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Mexican Wine Council A.C. (CMV) In 1948, in view of the growing importance Wine Industry was making at the time, motivated by the need for a body to represent.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Wine Council A.C. (CMV) In 1948, in view of the growing importance Wine Industry was making at the time, motivated by the need for a body to represent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Wine Council A.C. (CMV) In 1948, in view of the growing importance Wine Industry was making at the time, motivated by the need for a body to represent their interests at local, national and international public and private institutions, the National Association of Winegrowers AC is created (Currently, Mexican Wine Council, AC). The CMV grouping of producers of different vocations grape wine, brandy, table grapes, raisins and grape juice, and companies engaged in the production of derivatives.

2 National Wine Standards There are 2 kind of standards in our National Regulation: National Standards and Metrology Act Voluntary Standards Mandatory Regulations

3 MANDATORY (NOM)VOLUNTARY (NMX) Decreted by the StateCan be done by privates Mandatory for all products intended to be sold in National Territory Voluntarily adopted Intended to protect: Humand, Animal and Animal Health Environment Consumers right to know (labelling) Elabortated for: Improve quality Desing any process or procedure Testing Methods

4 NOM 142 SCFI-SSA 2014 Official Standard NOM-142-SSA1 / SCFI-2014, Alcoholic beverages. Sanitary specifications. Health and commercial labelling ". This Rule shall enter into force 120 calendar days after this publication (July 21, 2015), Whereas: - Chapter 9 and its sub-items will take effect 365 calendar days after publication of this standard in the Official Journal (March 22, 2016). - Derived from this, its entry into force shall apply to all products produced, manufactured, imported and distributed after that date, so you should plan the printing program in accordance with its production. - The provisions of paragraph 3.6 of the standard will take effect 150 calendar days after publication in the Official Gazette (August 20, 2015).

5 NOM 142 SCFI-SSA 2014 Sanitary Considerations for fermented beverages Additives: Additives can be added considering the amounts and limits stablish on the National Additives Agreement.

6 NOM 142 SCFI-SSA 2014 Considerations Labelling Considerations for Fermented beverages Main area (front labell) The name or generic name of the product Alcohol content (Tolerance – 0.8%) Trademark Net Content The rest of the information referred this Statement may be incorporated into any other part of the package: Name, corporate name and legal address. In the case of imported products: name, corporate name and legal address of the importer. This information can be incorporated into the product in the national territory, before marketing. Country of origin Identification of Lot. Sulfites WARNINGS PICTOGRAMS

7 NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAMS SURVEILLANCE SANITARY Health Ministry LABELLING Federal Consumer Protection Agency TAX Tax Administration Service AGENCYSPECIFIC ASPECTSGENERAL ASPECTS Health Ministry  Sanitary Labelling  Diferente Goals and diferente atributions.  Facilities  Imported products  Random Surveillance Programs Consumer Protection Agency  Consumer Information  Market Surveillance  Each Agency has it´s own laboratory  Monthly Gazzete  Product Inmovilization  Lack of laboratory capacities (few labs) Tax Administration Service  Focused on Alc Vol Content  Entering point Surveillance  Available laboratories are more intended to be use for destilled spirits (Tequila, Mezcal)  Unable to remove from shelf  More focused on the Tax Stamp

8 Acredited Infraestructure.. StandardDescription Testing Lab Verification Units NOM-142-SSA1-1995Alcoholic beverages. Sanitary specifications. Health and Comercial labelling 556 NMX-V-006-NORMEX-2013 Alcoholic beverages - Determination of sugars, direct and total reducing sugars - Test methods ( test)7 NMX-V-013-NORMEX-2013 Alcoholic beverages - Determination of alcohol content ( percent alcohol by volume at 20 ° C ( Vol % Alc.) -. Test methods ( test)14 NMX-V-015-NORMEX-2013 Alcoholic beverages - determination of total acidity, volatile acidity and fixed acidity - Test methods ( test)3 NMX-V-050-NORMEX-2010 Alcoholic beverages - determination of metals such as copper (Cu ), lead ( Pb ), arsenic (As), zinc (Zn ), iron ( Fe), calcium ( Ca ), mercury (Hg ), cadmium (Cd ), by atomic absorption - test methods ( test)2 STANDARDS WITH NO ACREDITED CONFORMITITY ASESSMENT BODIES StandardDescription NMX-V-025-NORMEX-2010 Alcoholic beverages - Determination of the added of other alcohols or sugars from cane, wheat or corn to beverages obteined from grape, pear o apple through the isotopic relation of carbon 13 / determination of the origin of the CO2 on alcoholic sparkling beverages throug the isotopic relation of carbon 13, determination of the water adition to wines throug the isotopic relation of oxigen 18 by mass espectrometry. - Test methods ( test) NMX-V-030-NORMEX-2005 Alcoholic beverages. Fortified wine - specifications NMX-V-047-NORMEX-2009 Alcoholic beverages. Sparkling wine, Gassed wine - specifications


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