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The role of Civil Society in promoting Health Equity in Vietnam Hoang Tu Anh, CCIHP PAHE PARTNERSHIP FOR ACTION IN HEALTH EQUITY.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Civil Society in promoting Health Equity in Vietnam Hoang Tu Anh, CCIHP PAHE PARTNERSHIP FOR ACTION IN HEALTH EQUITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Civil Society in promoting Health Equity in Vietnam Hoang Tu Anh, CCIHP PAHE PARTNERSHIP FOR ACTION IN HEALTH EQUITY

2 Methodology Interview representatives of 31 organizations, groups and networks in Hanoi and HCM City including: –Vietnam NGOs (majority registered to VUSTA) (26), private (2), hội (1), self-help groups(1), social networks (1) –Representatives of different groups who are using health services (the poor, women, people living with HIV, disabled, children, ethnic minorities, migrants), health service provider (doctors), communicators, program officers and researchers 'snow ball' technique get information from forums, websites of organizations

3 Role of CSO in health equity Implement State policy Communication in law and policy Communication in education and health Provide services and social welfare Improve quality of service Poverty alleviation and Hunger eradication Advocacy To take part in the policy making process To change to method of implementing policy “Secondary” beneficiary Lobbying To change policy Watchdog To find out problems in implementing policies including corruption Joseph Hannah. 2007. Vietnam NGOs. PhD thesis.

4 1. Implement State policies 31/31 organizations take part in implementing programs, policies: –Policy dissemination –“Fill” in the gap in State’s programs and services We do things that the State doesn't do. We work with groups who are not State’s concern. Remote areas are not reached by the State so we approach them”.

5 Health educative information, training Psychological counseling/support Service providing Provide service information (quality, prices, site) Reference system Health insurance Other support (meal, medical payment, nursing...)

6 Constraint: –Legal status –Limited capacity/mechanism in fund raising, dependent on donating source –Human resource is limited in capacity and unsustainable –small scale and short term implementation due to limited capacity –high risk (working with “social evil groups)

7 13 out of 31 organizations put the objectives and come up with action plan One or many organizations cooperate (VCSPA, DOVIPNET) ‘In general, we need to work together to make a stronger voice’ 2. Advocacy

8 Action: –Do research and build up models of good practice –Workshop, discussion with policy makers or key agencies such as National Assembly, local authorities. –Organise forum to collect people’s feedback and submit to competent agencies. –Use mass media –build capacity, decentralise for disadvantaged groups

9 Constraints: –Lack persuasive evidence –Voice from Civil society is not yet much paid attention –Issues raised but depend on the manager in the system.

10 3. Lobbying Lobby not yet considered as one of important strategies in policy advocacy Two out of 31 organisations showed some lobby works Lack professional lobby experts and legal regulations to make lobby transparent and effective

11 “The issues that I presented were interested by National Assembly Members but after they just voted by Ministry of Health. But I am still happy because my job is doing research, showing the problems and issues and I understand that the approval of one policy depends on many elements” “I submit and wait. How can I do if they don’t change?”

12 4.Watchdog None agencies put the monitoring into the policy implementation, mission and goal. 5/31 organisations write monitoring report, of the HIV law implementation (2), Law on the gender equity (1) and Anti domestic violence law (1) Children right Law (1). The monitoring is just occasionally and without the systematic manner. Annual monitoring reports are not put in the agenda in all organisations

13 Role of civil society in health equity Implement State policy Advocacy Lobbying Watchdog Joseph Hannah. 2007. Vietnam NGOs. PhD thesis.

14 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 1. Health Equity is considered an important mission of Civil Society 2. Civil society’s current activities partially reduce inequity in health for some population groups, minorities, economies and areas, but are not sustainable and often implemented in a small scale

15 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 3. Policy advocacy is not strong and effective due to the lack of evidences, strength mobilization, lobby and voice of masses. 4. Monitoring is still implemented as adhoc.

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