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The Classroom. Are You READY for Class? Are you… On Time? Following the Dress Code? Do you have… Your Homework? A pen or pencil? A Positive Attitude?

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Presentation on theme: "The Classroom. Are You READY for Class? Are you… On Time? Following the Dress Code? Do you have… Your Homework? A pen or pencil? A Positive Attitude?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Classroom

2 Are You READY for Class? Are you… On Time? Following the Dress Code? Do you have… Your Homework? A pen or pencil? A Positive Attitude? Have you… Put away your phones and/or iPods, etc?

3 Beginning of Class When applicable answer Daily Question on half sheet of paper. Review previous days information; develop questions Turn in any make-up work

4 Paying Attention Being Quiet Looking Up Eyes Tracking Speaker

5 Answering Questions Wait Time…Answer ONLY when called on Cold Call…Be prepared to answer even if your hand isn’t raised. No Opt Out… All Students must give a correct answer Call & Response… Answer as a class Say it like a SCHOLAR…Speak Clearly, et.

6 Say it like a SC(H)OLAR… Speech should be – Smartly worded – Complete Sentences – Organized – Loud enough – Addressed to the entire class – Respectful

7 Between Activities Attention… Look Up and Be Quiet Leave Clean Workspace Go to Assigned Spot Quietly Listen for More Directions

8 Leaving the Classroom “Ten-Ten” Rule No passes first and last ten minutes of class Obtain Pass (Pink Wooden “R”) if missing wait for its return No wandering

9 End of Class Work until Directed to Clean Up Clean workspace Stay seated until the bell rings.

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