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Welcome to Orange Class Mrs Warsap Mrs Hannaford Please sign the register.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Orange Class Mrs Warsap Mrs Hannaford Please sign the register."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Orange Class Mrs Warsap Mrs Hannaford Please sign the register

2 Class Organisation  Children have Maths and English places.  They sit in a different place in the afternoon.  Visual timetable of the day’s events put up for all to see.

3 What are we learning? Please see the Curriculum Map for the year. Information is also on the school website.

4 Reading In Key Stage 2, we begin to use the Accelerated Reader (AR) System with the children. Children read an AR book then answer questions about it on the computer. Children score points depending upon how many questions they get right. They move through the levels by scoring 100%, 3 times.

5 Homework  Given out on a Wednesday to be handed in the following Monday  Differentiated where possible  Usually a piece of Maths and English but could also include something to do with topic work e.g History/ Geography  Also reading and times table practice (2x, 5x,10x, 3x, 4x, 8x)  Please use the h/w book to communicate any messages about the h/w.

6 Spellings Given out on a Wednesday and tested the following Monday Differentiated, however there are a number of words that all the children must know by the end of Year 4 Some weeks they are easier than others because we teach spelling patterns and rules.

7 PE This half term, it is on a Thursday afternoon- swimming. After half term, it will be on Wednesday afternoon. Will also have Mr Segrave on Friday afternoons occasionally Will need shorts and T-shirt on Wednesdays and probably track suit bottoms/tops and trainers for outside Games. Long hair needs to be tied back, jewellery taken off- earrings out or covered with micropore.

8 PPA Art- happens on Tuesday -with Mrs Hannaford. MFL-also on Tuesday with Senora Egla Morelli After half term, children will have Mrs Miles for PSHE

9 Class Incentives Children earn House points by being well behaved, kind, thoughtful, trying hard, producing good work etc Weekly 5 Star Nominations: 3 children showing 5 star qualities One child (or whole class) will receive the Star Award Children also earn Leaves which are collected in a jar for doing things well, together as a class, e.g tidying away, getting changed quickly and quietly. There is a reward when they reach the top of the jar.

10 Pupil Voice Reflection box School Council suggestion box

11 Any questions?

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