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MICE Wrap-up Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Collaboration Meeting 18—RAL June 16, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE Wrap-up Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Collaboration Meeting 18—RAL June 16, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE Wrap-up Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Collaboration Meeting 18—RAL June 16, 2007

2 Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman2 Outline Introduction Meeting Goals Installation Meeting Items from Technical Board Beam Line Issues Cooling Channel Issues Detector Issues Simulation Issues Controls/DAQ Issues Commissioning Issues Uncertainties Final Remarks

3 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman3 Introduction (1) Progress continues —spectrometer solenoid fabrication well under way o first magnet delayed, hopefully by December 2007 —RF power source refurbishment moving forward at Daresbury o first 300 kW amplifier completed in June —H 2 R&D system tender completed —Phase II MICE proposal was funded for year 1 Center, E1, M1 windings complete Cryomech compressor at vendor

4 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman4 Introduction (2) —ICST magnet review went very well o proceeding to development of MOU as quickly as practical

5 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman5 Introduction (3) Strong team available to work on CC

6 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman6 Introduction (4) —making some progress on understanding beam line o review planned later this summer —G4BL low emittance cases are helped by thinner diffuser 10 mrad case 30 mrad case y y x x

7 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman7 Introduction (5) —G4BL low emittance cases are helped by thinner diffuser o get better matching for thicker diffuser Diffuser thickness (mm) Emittance (mm) ΔBeta (mm) Diffuser thickness (mm)

8 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman8 Introduction (6) Plans for upcoming MICE meetings —October 7-10, 2007 at RAL —in future, plan two meetings per year at RAL, one elsewhere o tentatively, February 2008 (RAL) and June 2008 (RAL/UK) —considering meeting at Harbin in October 2008 Got favorable comments from Marx HEPAP subpanel “We support the MICE project as a critical feasibility demonstration for muon storage rings and colliders.” “...we are concerned that the support for muon cooling is below what is needed to sustain momentum in this program.” DOE working to translate this recommendation into action —hoping for more US funds in FY08 o maybe in FY07 too

9 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman9 Introduction (7) Reached important milestone —all items beyond crane coverage have been installed o should facilitate parallel installation activity from now on

10 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman10 Goals for Meeting (1) General —issues o Phase 1 preparations: getting the hardware built, installed and running o organizing the collaboration for running the experiment –shift leaders, system “experts”, operations manuals Beam line —issues o components –status of PSI solenoid and refrigerator; fabrication of required components (magnets, stands) o optics design (some progress) –resolve Turtle vs. G4BL discrepancy –complete for all needed emittance/momentum values; define tuning/correction schemes, incl. collimators and control algorithms –need review before starting commissioning (plans under way)

11 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman11 Goals for Meeting (2) Installation plans —issue o get needed components built and installed in time –assess where we are Analysis —issue o complete initial run plan (very important!) –prepare MICE note on this –must include both beam line and detectors o identify required commissioning tools (software, hardware) Detectors —issue o how do we get SW calorimeter built?

12 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman12 Goals for Meeting (3) LH 2 R&D and infrastructure —issues o get the R&D under way! –aim for running full system by December 2007 RF power —status at Daresbury? —status at CERN? RF cavity R&D —status of current progress and plans Phase II —re-baseline cost estimate and schedule

13 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman13 Installation Meeting (1) Well-attended installation meeting on Tuesday, June 12 —organized by Drumm; plenty of good discussions Key issues raised —leak in PSI solenoid He system o must remove cold mass to fix  many month delay in planned startup –exploring what we can do without solenoid to avoid too much slippage  need to balance progress now against more progress later –present schedule to install in period from 12/17/07-1/20/08 —magnet installation ongoing (D2 this week) o rush to install quads should not compromise measurement of at least one o during startup, may install during day, commission in evening o this work has not progressed as fast as hoped –space limitations, access to heavy gang List of actions posted (technical groups must maintain!) —

14 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman14 Installation Meeting (2) Selected action items —integrate target controls with DAQ, controls, and ISIS —review target installation plans with ISIS o when? if? —get cabling requirements to Ian Mullacrane (Daresbury) o finalize lengths of TOF cables —need footprints for all beam line diagnostics —magnetic measurements plan for beam line magnets —finalize delivery and assembly details for CKOV —evaluate confined-space implications of TOF0/CKOV area —decide on rigging needs for spectrometer solenoid (Nelson/Virostek) o are slings sufficient or is spreader beam required? —power needs must be reconciled o hall has 50 Hz, not 60 Hz and only 440 V 3 , not 208 or 220 V 3 

15 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman15 Items from Technical Board (1) PSI solenoid repair —working on plan to repair for installation during Christmas shutdown o getting information from PSI and assistance from Walter Gloor –cannot fully assess repair potential until cold mass removed —will evaluate possibilities for initial running without solenoid to calibrate detectors and “get the show on the road” o either with or without D2 in place –assess implications of using D2 (Nelson/MZ) –assess rates (Roberts) –assess safety issues (Long/Blondel) Beam line —review needed o consensus that proposed July date should be moved later (August?) —need for collimators and correctors reiterated o not included in original scope

16 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman16 Items from Technical Board (2) Tracker fiber lengths —agreed to plan proposed by tracker group o overall lengths fixed at 4 m total o a glitch in lengths ordered uncovered, but appears to be recoverable Cryocooler compressors —presently shown location probably too close to spectrometer solenoid o need to reassess (Virostek/Jones)

17 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman17 Beam Line Issues Define tolerances (alignment, field strength, field quality) for all elements —optics and engineering work both remain behind schedule Magnetic measurements needed for quads, bends —should verify at least one device of each type Continued need for “heavy gang” —remains critical-path item Investigate possibility for BBA with baseline optics —scale required is ~1 mm Find out whether present target is acceptable ISIS —for how many pulses? —does rotating target 90° help o lower Z?

18 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman18 Cooling Channel Issues (1) Magnets —develop operational procedures for all devices o spectrometer solenoids, focus coils, coupling coils —need final plan for magnetic mapping with field sensors o some sensors will need to be inside magnet aperture; some outside –recommend that field measurements be available  should not rely solely on current readout o need to define readout interface –presently use Windows, may need VxWorks for EPICS  get help from Daresbury software group? o need fiducialization for alignment purposes o mapping must go from spectrometer to detectors –need an “extra” downstream shield set for accurate measurements —FC schedule looks late; can we do better?

19 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman19 Cooling Channel Issues (2) Absorbers —design work almost done at KEK o need funding to provide the actual components (~$65K ea.) RF —define method to measure voltage at 1% level o may require beam-based measurements to achieve this —send representative of RAL/DL to CERN to observe power source refurbishing o planned within next month —understand recent Cu-TiN button tests —do we need NEG pumps for MICE? —can we run CC and Lab G magnets together at MTA? o Green to evaluate force limitations

20 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman20 Cooling Channel Issues (3) H 2 R&D system —have responsive tender from qualified company o expect delivery in 3 months, operation in 6 months —some changes made in “plumbing” as a result of HAZOP o added some one-way valves in a few locations to prevent back pressure and backflow situations —now plan to buy a cryocooler o but not the one we plan to use in MICE Miscellaneous —diffuser mechanism must be well aligned to operate properly o operate locally after each restart —need adjustment capability for “cage” (mm scale tolerance) —still need owners for several items o radiation shield, tracker He windows, TOF cage

21 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman21 Detector Issues (1) Understand 201 MHz RF backgrounds —MTA tests with Coupling Coil will tell us which regime we’ll be in o present indications are that we’ll be okay at 8 MV Decision on “GG cage” now made for TOF1 —Oxford and Fermilab will deal with design and fabrication o thanks to all concerned —need decision on TOF2 shielding ASAP o global or individual tubes SW calorimeter work moving slowly forward —with enough “good will” it will happen CKOV —need to identify (reasonably clean) assembly location at RAL o access is a concern (TOF also); can shield block be smaller? —stand is designed (need mm-scale alignment)

22 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman22 Detector Issues (2) Tracker —assembly proceeding apace o glitch in fiber dimensions likely is recoverable —need to push on electronics, trigger, and DAQ Spectrometer solenoid schedule has slipped —winding at vendor much slower than anticipated o decision made to delay delivery rather than compromise the quality —anticipate first magnet ready to measure at Fermilab January 2008 o ship to RAL mid-March 2008 –second one 3 months later —verify that quench forces on end plate have been accounted for —need to fiducialize magnets for alignment purposes o NIKEF should send someone to FNAL for initial measurements –delayed until January 2008 o must test radiation tolerance of sensors at MTA

23 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman23 Detector Issues (3) TOFs —need means to align in situ o ±1 mm tolerance KL —good progress o expected at RAL in October SW calorimeter —Trieste/Rome/Fermilab/Geneva group (Pietro Chimenti) has taken on o needed for Step 3 –should review cost and schedule when ready –cost estimate appears low and INFN cannot cover it  expect total of ~200 k€ o plan is for two prototypes (1 layer full size; 4 layers to scale) Check quench forces for ALL systems

24 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman24 Detector Issues (4) General —check quench forces for ALL systems —need justification for requests for shorter cable lengths o cost-benefit vs. drilling more holes in shielding blocks

25 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman25 Simulation/Analysis Issues (1) Need to decide how to set matching coils for Step 2 —are default settings okay or do they need adjusting to optimize downstream detector performance Need for “pencil beam” —does this need to be done with collimators or can it be done in software via fiber optics beam profile monitors o is “off-line” pencil beam sufficient? Need to learn how to correlate particles with RF phase —could we use ISIS RF signal to develop/validate approach? Good progress on including TOF into G4MICE and reconstruction software (Yordan Karadhzov)

26 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman26 Simulation/Analysis Issues (2) Need software expert for each detector system —histograms not expected to appear miraculously —update requirements for people and computing resources Need RAL computing resources, e.g. recognize MICE VO Need both on-line monitoring and on-line reconstruction —two separate tasks Should we do a “blind” analysis?

27 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman27 Controls/DAQ Issues Data acquisition plan is coming together nicely —need written specifications, even if decided unilaterally o prepare for DAQ review this summer –do we need to demonstrate software is “professor-proof?” Target software needs to be integrated into both ISIS and MICE systems

28 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman28 Commissioning Issues Common funds will be due at RAL in October, 2007 Please explore visa and housing issues as long-term visits become more commonplace —contact is Susan Ketels ( Recall that WE are responsible for training our people —and being able to verify that they are trained —see to get started Reminder —it’s the simple things that cause the most headaches o metric vs. English hardware, cable connectors, AC power o assumptions are at the root of most foul-ups –when in doubt, ask!

29 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman29 Uncertainties Can we get funds for Ishimoto’s absorber work? —Japan group has major proposal in that would cover this Do we have the “person-power” to cover experimental shifts? —and analyze the data in a timely way (“exploitation” phase) Sadly, we were notified of Paul Drumm’s decision to relinquish his roles in MICE as of the end of September —this is a personal loss for all of us, and a setback for the experiment —our progress to date comes in no small part from Paul’s dedication and skill in serving as Technical Coordinator o we will greatly miss him and wish him well in the future –he is certainly welcome at any time to rejoin the MICE collaboration in any role he might wish to undertake

30 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman30 Final Remarks MICE management remains grateful for the hard work of the collaboration We continue to make progress —the rush to get everything built and installed continues o we have had a few setbacks and must recover as gracefully as possible Suggest consideration of modified CM format —fewer talks, more discussion time o understanding details is becoming more important Be vigilant about opportunities to publicize MICE Now 107 days to target date for Step 1

31 June 16, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman31 Kudos Thanks to Marco Apollonio and John Cobb (CM18 organizers) —very well organized meeting in all aspects See you at RAL...again

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