, lateral spreading, neutrons) Data for hadrontherapy  double-differential cross-sections of projectile fragments, charge distributions…

4 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - O 290MeV/u + C O 400MeV/u + C Cl 1GeV/u + C Fe 500MeV/u + C Beam fragmentation Experiments: C. Zeitlin et al. ( (Odd-Even not good enough, especially O-C) Data INCL4.3 + ABLA 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fragment charge σ(mb) Fe 3GeV/u + C Data

5 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 5 12 C (95 A MeV) on 5 mm PMMA Data from B. Braunn et al. GEANT4 calculation using INCL4-HI + Fermi Break-up, BIC and QMD Inclusive cross-sections 7° 17°

6 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 6 12 C (135 A MeV) + 12 C GEANT4 calculations (From P. Kaitaniemi, PhD thesis) Particle spectra

7 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 7 Particle spectra Fragmentation of carbon ions at 250 MeV/nucleon J.M. Kidd et al., Phys. Rev. C37 (1988) 2613

8 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 8 Particle spectra Fragmentation of carbon ions at 1.05 GeV/nucleon Anderson et al., Phys. Rev. C28 (1983) 1224

9 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 9 Inclusive data Compared to fragmentary existing data, we should have in the same experiment  charge (mass?)  energy/momentum  angle for all(?) types of fragments Necessity to know exactly the capability/limits of our experimental setup (acceptance, thresholds…)

10 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 10 Tracks reconstructed in emulsion From T. Toshito et al., 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record As complete as possible event reconstruction Reaction mechanism understanding

11 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 11  study of the different reaction channels breakup into 3 alphas, comparison C/Au targets  Reconstruction of the fragmenting remnant by summing up outgoing particles  evolution with the violence of the collision dependence with particle multiplicity Reaction mechanism understanding

12 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 12  study of the different reaction channels breakup into 3 alphas, comparison C/Au targets Reaction mechanism understanding C+C 2.1 GeV/u Harvey et al., PRC 39 (1989) 841

13 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 13  Reconstruction of the fragmenting remnant by summing up outgoing particles  evolution with the violence of the collision dependence with particle multiplicity Reaction mechanism understanding Au+C 1 GeV/u Hauger et al., PRC 57 (1998) 764 Remnant properties as a function of charged particle multiplicity

14 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - SPALADIN experiment Z=2 emission is dominant IMF emission is dominant Def: IMF= Z≥3 From E. Le Gentil et al., PRL 100 (2008) 022701

15 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - Comparison to models: INCL4 + different de- excitation models Calculations filtered through GEANT4 Fe (1 AGeV+p) SPALADIN experiment From E. Le Gentil et al., PRL 100 (2008) 022701

16 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - SPALADIN experiment Correlation Excitation energy / fragment multiplicity From E. Le Gentil PhD Thesis

17 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - SPALADIN experiment Events with 2 fragments (Z≥3) for different bins of particle multiplicity: Difference between the charges of the two heaviest fragments From E. Le Gentil et al., PRL 100 (2008) 022701

18 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - PRELIMINARY Decomposition into different de- excitation channels characterized by the number of fragments fragments “fragment = Z ≥ 3” “Zbound = sum of all charges except Z=1” Zbound 1 frag + neutrons1 frag + n + He 2 frag + n + He2 frag + n (NO He) ≥ 3 frag INCL-SMM INCL-ABLA07 INCL-Gemini++ “Shaded zone = experiment” Th. Gorbinet PhD thesis SPALADIN 136 Xe + H (and C) at 1 GeV/u

19 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - PRELIMINARY Multiplicities Charged particles multiplicity (Except Z=1) Neutron multiplicity Total multiplicity INCL-SMM INCL-ABLA07 INCL-Gemini++ SPALADIN 136 Xe + H (and C) at 1 GeV/u Th. Gorbinet PhD thesis

20 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - → E*/A ~0.2 MeV→ E*/A ~1.0 MeV → E*/A ~1.9 MeV→ E*/A ~2.8 MeV → E*/A ~3.6 MeV INCL-SMM INCL-ABLA07 INCL-Gemini++ From multiplicity to mean excitation energy (of the pre-fragment) Inclusive cross sections by “mean” excitation energy Zbound PRELIMINARY “Zbound = sum of all charges except Z=1” Zbound Th. Gorbinet PhD thesis

21 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 21 Coincidence data For our data, it should be possible to study  Decomposition of the total reaction cross-section into the various reaction channels  Evolution of the channels with violence of collision/impact parameter (from LCP + neutron multiplicities)  Reconstruction of the fragmenting nucleus  Comparison C+C / C+Au

22 - Sylvie Leray – FIRST coll. Meeting, Nov, 2011 - 22 Application motivated  He, Li beams for hadrontherapy  iron for space applications  different energies between 100 and 400 MeV/u Physics motivated  iron more interesting for heavy ion model improving  comparison with different projectiles Future experiments

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