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Published byMiranda Allen Modified over 8 years ago
سر الميرون The Holy Sacrament of Chrismation
الأناجيل The Gospels - فلما اعتمد يسوع صعد للوقت من الماء و اذا السماوات قد انفتحت له فراى روح الله نازلا مثل حمامة و اتيا عليه. و صوت من السماوات قائلا هذا هو ابني الحبيب الذي به سررت. (مت 3: 16 - 17) When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice [came] from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (Mat 3: 16 - 17)
الأناجيل The Gospels اجاب يوحنا الجميع قائلا انا اعمدكم بماء و لكن ياتي من هو اقوى مني الذي لست اهلا ان احل سيور حذائه هو سيعمدكم بالروح القدس و نار. الذي رفشه في يده و سينقي بيدره و يجمع القمح الى مخزنه و اما التبن فيحرقه بنار لا تطفا. (لو 3: 16 - 17) John answered, saying to all, "I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. "His winnowing fan [is] in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire". (Luk 3: 16 - 17)
الأناجيل The Gospels و ليس احد يجعل خمرا جديدة في زقاق عتيقة لئلا تشق الخمر الجديدة الزقاق فهي تهرق و الزقاق تتلف. بل يجعلون خمرا جديدة في زقاق جديدة فتحفظ جميعا. (لو 5: 37 - 38) "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. "But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. (Luk 5: 37 - 38)
الأناجيل The Gospels فيؤول ذلك لكم شهادة. (لو 21: 13) But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. (Luk 21: 13)
الأناجيل The Gospels و متى جاء المعزي الذي سارسله انا اليكم من الاب روح الحق الذي من عند الاب ينبثق فهو يشهد لي. (يو 15: 26) But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. (Joh 15: 26)
الأناجيل The Gospels لكني اقول لكم الحق انه خير لكم ان انطلق لانه ان لم انطلق لا ياتيكم المعزي و لكن ان ذهبت ارسله اليكم. و متى جاء ذاك يبكت العالم على خطية و على بر و على دينونة. "Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. "And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment
الأناجيل The Gospels اما على خطية فلانهم لا يؤمنون بي. و اما على بر فلاني ذاهب الى ابي و لا ترونني ايضا. (يو 16: 7 - 10) "of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more (Joh 16: 7 - 10)
الأناجيل The Gospels ان لي امورا كثيرة ايضا لاقول لكم و لكن لا تستطيعون ان تحتملوا الان. و اما متى جاء ذاك روح الحق فهو يرشدكم الى جميع الحق لانه لا يتكلم من نفسه بل كل ما يسمع يتكلم به و يخبركم بامور اتية. "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear [them] now. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own [authority,] but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
الأناجيل The Gospels ذاك يمجدني لانه ياخذ مما لي و يخبركم. (يو 16: 12 - 14) "He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare [it] to you. (Joh 16: 12 - 14)
النار The Fire النار The Fire الماء الحي The Living Water الماء الحي The Living Water الريح The Wind الريح The Wind الزيت The Oil الزيت The Oil الحمامة The Dove الحمامة The Dove
سفر الأعمال The Book of Acts و لما سمع الرسل الذين في اورشليم ان السامرة قد قبلت كلمة الله ارسلوا اليهم بطرس و يوحنا. اللذين لما نزلا صليا لاجلهم لكي يقبلوا الروح القدس. Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
سفر الأعمال The Book of Acts لانه لم يكن قد حل بعد على احد منهم غير انهم كانوا معتمدين باسم الرب يسوع. حينئذ وضعا الايادي عليهم فقبلوا الروح القدس. (اع 8: 14 - 17) For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit..(Acts 8: 14 - 17)
سفر الأعمال The Book of Acts فاندهش المؤمنون الذين من اهل الختان كل من جاء مع بطرس لان موهبة الروح القدس قد انسكبت على الامم ايضا. لانهم كانوا يسمعونهم يتكلمون بالسنة و يعظمون الله حينئذ اجاب بطرس. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered
سفر الأعمال The Book of Acts اترى يستطيع احد ان يمنع الماء حتى لا يعتمد هؤلاء الذين قبلوا الروح القدس كما نحن ايضا. و امر ان يعتمدوا باسم الرب حينئذ سالوه ان يمكث اياما.(اع 10: 45- 48) "Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we [have?"]. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they asked him to stay a few days.(Acts 10: 45 - 48)
الرسائل The Epistles لانه اذ كان العالم في حكمة الله لم يعرف الله بالحكمة استحسن الله ان يخلص المؤمنين بجهالة الكرازة. لان اليهود يسالون اية و اليونانيين يطلبون حكمة. (1 كو 1: 21 – 22) For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom (1 Cor 1: 21 – 22) لانه اذ كان العالم في حكمة الله لم يعرف الله بالحكمة استحسن الله ان يخلص المؤمنين بجهالة الكرازة. لان اليهود يسالون اية و اليونانيين يطلبون حكمة. (1 كو 1: 21 – 22) For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom (1 Cor 1: 21 – 22)
الرسائل The Epistles لان به لنا كلينا قدوما في روح واحد الى الاب. فلستم اذا بعد غرباء و نزلا بل رعية مع القديسين و اهل بيت الله. مبنيين على اساس الرسل و الانبياء و يسوع المسيح نفسه حجر الزاوية. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner[stone,]. لان به لنا كلينا قدوما في روح واحد الى الاب. فلستم اذا بعد غرباء و نزلا بل رعية مع القديسين و اهل بيت الله. مبنيين على اساس الرسل و الانبياء و يسوع المسيح نفسه حجر الزاوية. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner[stone,].
الرسائل The Epistles الذي فيه كل البناء مركبا معا ينمو هيكلا مقدسا في الرب. الذي فيه انتم ايضا مبنيون معا مسكنا لله في الروح (اف 2: 18 – 22) in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord,in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (1 Eph 2: 18- 22) الذي فيه كل البناء مركبا معا ينمو هيكلا مقدسا في الرب. الذي فيه انتم ايضا مبنيون معا مسكنا لله في الروح (اف 2: 18 – 22) in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord,in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (1 Eph 2: 18- 22)
الرسائل The Epistles و اما انتم فلكم مسحة من القدوس و تعلمون كل شيء. (1 يو 2: 20) But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. (1 Joh 2: 20) و اما انتم فلكم مسحة من القدوس و تعلمون كل شيء. (1 يو 2: 20) But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. (1 Joh 2: 20)
الرسائل The Epistles و اما انتم فالمسحة التي اخذتموها منه ثابتة فيكم و لا حاجة بكم الى ان يعلمكم احد بل كما تعلمكم هذه المسحة عينها عن كل شيء و هي حق و ليست كذبا كما علمتكم تثبتون فيه. (1 يو 2: 27) But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.(1 Joh 2: 27) و اما انتم فالمسحة التي اخذتموها منه ثابتة فيكم و لا حاجة بكم الى ان يعلمكم احد بل كما تعلمكم هذه المسحة عينها عن كل شيء و هي حق و ليست كذبا كما علمتكم تثبتون فيه. (1 يو 2: 27) But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.(1 Joh 2: 27)
الختم The Seal الختم The Seal العربون The Guarantee العربون The Guarantee التثبيت The Confirmation التثبيت The Confirmation المسحة The Anointing المسحة The Anointing
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