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GHS “Optional Class Rank” Edward D. Gregorski Director of School Counseling.

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Presentation on theme: "GHS “Optional Class Rank” Edward D. Gregorski Director of School Counseling."— Presentation transcript:

1 GHS “Optional Class Rank” Edward D. Gregorski Director of School Counseling

2  Class rank will be internally calculated after Quarter 3 of the senior year to recognize: 1.The top 3 students for graduation 2.The top 15 students for the newspaper  Class rank will be internally calculated after Quarter 4 of the junior year so that it is available if needed for: 1.Local and Merit based scholarships 2.For colleges (e.g. military academies that require it) Present Policy

3  Reporting to colleges for application purposes for the class of 2010 and thereafter.  Recommendations (School Counseling Department.) UNLESS REQUESTED Present Policy


5  NACAC/College Board  ½ of high schools nationwide no longer report.  Most small/competitive high schools have done away with it.  High school class rank matters much less.  Student PENALIZED and OVERLOOKED.  Colleges have de-emphasized class rank in admissions decisions. Research

6  Our reporting “Optional Reporting” not in line with other competitive institutions.  100% DRG A/B NO RANK  100% DRG A/BNO “OPTIONAL REPORTING”  Visual representation to represent students. Research


8  College Admissions  Transcript #1 - Rigor of Courses Taken (AP/ECE/L1) - Grades received - 6 th /7 th Semester GPA *If Rank Supplied…Will Be A Factor In Admission Decision! Research

9  Present “Optional Reporting System” = Tough Choice For Students  Inequity in reporting system  Focus on a NUMBER (non holistic) Research

10 1. Class rank will no longer be calculated or reported by GHS to colleges/universities for application purposes for the class of 2019 (incoming freshman class) and thereafter. 2. Students who receive a 4.75 GPA or higher after the third quarter of senior year will be recognized during graduation. Year of Graduation Number of Students Recognized 2015 4 2014 3 2013 4 2012 2 2011 4 3. Students who receive a 4.6 GPA or higher after the third quarter of senior year will be recognized for the newspaper. Year of GraduationNumber of Students Recognized 2015 13 2014 12 2013 19 2012 6 2011 11 4. A “Grade Distribution Bar Graph” will continue to be used to indicate a student’s place in his/her class. Recommendations

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