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St. Michael’s College Year 7 Parent Afternoon 2012.

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1 St. Michael’s College Year 7 Parent Afternoon 2012

2 Amanda Lowrie EXPERIENCED SENIOR TEACHER Teaching in State Schools in QLD and NSW for 18 years and 5th year at St Michael’s College. (23 years) Caboolture, Lismore, Goonellaba, Ballina, Bray Park, Morayfield, Hayman Island… Born in London, came to Australia when I was 13

3 YEAR 7 Mrs Foster Mrs Gardiner Tracey Jardine Religion Library Skills Learning Support Music ICT Sensei Linda Rice Sport/PE LOTE BC & co Instrumental Music The Arts Clint & Chelsea Ms Thomas – Musical Mrs Lowrie – Dance Sister V Pastoral Care

4 Mrs Gardiner… Library – NCD Library time is a combination of ICT and Literature work. EXPERIENCED SENIOR TEACHER 28 years teaching experience 16 years in EQ schools teaching classroom Year 1-7 13 th Year at SMC Teacher Librarian – ICT Coordinator – Network Administrator ICT – one lesson per week Collaboration with Amanda where ICT is embedded in classroom work. ICT lessons support the work from the classroom Skills include: Sending and receiving emails, file management, Internet searching, OneNote, referencing and using information in a legal way

5 Daily Routine Prayer/Roll Novel study (The Hobbit) Spelling Mastery (9.00-9.30 whole school) Literacy 9-11 (Terry) Brain Break at 10am Mathematics (Jan) MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY PE (2.25)ICT LAB Assembly Japanese (10.15-11.00) NCT Music/RE/Lib/ ICT Sport

6 Teaching the Curriculum Overview of the Year klaoverview2012.docxklaoverview2012.docx Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) ACARA has identified three broad phases of curriculum development: Phase 1 – development of the Australian Curriculum for English, mathematics, science and history (F-10 published 2010; 11-12 in development) Phase 2 – development of the Australian Curriculum for geography, languages and the arts (in development from 2010) Phase 3 – development of the Australian Curriculum for the remaining areas identified in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (in development from 2011) including design and technology, health and physical education, ICT, economics, business and civics and citizenship.


8 What’s new? Australian Curriculum Year 7 changes Particularly the Maths Diaries Expectations! Independent Study Time (Wed) Teacher Aide

9 Teacher Aides Terry Fitzsimmons Reading 9.30-10.00 (whole school) Learning Support Trained Jan Hartley Mathematics (Remedial & Extension) 12.45-1.15

10 Sports Training Term 1 – Softball Term 2 – Netball, Soccer Term 3 – Touch Football Term 4 - European Handball, Cricket, Volleyball and Swim School Athletics – Compulsory Training -

11  Homework (communication)  Use of Student Diaries  Our Wiki  Help with Assignments etc  Rewards each term  Behaviour expectations (contact)  Uniforms (please help!)

12 Year 7 Access to Internet Email access (hotmail) USB memory sticks WORD program at home Save in 3 places and how… They need to be prepared – calculator, Kent sets etc

13 Camps/Excursions & Special Events Year 7 Canberra Camp (Sis V, Sis A, BC & Mrs L) August 20th AIS CSIRO visits Mary Poppins Musical (yr7 back stage) Qld Museum Planetarium Surfing Buranga Camp Debating Team (early start 28 th Feb) Chess Club (when I stop spinning…)

14 Apply for Scholarships (April) Appointments for Interviews (best time 8am or Wed/Thurs) School Nurse in Term 3 for Year 7’s Any questions?

15 Thank you Please contact me for any other enquiries regarding your child PowerPoint available on Wiki



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