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Atlas of variation R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014

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Presentation on theme: "Atlas of variation R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlas of variation R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014
Excuses or challenges! Age Ethnicity Legacy effect Rural population Lack of detail

2 Evolution and the diabetic foot
Increasing numbers Fashion victims

3 The problem in profile R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014

4 Why speed is of the essence R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014
Vascular disease and outcome Reference Rate of Healing of Neuropathic Ulcers of the Foot in Diabetes and Its Relationship to Ulcer Duration and Ulcer Area. Ince, Game and Jeffcoate. Diabetes Care 2006

5 Profile Torbay total ulcer and amputation rates 2005-2013

6 They all have admin, clerical and IT help
The diabetic foot Other Audits R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 14/07/2014 1. Williams MV, Drinkwater KJ. Radiotherapy in England in 2007: modelled demand and audited activity. Clin. Oncol. R. Coll. Radiol. G. B. 2009;21:575–90. 2. Cloud G, Hoffman A, Rudd A, Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party. National sentinel stroke audit Clin. Med. Lond. Engl. 2013;13:444–8. 3. Birkhead JS, Walker L, Pearson M, Weston C, Cunningham AD, Rickards AF, et al. Improving care for patients with acute coronary syndromes: initial results from the National Audit of Myocardial Infarction Project (MINAP). Heart Br. Card. Soc. 2004;90:1004–9. 4. Sweeney AB, Flora HS, Chaloner EJ, Buckland J, Morrice C, Barker SGE. Integrated care pathways for vascular surgery: an analysis of the first 18 months. Postgrad. Med. J. 2002;78:175–7. They all have admin, clerical and IT help

7 The first peer review visits (NHS Diabetes) 2011 to 2013
Team involved Host team Zoli Zambo Shelina Jetha Richard Paisey Graham Bruce Alex Harrington Matthew Cichero Rob McCarthy Angie Abbott Foot review patients Multidisciplinary team in action Podiatry leads Commissioners Nursing support staff Admin team

8 10 visits as NHS Diabetes

9 Amputation rates according to services available 2011
centre Data base MDT Orthotics In clinics Pod lead for foot service Com pod >1/1000 Diabetic populn 1 + 2 3 - 4 5 +/- 6 7 8 9 10

10 Measuring within area variation R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014
All amputations/1000 persons with diabetes per 5 years per practice

11 Clustering within areas R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014

12 Integrating with the patient and carers

13 Prompt treatment matters-the patient’s narrative
Major lower limb amputation Resolution of ulcers Male age 61 T2DM 5 years Good family support Great toe ulcer Low dose antibiotics in community 6 weeks Not healing, referral to MDT Osteomyelitis in tibia AKA Male age 84 T2DM 10 years Living alone Bilateral heel ulcers MDT in 5 days Offloading and intense antibiotics Complete healing No surgery required

14 NHS England peer reviews Thanks to
Margaret Bamford, Michelle Roe NHS Diabetes Duncan Browne, SW regional diabetes lead SW Region: podiatrists (Alex Harrington) vascular surgeons foot and ankle specialists diabetologists Orthotists DUK Persons living with diabetes Commissioners

15 NHS England lead for quality improvement Two diabetes leads
Peer review team NHS England lead for quality improvement Two diabetes leads Two podiatry leads Vascular surgeon Orthopaedic surgeon

16 What constitutes an effective MDT?
Enough space for parallel working Two podiatrists with rotation in from community Orthotist contract Diabetologist job plan Vascular surgeon job plan Orthopaedic/podiatric surgeon job plan Access to microbiology/tissue viability/diabetes nursing Access point for referral

17 The foot protection team R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014
Practice nurse annual review and education for low risk patients 7.2 podiatrists/100,000 populace (all podiatry) Skill mix-band 5 for high risk patients band 6 for ulcer treatment Liaison with district nurse, care homes, practice Link and rotation in to MDT with clear point of contact Ref Health Committee Written evidence from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (PEX 21) 2013

18 Heterogeneity of diabetic foot care services
CCG General Practice Patient and carer NHS Trust Hospital Social enterprise Nursing and residential homes

19 Advanced information R B Paisey, SW CCG advisory group 04/05/2014
To be obtained by CAG review team a) Population served by CCG b) Percentage with diabetes c) Five year minor and major amputation rates/1000 diabetic persons in each practice d) What is the compliance in practices with the 9 care processes for diabetes annual review? Supplied by CCG,MDT,Community Pod a) Location, frequency and regular attendees at MDT b) Locations, skill mix and frequency of community diabetes podiatry clinics c) Rotation scheme between community and MDT podiatry d) Access to diabetic foot care pathways e) Root cause analysis of amputations f) Services commissioned and delivered for low, medium and high foot risk diabetic persons g) Are there regular training programmes for primary and secondary care staff in diabetes foot care?

20 Peer review timetable Time Venue Purpose Participants from locality
Review team member Documentation Meeting room Introductions CCG, Trust Board, review team, diabetes foot care leads in podiatry and diabetes All Written notes Aims and structure of review MDT area (clinic in progress if necessary) Assessment of clinic space, frequency, staffing and integration with community and wards Podiatrist, diabetes lead, vascular surgeon, orthopaedic surgeon, orthotist, clerical support staff Diabetes specialist, podiatrist and surgeon Use data collection form Interview room Interviews with patients 4 patients two healed two amputees NHS England lead and second podiatrist Use national audit form Quiet room Review of 4 of 10 sets of patient notes Admin staff member for clinic Second diabetologist Coffee break none Highlight list of important issues Discussion of access to diabetes foot care general practice-community podiatry –MDT and back GP, CCG, community podiatry, diabetes, vascular surgery leads for diabetes foot care and orthotist Lunch Outline of recommendations None Feedback to local team

21 Thanks for listening

22 Ulcer Classification SINBAD
Site Ischemia Neuropathy Bacterial infection ulcer Area ulcer Depth Ulcers scored 0(neg) or 1(pos) for each characteristic Sum of scores (0-6) = overall grade.

23 Best practice Patient centred continuity of care
Integration with general practice Podiatry based With audit of all ulcers Clarity in commissioning Research HEELS and future studies


25 Delivery of Care Prevention of foot disease
Hospital acquired heel ulceration

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