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Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness. People waste food everyday in the lunchroom, restaurants, and even at home. We are only 6% of the world’s population, yet.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness. People waste food everyday in the lunchroom, restaurants, and even at home. We are only 6% of the world’s population, yet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness

2 People waste food everyday in the lunchroom, restaurants, and even at home. We are only 6% of the world’s population, yet we consume 40% of the world’s resources This is more than what we need, especially when we have people who are poor and hungry.

3 Food is one of the largest expenditures in an individual’s spending plan. Majority of high school students are unaware of the amount of money spent on groceries on a weekly basis. Many individuals both young and old, lack the skills needed to stock a kitchen with economic food items which can be effectively used to create several meals.

4 Determining the amount one can spend on groceries depends on the factors relating to income and overall expenses. Once a budget is set, the task of staying within a specific dollar amount becomes the goal, and the creation of meals for a period of time becomes the challenge

5 People become rushed in daily events and choose to find simpler ways to complete the tasks. Meal preparation and management are one of the daily tasks that people tend to try to make simpler Convenience foods are a popular way to shorten food tasks. However, in exchange for time or convenience, consumers may be sacrificing cost, quality and taste.

6 There are three types of convenience foods Semi-Convenient (you only have to add a few items to it) Convenient (you don’t have to add anything, you just slice and bake) Ready-To-Eat (previously prepared and require no action on the part of the consumer)

7 You will compare 3 types of cookies: Semi-Convenient, Convenient, Ready-To-Eat On a your worksheet (to be turned in for a grade) you are to do the following: Describe the taste, look, and consistency of each cookie Cost analysis of each preparation type (Will be explained by Mrs. Scherr) Which cookie in your opinion was the best?

8 Write the answers to these questions on your worksheet now. When would purchasing an item of convenience be beneficial? When would making an item from scratch be beneficial? How hard was it to determine, by sight, which preparation method was used? Explain. How hard was it to determine, by taste, which preparation method was used? Explain.

9 When choosing the type of product, the brand must be taken into consideration Three brands exist: Generic, Store Brand, and Name Brand. Generic contains black and white advertising and are cheaper because they are not advertised. Store Brand are produced and marketed by the store. They are usually cheaper than name brand and of similar quality. Name Brand are mass produced, marketed and distributed nationwide. They are usually more expensive than the other two and are advertised on t.v. regularly.

10 Try each type of tortilla chip Describe the taste of the first chip buttery, salty, weak, crunchy, stale, etc. Describe the taste of the second chip This is to be written down on paper Submit your answer for which is the brand name and which is the store brand.

11 1. Clean out the fridge before shopping and do a basic inventory of existing food. 2. Make meal plans and a grocery list based on the plans 3. Create a grocery master list. The list should contain food items commonly purchased and should be arranged in a format. (Sections in the grocery store, types of food, etc.) 4. Remember to stay disciplined and follow the list and do not impulse shop. Remember: Do not go to the grocery store hungry!

12 5. Only use coupons for normally purchased items Don’t buy it just because you have a coupon for it. 6. Check comparable brands to make sure you get the best buy. 7. Buy meat in family packages and freeze in smaller “meal” size packages. 8. Avoid trips to the corner store. 9. Due to volume discounts, larger stores are generally cheaper than smaller ones. Costco or Sam’s Club for bulk items.

13 10. Produce, bakery, and meat departments are great resources. Sometimes you can catch specials on day old items 11. Look at higher and lower shelf items for bargains. Most expensive brands are always eye level. 12. Buy in season fresh fruits and vegetables. They will be less expensive and are better quality. 13. Check store entrances, newspaper, and flyers for coupons.

14 14. Department stores like Wal-Mart and Target may be cheaper for paper products, laundry detergent, and soft drinks. Compare! 15. Do one bulk-shopping trip for a month for staple foods. 16. Stock up on sale products on the list (canned fruit, veggies, frozen juice, and pasta products)

15 Create a list of all meals you enjoy, know how to prepare or would like to know how to prepare. Check your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry to find out what items you have. Plan meals for one or more weeks at a time. Use a meal planning calendar if desired and incorporate MyPlate. Use the information from your meal plan and inventory to create a list of items needed from the store. Clip coupons for any needed items on your list. Buy produce in season or frozen if cheaper.

16 MAY Peaches, Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Plums, Beets, Turnips, Squash, Cucumbers,Cabbage,Carrots,Baby Arugula, Lettuce Greens, Sweet Corn,Green Beans, SpecialtyPotatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Radishes, Leeks, Fennel, Cilantro, Parsley, Culinary Herbs, Tomatoes

17 Each group will draw a budget slip from the bowl. As a group you will plan and budget healthy meals for 5 days that does not exceed your weekly budget. Must incorporate breakfast, lunch, one snack, and dinner. You may repeat meals at a maximum of 3 times for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. You may repeat dinner a maximum of 2 times. Use the HEB store circular/website or Once meals are planned, create a grocery list on the back of your meal planner.

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