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TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Bandwidth Management in DM816x Version 1.1.

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1 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Bandwidth Management in DM816x Version 1.1

2 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private DM8168 Interconnect Diagram USB0/1 Cortex-A8 64 DSP674+SS 128 HDVICP1 128 HD VPSS 128 SGX530 128 EMIF0 128 EMIF1 128 SATA GMAC0 PCIe Security SS 32 64 32 128 HDVICP1 SL2 128 HDVICP2 SL2 PCIe 64 GPMC HDVICP1 HST HDVICP2 HST DSP SDMA McASP2 L4Periph Fast 32 L3F(500MHz) L3M (250MHz) 128 SGX530 64 McBSP 32 OCM RAM1 Ducati 250MHz 64 32 DSP CFG 32 L3S (125MHz) L4 Periph Slow 32 HDMI 32 DMM T0T1 E R0R1 M0M1 MDMA 32 McASP1 32 McASP0 32 Ducati OCM RAM0 64 L4 Firewall 32 GMAC1 32 128 MMU Security SS 32 Instrumentation L3 Debug SS OCP-WP L4config HW Debug Sel VICP0/1/2SMSET IF Debug SS DAP EMIF0/1 Probe DBG Port EDMA 4 Channels R0W0R1W1R2W2 x2 32 R3W3 128 32 HDVICP3 M0M1 HDVICP0 SL2 128 HDVICP0 HST 32 USB 32 128 Firewall DMM Tiler0Port Connection DMM Tiler1Port Connection HDVICP2 EDMA

3 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Bandwidth Management Overview DM816x has Cortex-A8, HDVICPs, HDVPSS, EDMA, Ducati, DSP, USB, GMAC, SGX, etc as data traffic initiators. Above initiators transfer data to/from targets such as DDR memory, OCMC RAM, other processors memory & peripherals. Each initiator have programmable – pressure control for interconnect. – priority control for EMIF – This would enable each initiator to get latency and/or bandwidth they require.

4 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Pressure Control for Interconnect Data from initiators to targets goes through shared switches. When Multiple Initiators are going to single target through shared switch, there will be arbitration. “Pressure” determines which initiator’s request wins arbitration in interconnect switch – For same pressure round robin arbitration is performed. Interconnect supports 3 levels of pressure – 0x0 low pressure – 0x1 medium pressure – 0x3 high pressure – Note: 0x2 pressure value is illegal

5 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Pressure Control for Interconnect Pressure is controlled in 3 ways: 1. Static Pressure value specified in INIT_PRESSURE_0 & INIT_PRESSURE_1 registers for PCIe, Ducati, SATA, USB, GMAC, ARM, EDMA ( channels 2 & 3 only ) 2. Dynamic pressure values determined by Bandwidth Regulator – for HDVICP*, SGX, DSP, EDMA ( channels 0 & 1 only ) 3. Pressure value determined dynamically based on combination of HDVPSS internal FIFO levels and Static Pressure value specified in INIT_PRESSURE_0 for HDVPSS ( described in slide 16 )

6 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Static Interconnect Pressure Settings Registers to set Interconnect Pressure setting INIT_PRESSURE_0 & INIT_PRESSURE_1 in control module. Valid values for each initiator ( except HDVPSS ) are 0x0 ( low ), 0x1 ( medium), 0x3 (high) HDVPSS has 2 ports on interconnect and 1 bit per port in INIT_PRESSURE_0, valid values are 0x0, 0x1 ( see slide 16 for details ) INIT_PRESSURE_0 : 0x4814_0608 INIT_PRESSURE_1 : 0x4814_060C

7 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Bandwidth Regulator Bandwidth regulator increases pressure when the actual consumed bandwidth is lower than expected bandwidth and decreases the pressure once the expected bandwidth is reached. Mechanism A counter is incremented by number of bytes transferred ( read + write ) At each clock cycle, a quantity corresponding to expected bandwidth is subtracted from the counter. A Watermark value for the counter is programmed. When counter value is less than Watermark high pressure (as define by PressHigh) is applied for minimum latency, Else low pressure (as defined by PressLow) is applied. Watermark ( in Bytes ) time Pressure = PressLow Pressure = PressHigh Counter Value * Traffic pattern is for illustration only Transfers

8 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Configuring Bandwidth Regulator Bandwidth : 0x08 Watermark: 0x0C Press: 0x10 Required Bandwidth 15.625 Clear History : 0x014 Watermark in bytes should be less than 4096 Write 1 after updating bw regulator registers Press Low should be less than Press High, Value of “00”(low), “01”(medium), “11” (high )

9 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Bandwidth Regulator Base Address * When EDMA channel0 transaction is routed through MMU

10 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Example for DSP Bandwidth Regulator programming Intent - DSP accesses should have low latency & should not take excessive bandwidth Method – Highest Pressure for DSP accesses by default ( for low latency ) – Low Pressure if Bandwidth requirement goes above a limit – say 100 MB/s – Compute watermark over a short interval – say 200 cycles of 500 MHz Calculation – Bandwidth register => 100MB/s /15.625 = 6.4 => 7 – Watermark register => 100 MB/s * 200 cycles * 2 ns = 40 (0X28) – Pressure Register => { PressLow = 0x0,PressHigh = 0x3 } – Clear History by writing 0x1 to Clear history register after writing above 3 registers.

11 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Example for HDVICP Bandwidth Regulator programming Intent - HDVICP should have 1GB/s bandwidth & should not take excessive bandwidth Method – High Pressure for HDVICP accesses by default ( to ensure bandwidth) – Low Pressure if Bandwidth requirement goes above a limit – Compute watermark over approximately 1 MacroBlock interval ~1000 cycles of 500 MHz Calculation – Bandwidth register => 1000MB/s /15.625 = 64 ( 0x40 ) – Watermark register => 1000 MB/s * 1000 cycles * 2 ns = 2000 (0X7D0) – Pressure Register => { PresLow = 0x0,PressHigh = 0x1 } – Clear History by writing 0x1 to Clear history register after writing above 3 registers.

12 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Priority Control in EMIF Every initiator except HDVPSS there is a priority configuration in DMM PEG registers HDVPSS priority is programmed in VPDMA descriptor ( see slide 16 ) Priority is 3 bit field ( 0... 7 ), 0 is highest priority Priority determines prioritization of data transfers in EMIF

13 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private Configuring PEG the 3-bit priority coded on the 3 least significant bits (0 is the higher priority) A “W” field-specific active-high local write enable bit, always read as 0 The role of the W bit is to allow the modification of a single entry without requiring a read-modify-write sequence. PRIOx mapping is listed on next page

14 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private DMM PEG Registers

15 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private EMIF Priority setting through DMM example Set Ducati Priority of 0x1 Register DMM_PEG_PRIO1, Field PRIO14 ( Bits 27-24 ) would be used to change ducati priority DMM_PEG_PRIO1 address = 0x4E00_0624 Data to be written (0b1001) << 24 = 0x0900_0000 Once Data is written, Field PRIO14 (Bits 27-24 ) would reflect value as 0b0001 Note: DMM_PEG_PRIOx registers doesn’t need read-modify-write sequence

16 TI proprietary Information Strictly Private HDVPSS pressure & priority settings HDVPSS HDVPSS VPDMA Descriptor 012 MReqPriority[0]MReqPriority[1]MReqPriority[2] HDVPSS Pressure Generation Pressure[0]Pressure[1] INIT_PRESSURE_0 Tie 0 Priority bits Used in EMIF arbitrationPressure bits Used in Interconnect arbitration

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