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BSR STARS - Programme for the Developement of Innovation, Clusters and SME-Networks Rima Putkienė Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Maritime.

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Presentation on theme: "BSR STARS - Programme for the Developement of Innovation, Clusters and SME-Networks Rima Putkienė Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Maritime."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSR STARS - Programme for the Developement of Innovation, Clusters and SME-Networks Rima Putkienė Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Maritime Cluster Workshop May 11, 2010, Klaipėda

2 Vision and Mission of the Programme Baltic Sea Region Population - 110 million Vision: Establish a Global Position of the BSR – the macro-region – through Commercial based Innovation activities in selected fields Mission: Gain capabilities and capacities – relevant critical mass – in commercial focused trans-national collaboration in the BSR in fields of:  Research and Innovation  Clusters  SME-Networks

3 Objectives of the BSR Stars foster R&D and business-related transnational collaboration covering innovation systems, clusters and SME networks, in order to strengthen economic growth in the whole BSR  Orchestrate trans-national commercial focused collaboration in innovation in the macro-region  Identify and develop Innovative Dynamic Interactions between trans- national, national and regional actors in the macro-region  Identify Grand Potentials of BSR  Build critical mass in Capacities and Capacities through specific trans- national collaborative commercial focused projects  Establish a macro-regional Communication Platform using the forefront of digital facilities


5 Management of the BSR Stars Task Forces Executive Team 1.Program manager Sweden (VINNOVA) 2.Co-program manager Lithuania (MoE) 3.Taskforce leaders Research and Innovation (Sweden) Research and Innovation (Sweden) SME-Networks (Lithuania/Iceland) SME-Networks (Lithuania/Iceland) Transnational Clusters (Finland) FDI/Branding Capacity Building (Sweden) Project & Knowledge managemt Project & Knowledge managemt High Level group All countries are represented, ministry & agency Chair- Sweden Co-chair Lithuania Secretariat VINNOVA & the representatives of the other countries Task Force Governance & Financing Sweden Task Force Governance & Financing Sweden

6 BSR Stars – Sub-Programme A Purpose is to link and strengthen existing and new strongholds of innovation and research milieus in the 10 countries in order to increase global competitiveness Strategic Idea is to link innovation and research milieus within the BSR. Global virtual innovation hubs will be created and strengthened and business ideas that are globally competitive will be supported with the help of a number of initiatives within policy, research and industry Research & Innovation

7 BSR Stars – Sub-Programme B Transnational Clusters Purpose – to enrich and speed up the emergence of transnational business ecosystems and other platforms for innovation by harnessing clusters as a main driving force Strategic Idea – to combine the capabilities of the BSR into transnational ecosystems solving global grand challenges and other selected growth potentials. This is done through activities that enhance transnational cluster collaboration and motivate strategic opportunity and champion driven ecosystem development

8 BSR Stars – Sub-Programme C Purpose – is to support and strengthen international collaboration among existing SME-Networks and facilitate the new ones with the aim of strengthening the innovation capacity of SMEs and helping them to find new business and market opportunities Strategic Idea – to establish and strengthen transnational SME- Networks:  Facilitation of business driven international cooperation among SME-Networks  Strengthening transnational SME-Networks in order to foster innovation and deliver value added of transnational collaboration to enterprises participating in networks  Strengthening the linkages within the BSR and outside the region SME-Networks

9 Expected Results  Exploit the full potential of the region in research and innovation  On business level - to develop knowledge-intensive products and services to compete on the global market  On policy level - to develop efficient innovation systems that offer entrepreneurial dynamism and intensive linkages among top-level knowledge institutions, private investors, incubators and related business services

10 BSR Stars – StarDust  BSR StarDust application to the BSR InterReg Programme is a vital step on the BSR Stars platform and pilot phase  The StarDust project will give the foundation and necessary basis for the implementation of a full scale BSR Stars Programme  The core of StarDust consists of 5 pilots operating in the fields of: clean-tech and future energy wellbeing and health future transport digital business and services In total the number of key and pilot partners are: SE-7, LT-7, FI-4, LV-4, DK-3, EE-3, PL-3, DE-2 and NO-1

11 StarDust Pilots “Marchain” – to develop a virtual communication and cooperation environment for business, knowledge and competences by connecting the national maritime clusters into united communication and business support infrastructure to improve marine transport supply chains, efficiency and competitiveness “Mobile Vikings” – the leading telecommunication and mobile communication companies collaborate in creating new products and services - new user and demand driven business and innovation models

12 StarDust Pilots “Active for Life” – to create and provide innovative, globally competitive and effective transnational service models and business concepts to maintain or improve the quality of life, and to keep the ageing population an active part of society “Clean Water” - to develop water protection with new and innovative technologies, products and services. The pilot case is to achieve EU Standard of chemicals (REACH) level in Vodokanal which is the biggest polluter of the Baltic Sea “Comfort in Living” - to develop a cluster of knowledge and experience sharing based on specific cultural backgrounds, ways of living, knowledge and traditions of doing businesses within the countries of the BSR for design and product development within the specified area – the comfort in living for active people

13 StarDust Relation to BSR Stars

14 BSR Stars - Benefits for the BSR Benefits for the region:  increased competitiveness of the region, closer cooperation between the countries will increase the attractiveness of the whole BSR  a wider network of partners could help to generate new ideas and projects  enhanced cooperation, exchange of the knowledge is a driven force for the innovation  BSR – attractive region to the foreign investors ...

15 BSR Stars - Benefits for the BSR Benefits for Business:  new partners, new markets, improved access to commercialize research  due to co-operation, the clusters will enhance and join the international networks (network of networks) ... Benefits for Research Institutions:  world class research centers and innovation milieus  the mobility of scientists and researchers in the BSR, a critical mass for the research ...


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