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Vaccination POD Just-in-Time Training. Explain how to log in/out of the system being used to collect the data. Show them what data needs to be inputted.

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Presentation on theme: "Vaccination POD Just-in-Time Training. Explain how to log in/out of the system being used to collect the data. Show them what data needs to be inputted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaccination POD Just-in-Time Training

2 Explain how to log in/out of the system being used to collect the data. Show them what data needs to be inputted and where to input. Tell them to keep a tally of how many forms they input into the system and mark the forms as complete once entered.

3 Count the total number of doses administered at the POD by keeping a tally from completed consent forms of those who received the vaccine. Always maintain a current tally for the POD Supervisor for their hourly reports. Complete the final tally at the end of the POD and give it to the POD Supervisor.

4 Tell them to assist clients that have language, speech, or hearing difficulties as needed. Explain they may have to translate disease and drug fact sheets. Instruct them on where to find forms written in different languages on line at the CDC site. Depending on how many Translators/Interpreters are available, spread them out to work in different stations throughout the POD such as After Care, Registration, and Line Staff until needed. Ensure the Translator/Interpreter is easily identified by a arm band, vest, cap or other method.

5 Go over different forms used at a POD so they can answer any questions that people may have as they are leaving. Show where forms can be found in different languages. Show where other resources can be found about the disease and vaccine.

6 Make sure questions are answered as clients leave the POD. Make sure everyone leaving the POD has the hotline number for follow up questions. Ensure everyone has received a Vaccination Information Statement (VIS) sheet. Instruct people inquiring about vaccine for their pets to talk to their veterinarian. The vaccine is for people only.

7 People inquiring about vaccinations for their pets should be instructed the vaccine is only for people and they need to talk to their vet. Ensure people exit the facility once they have received their vaccination and their questions have been answered to prevent bottlenecks.

8 At this time, read and understand your duties and responsibilities as discussed in your assigned job action sheet. Please hold your questions until everyone in our group is ready to participate and listen.

9 Questions???

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