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The Roman Republic. How did geography influence the rise of Roman civilization?

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Republic. How did geography influence the rise of Roman civilization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Republic

2 How did geography influence the rise of Roman civilization?

3 Italy was more fertile and less broken up than Greece. This made Italy an easier place to unify and to grow a large population.

4 How was the Roman Republic structured? Why do you think it was structured that way?

5 Divided up into patricians and plebeians. THE SENATE had most of the power. There was no single executive or king. The patricians did not trust each other.

6 What was the Cursus Honorum? Whose interest did it serve? Why do you think there was such a formalized structure?

7 The Cursus Honorum controlled the offices that a man could hold. Quaestors (judges), Aediles, Tribunes, Praetors (mayor), Consuls (joint executives), Censors (public morals and standards) Structured to control patrician ambition and limit plebeian power.

8 Who were the Plebians? What was their position like? Do you think they had legitimate grievances?

9 The working class. Squeezed by the patricians. Legitimate grievance? According to who?

10 What were the key factors that contributed to the growth of Rome?

11 Favorable geography. A powerful army made up of committed citizen-soldiers. A ruling class where ambition was harnessed to help the state. A policy of treating conquered lands justly. CITIZENSHIP OPEN TO NEWCOMERS!

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