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Syllabus Review Fall/Spring 2012-2013 Algebra 1 pt B Teacher: Coach Getson.

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2 Syllabus Review Fall/Spring 2012-2013 Algebra 1 pt B Teacher: Coach Getson

3 Teacher Contact Information Email:

4 Jacob Getson  Mathematics Educator for 14 years Experience: middle/high school Education: Furman High School-Sumter, SC – Diploma Univ. of South Carolina – Associates Degree Coastal Carolina University – B. S. degree in Math and Secondary Education Grand Canyon University – Masters in Education – Curriculum and Instruction (Technology) Hobbies: Coaching, kayaking, fishing, traveling, spending time with family.  11 th year with BLHS teaching, and coaching Football.

5 Materials you need ASAP 3-ring binder – 1 ½ -inch 5 tab dividers Notebook paper Writing utensil – pencils/pens Calculator for home use Note: Parents are GREATLY encouraged to provide a graphing calculator for home use.

6 Required Notebook Sections Bell Work: Word of the Day and Problem of the Day(Syllabus/standards go in your notebook in front of this section.) Notes/Lab Activities Homework/Classwork Quizzes

7 Why do we have to keep a NoteBook? Departmental Requirement Valuable preparation for college and your future! They make studying easier! According to recognized research, 90% of success of college/life is organization!

8 Grading Policy – Algebra 1 pt B Tests 45%Grading Scale Quiz/CW/Lab 35%93 – 100 A Homework 20%85 – 92 B 77 - 84 C 70 – 76 D

9 Final Course Grade – Math Tech 1 40% -- 1 st Quarter GRADE 40% -- 2 nd Quarter GRADE 20% -- Final Exam _____ 100

10 QUESTIONS... Daily Procedures Behavior Expectations What are we going to learn? What about HW? What about those restroom passes?

11 HOMEWORK? CHECKED DAILY! Assigned Mon-Thurs! Weekly HW posted on board Monday. Each assignment is worth 4 points. Miss it once – HW AVERAGE – 96 Miss it twice – HW AVERAGE – 92 Miss it 5 times – HW AVERAGE - 80 And so on...

12 What will we be studying? FUNCTIONS, FUNCTIONS, FUNCTIONS! Graphing Linear Equations and Functions Writing Linear Equations Systems of Linear Equations and inequalities Exponents and Exponential Functions Quadratic Equations and Functions Polynomials and Factoring And MORE!

13 How will be learning these many new concepts? Lesson Notes – Overhead Projector/Board Guided & Independent Practice Using Technology: graphing calculator, CBR, computer Lab Activities Review Activities Personal class preparation — HW Reading and Writing Study, Study, Study!!

14 BEFORE Class STARTS Enter classroom quietly! (No loitering at the door before the bell.) Retrieve your assigned calculator. Turn in your homework upfront DAILY. Be seated & get prepared for class. Begin your Bell Work immediately after the tardy bell rings.(Bell Work consists of copying and defining Word and Problem of the Day)

15 During the warm – up... QUIET INDEPENDENT WORK TIME During your warm-up, I will be taking attendance, and checking your homework EACH day. You will be working independently. We will go over warm-up questions about 5-6 minutes into class. When you finish, sit quietly and prepare for the day ’ s lesson by having books ready.

16 Stay Seated and Quiet During… Teacher Lectures & Instructions While taking notes During Independent Practice unless given permission otherwise. During QUIZZES & TESTS

17 Well... When CAN we talk??!!? Before the tardy bell rings During cooperative activities During group or lab activities After raising your hand to ask or answer a question At the end of class

18 It is the RIGHT of EACH student in my classroom to have the opportunity to learn. It is NEVER acceptable to hinder the learning of your classmates.

19 REWARDS Optimal learning environment! Success in school and in life! Valuable preparation for JOBS & CAREERS! Great grades! Classroom rewards! (I like these!)

20 Rules, Rules, Rules 1. Be in your seat when the bell rings with all books and materials. 2. No personal grooming during class time. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Treat others with courtesy and respect. 5. Respect our learning environment.

21 And... MORE EXPECTATIONS! Take-Care of our classroom — CLEAN UP, CLEAN UP, It ’ s our shared responsibility. Take care of PERSONAL business on YOUR time — No texting, personal grooming, eating in class, etc. – Bottled water ONLY. Remain attentive participating in class at all times.

22 And... Some final reminders Keep personal comments to yourself. Remember to abide by our “ NO TALK ” times. Class Tardiness = DEMERITS

23 Calculators We use the TI-84 plus. Each student will be assigned a calculator. Use YOUR OWN CALCULATOR at all times. Do not take it home. If your calculator is ever missing — report it immediately to your math teacher. Your calculator is YOUR responsibility.

24 Behavioral Consequences Warning Morning Detention / Student Conference Parent Contact Referral to office – DEMERITS Disrespect, profanity, and inappropriate rude/crude behavior will be immediately referred to office for DEMERITS.

25 Restroom/Hall Passes You will receive 3 such passes the first day of school this semester. These must be used ANYTIME you exit my classroom (teacher discretion). These can be earned: “ A ” on a test, winning a tournament or other test review competition, B ’ s on three tests, 100 % HW grades (16 in a row). Please use these wisely.

26 What do I do when I am absent Please be here EVERYDAY if possible. See me during Tues-Thurs PEP to retrieve assignments, make-up quizzes. TESTS must be made up in class immediately upon your return to school. CHECK the board and text for class reminders. Check with your “ class buddy. ”

27 Questions Please????

28 Well... Let ’ s get started!

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