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What are the benefits of sport on health and on social welfare ? Léonie Emeriau et Noémie Prineau 1ST2S.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the benefits of sport on health and on social welfare ? Léonie Emeriau et Noémie Prineau 1ST2S."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the benefits of sport on health and on social welfare ? Léonie Emeriau et Noémie Prineau 1ST2S

2 For mental health Prevention of cognitive impairements, improvement of self esteem and reduction of anxiety, decrease in the level of depression the athletes of high level suffer three times less of psychopathological troubles, major depressions are less frequent (1% of athletes suffer from depression againts 2,6% of the general population).

3 The benefits of physical activity on health Improvement of life quality Helps to resist tiredness Helps relaxation and rest Improves the quality of sleep Physical activity can favour meetings between friends and family activities

4 Practising physical activities allows a better health. Better life quality Positive impact on cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and muscular systems

5 Benefits for physical health. Decrease of mortality rate for both genders World Athletes have a longer life expectancy Practicing physical activities reduces the mortality rate by 14% Mortality

6 Benefits of physicals activities on physical condition Increases muscular strength Improves flexibility, balance and coordination Improves heart and respiratory functions Fights back pains Stay more physically autonomous with age

7 Benefits of physical activities on health Decrease of heart disease and arterial hypertension Reduction of development of certain cancer Decrease of the risk of type 2 diabetes Decrease of the risk of osteoporosis Weight gain limiting Decrease of fat level in blood leading to a rise in 'good' cholesterol.

8 Which activity is for you ? Regulary physical activities is beneficial to extend life expectancy and health to keep a good quality of life Whatever the age, desires, possible handicap, there are always suitable physical or sports activities All types of activities are beneficial like hobbies, acts of everyday life : means of transport, professional activities, gardening, school...

9 All ages For kids: preventive role on a lot of chronic disease of adulthood, fortifies the skeleton. For teenagers : Increase of cardiovascular metabolic capacities, increase of general endurance For seniors : slows down processes linked to ageing, balance maintenance Sports and physical activities allow people to maintain their abilities to keep their independence and living standards

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