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0. The µWave SDR By Jonathan Naylor, ON/G4KLX.

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Presentation on theme: "0. The µWave SDR By Jonathan Naylor, ON/G4KLX."— Presentation transcript:

1 0. The µWave SDR By Jonathan Naylor, ON/G4KLX

2 1. What Is The µWave SDR? Cheap access to microwaves
Use the best of modern technology DSP to give great performance Small form factor for remote mounting Keep it simple - most microwave ops aren’t computer specialists

3 2. The Team Neil Whiting, G4BRK Chris Bartram, GW4DGU
Jonathan Naylor, ON/G4KLX Grant Hodgson, G8UBN Tobias Weber, DG3YEV

4 3. The Concept TX µWSDR 1 RX Switch PC TX µWSDR 2 RX

5 4. Unified Hardware Use the latest commercial IC’s/module’s
Same devices across bands Two part hardware, a common back-end and a band specific front-end Together Eurocard sized to fit into standard extrusions/cases

6 5. Front-Ends Basic specifications:
mW RF output 2 - 3dB Noise figure Simplifies design, reduces cost and engineering complexity Fits in well with modular designs Can be used barefoot and still be effective

7 6. Front-End Block Diagram
RF In I/Q Out BPF LPF 10 MHz Osc. Control RF Out I/Q In BPF Control Out Control In

8 7. Front-End Specifics 1/2 Single Fraction-N synthesizer chip chosen, the LMX 2486 Divided for lower bands, thereby reducing phase noise External high quality 10 MHz source is possible Commercial of home made VCOs

9 8. Front-End Specifics 2/2 Highly integrated RX and TX mixers:
RX – LT 5575, LT 5517 TX – ADL 5372, ADL 5385 Three layer PCB, oscillator on one side, RX and TX chains on the other Commercial or home made bandpass filters

10 9. Design Challenges Microwave band activity areas are narrow, but they may not be the same worldwide 23cms – 1269/1296 MHz 13cms – 2304/2308/2320/2400/2424 MHz 9cms – 3400/3456 MHz This complicates the design of VCOs and bandpass filters

11 10. Back-End Interface between the PC and the Front-End
One per front-end, tightly integrated Converts base band to ethernet packets and vice versa Takes commands to control the oscillator and external devices General purpose CPU for flexibility

12 11. Back-End Block Diagram
I/Q In ADC AKM5394a DAC/ Clock PCM1740E I/Q Out CPU AT91SAM7X256 Ethernet Osc. Control Control Out

13 12. Back-End Hardware CPU is a 60 MHz ARM7 core with integrated Ethernet, programmed in C ADC is AKM5394a operating at either 48 or 96 Ksps DAC + Clock is PCM1740E, feeds clock to the ADC, speed under software control

14 13. Back-End Software Implements a complete UDP/IP stack
Simple command interpreter Possibility of hardware AGC

15 14. The Ethernet Protocol All messages use UDP/IP
All messages have a two character identifier Data messages have a sequence number to discard out-of-order packets, no retries Command messages have explicit ACK/NAK Command messages are transported with a simple stop-and-wait protocol

16 15. Why Ethernet? Longer distances than USB, important for /P and remote mounting of hardware Less HF interference than USB Simple to extend with fibre optic A more portable API on computers

17 16. µWave SDR Software A suite of four programs:
The GUI SDRSetup GUISetup SDRHelp Very simple to install and use Completely cross platform, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

18 17. SDRSetup Sets up the UWSDR hardware

19 18. GUISetup Creates or changes an instance of the GUI
Sets up external connection information, dependent on the type of SDR chosen

20 19. SDRHelp Help available for the other programs
Available from within the GUI

21 20. The GUI

22 21. GUI Features Uncluttered design and easy to use
Looks similar to existing radios Runs on small-ish computers Supports multiple hardware types: UWSDR SoftRock (RX and RXTX) Demo mode

23 22. GUI Internals DSP core based on DttSP but converted to C++
Removed esoteric features Added Weaver method I/O via interfaces making the addition of new hardware simple More tightly integrated than DttSP, more like PowerSDR

24 23. GUI Usage Less used features are hidden away, similar to the IC-706 Spectrum display is adjustable S/Power Meter is adjustable CW/Voice keyer Has the concept of default bandwidth, AGC speed and tuning speed per mode Target audience are not computer geeks

25 24. 3cms SoftRock RXTX? Fixed LO based on WiMAX VCO and fractional-N synthesizer Passive bi-directional mixer Integrated patch antenna for dish mounting -6 dBm RF output (250 µW) 10 dB noise figure Great for /P use on hills/mountains

26 25. µWave SDR Progress Software is mature and in use on-air with SoftRocks Back-end is progressing well, currently evaluating new Ethernet hardware Front-Ends are not so advanced

27 26. Contact Software is under the GPL
Hardware will probably use the TAPR OHL If you would like to help the µWave SDR project, either hardware or software Web page:

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